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Fallen King

Fallen King
Arthas' story was one of the saddest in Warcraft.
But what if his story continued after Wrath of the Lich King?

Fallen King is russian campaign made by Alvilos. This campaign continues Arthas story after the events of Wrath of the Lich King. Jaina, in memory of her former love, convinced Tirion Fordring to cleanse Arthas of the influence of darkness.

But not everyone agreed with this state of affairs. Many seek revenge for Arthas atrocities!

Features of campaign

- Interesting plot
- Custom abilities of the hero
- New types of units
- New music score
- 12 chapters
- Challenging missions
Recommend play on 1.26 version!


Map Uploaded.


[Meur] Trigger help
[Russel brower] Invincible
[Blizzard Entertaiment] Arthas, Ner'zhul model and spider model
Translated made Lord Nefarian! Author of campaign Alvilos! Permission in screenshot. Campaign originally posted here: Падший король скачать - Campaign


Fallen King (Campaign)

The Scarlet Crusade has conquered the world so that it has sufficient resources and means to reach Theramore instead of fighting the Forsaken. Spammy message when trying to go on the bridge although enemy units attack allied ones there and they should...
Level 3
Oct 17, 2019
Nice campaign! It's always fun to control a powerful hero, but i dislike those light elementals with 20 000health, takes a lot of time to kill those guys. Otherwise really nice campaign for me:)

Any suggestions on the best strategy to kill them? They alone wipe out my entire army
Level 14
Nov 17, 2020
Any suggestions on the best strategy to kill them? They alone wipe out my entire army
The nerubian king has a passive that regenerates mana very quickly, so use his ultimate on the light Warriors, use arthas and plague abomination to tank the initial damage, also if you want you can spam cripple to weakening them and also spam arthas abilities, it will take time but i won doing this
Level 3
Oct 17, 2019
The nerubian king has a passive that regenerates mana very quickly, so use his ultimate on the light Warriors, use arthas and plague abomination to tank the initial damage, also if you want you can spam cripple to weakening them and also spam arthas abilities, it will take time but i won doing this
There is only one problem... nerubian king's 2nd spell and ultimate are not working, they don't do shit... any other suggestions? I use Arthas alone to distract the reinforcements and take them alone, I have an army of Arthas, nerubian king, 4 plagued abominations, 4 crypt fiends, 2 banshees, 8 necromancers and 4 meat wagons and 1 obsidian statue... I can kill first, but not a chance against 2nd and 3rd
Level 14
Nov 17, 2020
There is only one problem... nerubian king's 2nd spell and ultimate are not working, they don't do shit... any other suggestions? I use Arthas alone to distract the reinforcements and take them alone, I have an army of Arthas, nerubian king, 4 plagued abominations, 4 crypt fiends, 2 banshees, 8 necromancers and 4 meat wagons and 1 obsidian statue... I can kill first, but not a chance against 2nd and 3rd
the meat wagons are pretty useless to me in that mission, also its strange that the spells don't do shit, i mean, no damage at all? the ulti of the nerubian king should accumulate damage over time, in like 20-25 seconds should drain 4000 hit points from a light warrior, anyway another strategy is just spam cripple and damage them with abominations and arthas.
Level 3
Oct 17, 2019
the meat wagons are pretty useless to me in that mission, also its strange that the spells don't do shit, i mean, no damage at all? the ulti of the nerubian king should accumulate damage over time, in like 20-25 seconds should drain 4000 hit points from a light warrior, anyway another strategy is just spam cripple and damage them with abominations and arthas.
It must be a bug, since im playing 1.31. version... they literally do 0 damage, and i get the meat wagons and combine them with necromancers for autocasted summoning skeletons... his 2nd spell does 0 damage either, so I have only summon skitter spell and 400hp damage and stun spell... I managed to beat that final mission, I recommend activating bloodlust on plagued abominations and giving them unholy frenzy from necromancers, as well as arthas and nerubian king
Level 1
Jan 30, 2021
Great translation of the story, I wish you good luck below.
- I would just like to point out that I had to change some scripts in WorldEditor due to omissions in the translation of some small ones when it comes to "Chapter 8 - Emissary of Shadows"
- Great title, Arthas is made and better than I expected! Good luck below and I hope there will be better stories soon!
Level 14
Nov 17, 2020
It must be a bug, since im playing 1.31. version... they literally do 0 damage, and i get the meat wagons and combine them with necromancers for autocasted summoning skeletons... his 2nd spell does 0 damage either, so I have only summon skitter spell and 400hp damage and stun spell... I managed to beat that final mission, I recommend activating bloodlust on plagued abominations and giving them unholy frenzy from necromancers, as well as arthas and nerubian king
Well at this point... "whosyourdaddy" xD
Level 2
Jul 11, 2017
Just Finished it, this is a very solid campaign. The maps for the most part were very fun. The story was also compelling and sound, except for the ending. The story takes a HUGE dip at the end, felt like all of the trouble we went through during the campaign amounted to nothing in the end, lol. Also the Light Knights in the final chapter should be toned down a little bit, they are challenging in a very annoying way, not a fun way. Lastly, what on earth was the creator thinking when making the last boss fight? The fact that no runes of mana spawn at all, is incredibly frustrating and unfair. 99% of people will give up on the last boss fight and cheat to beat it. Overall, I loved this campaign. 4.5/5
Level 1
Oct 15, 2018
He didn't let me play chapter 8 either, until I deleted the save of the campaign and went directly to chapter 8 in "custom campaign", then i can play I don't know why. At least that worked for me i use the 1.27.
I hope I have been able to explain I do not speak English and use the google translator.
Level 2
Jun 14, 2020
I am using 1.30, I finished the first chapter, but no hero in the second chapter. I finished the second chapter with the soldiers and it continues to chapter 3. But there is also no hero in the chapter 3 and I cannot move on.



