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Faith RPG mage beta release!

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Level 8
Jan 18, 2007
Hi, iv been creating a map and i wuld like to see some coments about it. PLEASE DONT COPY, MODIFIE OR CHANGE ANY CONTENT WITHOUT MY PERMISSION!

generic map information:
Map size:480x480
Map type: RPG
Open?: NO
Stage: BETA
% done: 10(based by the area coverd by doodads/units

Map features
-Bank systems
-Unit spawn system
-Special lvling modles
-Ability system
-imported hero modle
-City life sys
-Gambeling sys
-Stacking sys
-A totoral and some other triggers used to make game easier

Credits to ewery one on hiveworkshop for replies and spec cred to: kixer, diablo-dk and all the moderators=).

The game:
the game has no specific story yet, but there will be one! elles just go and kill as mutch enemies you possible can/will to increase in lvl and be able to defeat other stronger enemies.


  • Faith RPG Mage.w3x
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Level 15
Feb 9, 2006
1. If you keep up using so many doddads the game will lag like crazy
2. The terrain seems to be done in a hurry. I mean really, It's just a bunch of trees stacked
together in a plain terrain without any tile variation what so ever. (Exept the city)
3. A singleplayer RPG must have a story to make it fun in my opinion. And I know you're saying you're gonna make one, but that's something you should have made way before starting the map. If you have played singleplayer games like the Elder Scrolls series, you will notice that everything is based on one story. The story is the concept.

And why do you have to use 480*480 ? It's better to have a small but great terrain, rather than something you've done in 10 minutes.
I'm sorry but that's the way it is.

Level 8
Jan 18, 2007
ehm operator! this is as i sad a BETA map and if you look at the triggers you will understand wath work i´v putted into this map! and yes i know that the terrain is a bit lame but its mabey not the biggest work iv putted down on this map, any way 480x480 is exactly the map size i want=).
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