First of all; I really think this can become something HUGE! I sure hope it gets more famous than DotA, cus I am SOOOO sick and tired of that stupid game! I LOVE the way you select race, I tested the Mini-beta of this map (from Zmore, he got it from you right). You should release the Mini-Beta to the public man.
The one and only think that could be changed, is the thread; it has ALOT of text, and I bet more is coming..
If you ever need help, just ask man!
You have a nice piece of text there, but people want more images so you can prove how good it can be.
People are planning for something epic and perfect, but it never succeeds. This happens too usually.
Wow you have really posted ALOT of information, and I really like that!
1: I like just about everything you have done in this thread, the game guide, the features, the race and all that stuff. Also like the "Fury Latest News" thing
2: I like the way you have made the races! I read all the info about that, and it seems really awesome!
3: I LOVE THE FEATURES! I sure hope you are able to make all of them! If you need help, ask me!
4: The way you made that Game Guide, it makes it seem like the map is really advanced! I mean, you have some really good ideas!
5: I like the storyline! Took some time to read, but it was sure worth it!
Man I am sure this will become something HUGE!
1: You should really add more images and such
2: Since this is sooo detailed, you should maby make a section where you teach people how to use the spells and such, cus I am kinda sure, with this advanced stuff, it's not just click-and-point to cast the spells right?
Anyways, I will follow this! I LOVE IT!
Cool. So are there like strength and weaknesses for spells? Like darkness is weak against light, fire is weak against water and such?if you want to cast a Darkness spell, the target must not be effected by holy magic and so on...
SourceThreads cannot be bumped within 48 hours of the most recent post.
Cool. So are there like strength and weaknesses for spells? Like darkness is weak against light, fire is weak against water and such?
Also, bump only if the most recent post is at least 48 hours ago. As quoted:
Good luck once again! So its still in its concept stages?
This can be even more AWESOME...
Its an great map with a good terrain,good concept and an nice idea btw.
But like every map you should update it at least 1 month with major update and 1 week with some minor update!
The Update should be based on the things in the map that you think it should be changed and on the users criticism.
And of course this is pretty nice as an mini-beta,but i will have to wait for the release to see the FULL Awesomeness of this MAP.
looks like a good project, however try to refrain from using blizzard cliffs and blizzard trees to me it looks ugly. Trees should only take up like 10 kbs each if you import them. Project looks good keep up the good work!
Okay man,
I just read the whole fucking text.
This map seems like a really really good idea and i will support this project 100%. Most of all, the best thing there's on the blog is the PvP system. I really like the arena thing. 1v1 fights, and grouped fights etc etc. Now, there's only 1 thing i think thats negative of what i have read. Why, just why have you decided to make you play as a child in the start? I really hate that in rpgs, all the maps i played with that, just fails imo. The model there is in the editor of this boy is just really ugly ^^. But thats just my opinion. Now, i gotta ask a few questions;
-Is there going to be a attachment system?
-I saw the screens you made so far, there you use the orginial barens/ashenvale etc trees. Arent you going to import that kinda stuff? Ultimate terrain map is ya friend ^^
-Will there be a pvp sytem like WoW where you can turn pvp on and then battle in the world, (world pvp)?
-Will there be rewards from pvp'ing? I think thats VERY important. Age of Conan got ruined because of lack on rewards for pvp.
-And will you be able to raid bosses? And cool and awesome terrained areas / dungeons?
I hope you can take some time to read and answer this questions. But overall i love your project
+ Rep
This looks AWESOME =) +rep! (if it keeps going on like this youl have "a brilliant future" in no time...) il lurk this thread!
Also bara... I need a loading screen for my map, and if you have some spare time, could you perhaps make one? Since the pictures i see in this thread are ******* awesome!!!! (il have to give you +rep for those too... later...) gimme a PM with the answer please.
Good luck with the map! =)
Edit: Oh and... i can make that minimap icon for you =)
Edit 2: There ya go =) Tga and sized for the purpose. If you dont already know: All you have to do know is to import the file to wc3 with the import manager and change its full path to war3mapPreview.tga, without the comma, nothing infront of it and nothing behind it. Enjoy!
okay im happy you replied. Gl with map, really looking forward to it.
Cant wait for the next screenies, if you are going to show some terrain![]()
Np Bara =) and eh... as i said, IF you have some free time, feel free to draw some dungeon themed-loading screen-thing, cuase i really need a good one =(
Thanks alot bara =D If you ever do so, please take a small visit in the thread to get some inspiration =) But eh... now im sadly/not sadly going off to vacation for three weeks, so i wont really be on that much =P so, have fun and good luck in the meantime!
Cant wait to see how far youve come when im back!
Edit: Eh... how far youve come with the map i mean. I just realized that message could be misunderstood =S