Level 9
Jul 17, 2022
Rather simple campaign, maps range from small to average in size. The story isn't really bad, but the plot twist at the end simply doesn't make sense. Difficulty is represented through hordes of enemies and immensly inflated hp pools of bosses and mini-bosses, which might be fun at the start, but gets boring and tedious pretty soon. And there's only 4 non-consumable items, one of which is a sphere from tomb of relics and another one is acquired before fighting the final bosses. Like, come on, there's even a murloc trader in chapter 3, but not even a single goblin merchant in the entire campaign? Music is replaced with 2 cutsom tracks (well, 3 actually, but the third one is for the final boss only), and although they are fine on their own, I got rather bored listening to them by the end of the campaign. Also, "replaced" isn't exactly a fitting word. Sometimes custom tracks come one after another as they should, and sometimes original soundtrack starts playing, only to stop abruptly and start the custom one, and that causes heavy lag. And these lags are very annoying. Also, cutscenes are unskippable. Overall, it was entertaining at the beginning and got tediously boring by the end. And it's especially frustrating, because the Lich King here has the coolest model I've seen so far. Describing it with just 2 words - "Wasted potential".

And a few thoughts about every chapter.
Chapter 1
Why does Jaina destroy the bridge using blizzard and not just put the barrier like Arthas did?
Exploding ghoul was hilarious, but the very reason for burning the bodies is that they can't be resurrected as undead.
Chapter 2
Weird how nerubian mines are able to instantly kill every soldier, but leave not even a scratch on Arthas.
First Scarlet Crusade base is missing a wall at the south, looks silly.
Chapter 3
The hardest part is keeping units at proper positions and not letting them run away to the water, resulting in no regen from blighted land and simply getting outnumbered. Cramped space really plays crucial part here.
Chapter 4
From this chapter forth (except Ch7 and Ch8) the difficulty is represented by excessive numbers of enemy units thrown at you, and unfortunately not in a fun way. Killing hundreds of enemies seemed interesting at first, but got quite monotonous and boring rather soon.
Chapter 5
Weird how Anub'radin pleged loyalty to Arthas, reasoning it by the fact that Anub'arak supposedly served Arthas. Scourge in general and Anub'arak in particular served Lich King, that is Ner'zhul, and not Arthas. Arthas, even though the chosen champion of Ner'zhul, was still just a servant to him, not a master. But I guess this is just author's interpretation of lore, so whatever.
Chapter 6
This chapter is virtually the peak example of "difficulty represented by excessive numbers of enemy units thrown at you". There were SO MANY murlocs it's a wonder they didn't conquer whole Northrend yet. Naturally, fighting through these endless hordes was borningly monotonous.
Chapter 7
Completing the secondary quest is pretty much pointless, each shadow circle still deals 1k damage, which is enough to kill everyone except Arthas and plagued abominations. And the circles can overlap, with just 2 being enough to kill literally anything.
Chapter 8
Anub'radin has absolutely useless third skill. Skitter is weaker than lvl 3 water elemental, yet it exits only 30 secs, requires 15 kills and absorbing 15th kill instantly summons it. So it can happen, for example, that it gets summoned after the last enemy was killed, and then for 30 seconds of its life time there is simply nothing to fight. Literally useless.
