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Fall of Quel'thalas v1.14d


By Krotos



Fall of Quel'Thalas is a strategy/risk style map set within the Warcraft 3: Reign of Chaos moments before Arthas entered Quel'thalas.

Each player represents a different Elven or Undead subfaction with their own unique units and heroes and can dominate the field or be cut down.

The game starts off as a 6v4 + 2 AI (defender/invader spawns) of Elves vs Undead, but the balance of teams can change as the fall of Quel'dorei's most prominent heroes will tip the scales of war.

The map has a unique combination of income gain: High Elves use a more traditional approach of earning gold through their unique villages (something that used to be a part of Augur's Azeroth Wars Strategy - a map that evolved into Azeroth Wars Legacy Reborn), while the Undead earn corpses and gold through conquest, kills and graveyards/shrines.

The map features - for the most part - the High Elven Kingdom of Quel'thalas but also includes areas such as Zul'Aman, Tor'Watha, Tribulation Isle and Legion's Pocket Dimension.



FoQ takes place at the beginning of "Into the Realm Eternal", Chapter 3 of the "Path of the Damned" Undead campaign introduced as part of Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos. Having just laid his former kingdom and homeland to ruin, Arthas Menethil sets his eyes on the magical kingdom of Quel'thalas in order to revive his former foe - Kel'thuzad - as an archlich within the waters of the Sunwell.

To keep an eye on him, the Legion has sent their Nathrezim agents in the form of Tichondrius, their very leader and Patriarch. Using his cunning and talents, he's going to ensure the Dark Prince doesn't fail his task against the elves by providing him with intelligence and weaknesses of the elvenkind.

As the danger approaches their borders, the High Elves led by Sylvanas Windrunner prepare their defences in order to be ready for the threat their people have never had to deal with before. Whispers and rumours start being exchanged among the populace as to whether this is another Amani trick or some great calamity...

...Yet there are those with dark, insidious plans, whose ambition clouds their judgement. Eager to achieve his goal at any cost, Dar'khan Drathir prepares his former homeland for the slaughter that's about to commence - all of that in the name of might and magic that would be only his to command. The Mother Tree Thas'alah was the first one to fall victim to his schemes.

The time of reckoning draws close - will the Quel'dorei stand the test of Death itself? Or will they falter and fade away like a speck of dust? In any case the consequences will be massive for the world of Azeroth but that has yet to be found out...


  • Marshmalo - created Siege of Quel'thalas back in 2009 that I initially started the project with and then rebuilt it from scratch back when she wasn't around and the map was abandoned and unprotected. Fully supported by her.
  • u/genegerbread - created the outstanding loading screen for me. Awesome artist and redditor - cheers mate!
  • Servarius - initially helped me out with the map when I was still new to the tools back in 2009. Thank you, buddy.
  • Hawkr - terrainer, did the majority of work here.
  • Satans_Arme - terrainer, also responsible for a fair share of terrain.
  • Draupne - terrainer and a good fellow, did parts of terrain and is a great bloke overall.

  • General Frank
  • StormKeys TinkerCraft (Wretched model)
  • Zephyrius2412
  • 84chrome
  • UjimasaHojo
  • RetroSexual
  • shamanyouranus
  • ApeJI
  • Fingolfin
  • Himperion
  • Callahan
  • Sellenisko
  • Spinel
  • Edge45
  • Hayate
  • Dan van Ollus
  • Cavman
  • Judash137
  • Chen
  • supertoinkz
  • TotallyAwesome
  • 67chrome
  • -Grendel
  • Mephestrial
  • debode
  • Direfury
  • R.A.N.G.I.T.
  • Rubellu Sidus
  • HappyTauren
  • X.e.r.e.X
  • Li0neSS
  • morbent
  • Coinblin
  • WonQu
  • Various editors from XGM
  • Various editors from wc3c.net

If you're not on the list and find your resource in the map, PLEASE send me a message so I can add you. This map is a consecutive work of a total of 9 years and it became really difficult to keep track of all the stuff in it so I may need a friendly message or two so that I can simply add you.

Fall of Quel'thalas v1.14d (Map)

You should rather write with white or some other colour on the loading screen for ease of reading... Maybe not use models with hero glow on units to avoid confusion and have their bodies not decay. How do you put the camera back up? Some written...


Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
  1. You should rather write with white or some other colour on the loading screen for ease of reading...
  2. Maybe not use models with hero glow on units to avoid confusion and have their bodies not decay.
  3. How do you put the camera back up? Some written commands in the Quest Log would be useful.
  4. After the inro, the camera should apply to the current player's main base.

Level 7
Aug 11, 2009
  1. You should rather write with white or some other colour on the loading screen for ease of reading...
  2. Maybe not use models with hero glow on units to avoid confusion and have their bodies not decay.
  3. How do you put the camera back up? Some written commands in the Quest Log would be useful.
  4. After the inro, the camera should apply to the current player's main base.
1. Originally used white text, didn't like it, tried a couple of others and settled on this one. Point noted though and will see if I can find another colour.
2. Any specific units you had in mind?
3. I deleted the command quest in F9 by mistake, will put it back up for next version.
4. Will do.
Level 7
Aug 11, 2009
I don't remember the names but you can see them if you run the map, they're pretty obvious. I think they're some female elf mages or something and maybe others too.
Aight, if I recall right the unit in question would be the Alchemist. I found a nice replacement model on Hive so that'll get taken care of. There are a couple of unique named units on the map that are named and they're meant to have hero glow as they fall under the demi-hero category.
Level 25
Jul 26, 2008
I cannot play this multiplayer (BANNED), so this is just me looking into it on single player.
1)I really really like the map design, and the terrain is so nice!
2)Why is the entrance to the majority of the troll camps connected to both the Undead and The elves at the start


I could understand if the the elves/undead could only connect with each other at the end of the troll lands (so that they would be racing to farm the creeps, like in SoQ), but by connecting them at the entrance of the troll lanes, would it not make neither side want to take the initiative/be aggressive to kill the trolls, since both could be ambushed by the other since the entrance is connected to both UD/Elf forces.

3)What is the point of bases like these:



The Elf heroes do not have teleport abilities (at least Sylvanas), and only have a one-shot TP back to Farstrider base.
In SoQ, almost none of the small elf bases were dead ends (so there was a chance of retreat), and even ones that were dead ends, like Wind-runner Spire, could be teleported out of by the heroes. Just wanted to know if Elf players will ever try to defend these bases.
Level 7
Aug 11, 2009
I cannot play this multiplayer (BANNED), so this is just me looking into it on single player.
1)I really really like the map design, and the terrain is so nice!
2)Why is the entrance to the majority of the troll camps connected to both the Undead and The elves at the start

I could understand if the the elves/undead could only connect with each other at the end of the troll lands (so that they would be racing to farm the creeps, like in SoQ), but by connecting them at the entrance of the troll lanes, would it not make neither side want to take the initiative/be aggressive to kill the trolls, since both could be ambushed by the other since the entrance is connected to both UD/Elf forces.

3)What is the point of bases like these:

The Elf heroes do not have teleport abilities (at least Sylvanas), and only have a one-shot TP back to Farstrider base.
In SoQ, almost none of the small elf bases were dead ends (so there was a chance of retreat), and even ones that were dead ends, like Wind-runner Spire, could be teleported out of by the heroes. Just wanted to know if Elf players will ever try to defend these bases.
2. The trolls act primarily as a roadblock for the Undead they have to fight through to reach the eastern pathway into the elven lands. The elves also have an easier time accessing the trolls than the Undead do as they don't have to fight the gates like the Undead do (there's currently a bug where you can walk around the gates that I'll fix as it has to do with pathing).
3. Windrunner Village/Spire and Suncrown Village are hard to defend as they're the 2 bases that offer Undead huge rewards: the Undead unlock naval units with destruction of the village, a global 200 HP boost with destruction of the Spire and an extra hero + tunnel for Nerubians with destruction of Suncrown. Attacking these villages leaves the Scourge vulnerable to flanking from the other Elven players. Elves can also reinforce these 2 villages through naval transports as DG and OJ have access to transport ships from minute 0. Teal is also able to reinforce any base he wants with Belo'vir's teleport spell. He can also support the other Elves with spells from the Sunwell.