4th skill is also somewhat useless, it's a weird mix of mana\life drain, but worse than each of them. Mana cost is per second and actually higher than mana gain, so you don't even get mana. And life drain simply isn't viable because it requires tremendous amounts of mana. So in the end its only use is against the boss, and even then only as a healing tool - the damage output is relatively low.
And it's bugged - loading cause Anub'radin's 2nd and 4th skill has no effect, 4th not even costing mana. Though I suppose it's probably caused by 1.31.1 save-load bug.
Speaking about the boss fight, the boss here doesn't use any spells, even despite having a large mana pool. The whole fight is just auto attacking with enemy reinforcements coming occasionally.
Chapter 9
All the trouble Jaina went through to convince everyone to give Arthas another chance, and she simply leaves? Even though he saved her from prison and possible execution? And not even mentioning that it's not actually Lich King trying to conquer Azeroth anymore, but simply Arthas using the undead army to defeat Scarlet Crusade?
Chapter 10
For some reason, Anub'radin here has a passive giving him incredible mana regen, allowing to forget about mana management. And although it means he can now use his ult on non-boss units without fear of running out of mana, his ult is still useless - it does ~400 damage (against non-caster units before fully depleting Anub'radin's mana) during a several seconds channeling time and has long cooldown time. Ultimately, it was worth using it only against bosses.
As chapter 6 was a peak example of "endless enemy hordes", and now this chapter is a peak example of "immensly inflated hp pools of bosses and mini-bosses". 5 mini-bosses with 20k hp and 34 armor (67% damage reduction), resulting in 60606 effective hp, without even factoring in armor type resistance (and they have hero type). And you can't just effortlessly beat them, since they have 251 damage (also hero type) with average attack speed. And then there's another one with 30k hp, 71% dr, 386 damage and slow attack speed. It's so tough that even with cheats it takes 3 hits from Arthas to kill it. And another one with 15k hp, 64% dr light armor and 177 damage magic type average attack speed and magic immunity.
Final boss, Dartharion, has 26150 hp with 42% dr, but Arthas fights him alone and he also has Soul Burn. And even though Dartharion has slow attack speed with 153 damage, he has avatar form giving him +600 damage, and it has low duration but also low cooldown. There are healing runes spawning and reinforcements of footmen coming in occasionally, providing ways to heal, but there are no runes of mana or casters, and Dartharion has a spell with mana burn. So yeah - needlessly tedious.
And as for the story - plot twist for the sake of plot twist, with no actual logic behind it. Very anticlimatic and disappointing.
And there's a bug - Temple of the Damned costs lumber, so there's no way to build it or even repair.
Level 13
Jun 22, 2020
Ooo. It's really tiring and especially the last two missions. Thanks Jayborino! If it wasn't you I would never have finished this campaign. Although rather monotonous, the campaign has its own charm and is well worth your time especially if you feel overwhelmed with energy. Get ready for a tough and loooong fight at every step.
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