In other words: Yeah, they will as they have a fair share of tools to keep these defended.
Level 1
Jan 30, 2019
Hey, tried the map a little with my little brother and we would like to see more of it. However, a few minutes into the game and it crashes to desktop. A brief google-search results in the probability that this occurs due to the 1.30 patch. Hereby an heads-up, because if it is, the mapmaker is the only one who can fix it. ;)
Level 7
Aug 11, 2009
Hey, tried the map a little with my little brother and we would like to see more of it. However, a few minutes into the game and it crashes to desktop. A brief google-search results in the probability that this occurs due to the 1.30 patch. Hereby an heads-up, because if it is, the mapmaker is the only one who can fix it. ;)
When exactly does it crash? Did anything specific happen that caused it?
Level 1
Jan 30, 2019
When exactly does it crash? Did anything specific happen that caused it?

We start up the game, everything works as it should be. We start playing and it works for 5-10 minutes perfectly. No lag or anything. Then it suddenly just crashes, no error-messages/crash reports. As if you alt+F4 the game.
Level 7
Aug 11, 2009
Map updated with latest fixes! Changelog's here: Fall of Quel'thalas 1.11d

  1. You should rather write with white or some other colour on the loading screen for ease of reading...
  2. Maybe not use models with hero glow on units to avoid confusion and have their bodies not decay.
  3. How do you put the camera back up? Some written commands in the Quest Log would be useful.
  4. After the inro, the camera should apply to the current player's main base.

Changes listed here have been applied. :D
Level 29
Apr 6, 2010
Is it possible to stop the troll attacks? In one playthrough I managed to clear out all the animals and Zul'jin, but the spawns continued and the temple stayed invulnerable.

Shades still cost lumber in demon buildings, so they can't be trained.
Infernal doesn't use upgrades like the tooltip says.

In one playthrough (as Arthas' undead), one of the Windrunners sisters came back as a Forsaken and started attacking the demons in Arthas' base, who fought back, and since both were allied I couldn't do anything.

"can't attack allies" applies to neutral critters as well.

Got a crash on a playthrough as the Trollhunter elves. No idea why since it was relatively early in the game (although the program had been running for a while), all the other times I played on the undead side there were no such problems.

I would suggest that if a player is not present, their units get basic Attack-move orders if not their own spawns (for example, that one place in the north that turns into an undead base with a bunch of voidwalkers/Kel'Thuzad after revival that just sit there until the end of the game without a player).
Level 29
Apr 6, 2010
Got another crash, as Trollhunters still, though this time it lasted longer (the fact that I was in single player with all other slots as AI might be behind it).

For some reason there was a banshee archer that belonged to the Silvermoon AI (See Sylvanas? It is possible to become a banshee without turning evil. What's your excuse now?).

Some buildings are Ancients and not buildings (the destroyed Goldenmist village, the spire in the undead base) and so can't be attacked.

Elf AI forces don't go all the way into the undead base, just to the entrance in reach of the towers. If there's nothing attacking them, they turn back. Same with the trolls, they go a little further past the secondary base but then turn back, and the elves attacking the nerubians. This creates a huge blob of units going back and forth, maybe put a limiter in the spawns?

Mana Walkers/Wraiths are amphibious, this should be mentioned in their tooltips. Wraiths also have Abolish Magic but no mana.

Why can't the undead build (non-AI) ships?

Had the "rebellious windrunner" thing happen for all three of them. Maybe it's because they were killed by spawns?

Windrunner Necklace should fuse when you have all 3.
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Level 29
Apr 6, 2010
Dark rangers appear at Red's base on creation but are mutually hostile with red. Which makes sense, but means they don't survive long enough to keep playing (I had to hide in the demon base since they stay neutral). Once that happened I was neutral/allied to both sides except red, purple, and yellow's attack waves.

Killing all the spawning pits/unique buildings should trigger victory for the elves.

Maybe have a rebuilding mechanic where killing an undead-conquered building lets you rebuild it as it was.

Instead of just winning/losing when the timer runs out, maybe have a cinematic where the Sunwell finishes charging a spell and hits every undead unit with concentrated sunlight, it's a better justification than "the elves will be too powerful after an hour".

"Remember to build income buildings" message should check if the player has, in fact, built them, and stop showing up one they've all been constructed.

Got another crash, as demons this time. Didn't have every slot filled, but I wonder if having orange is the problem.
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