Derived from the WoW PvP zone. There are four nodes in each corner of the map which need to be captured by both teams. Once a node is captured, the team will receive points over time. A flag spawns in the center of the map ever 60 seconds, picking it up and bringing it back to a node under your teams' control grants a bonus 3 points. Ideally you want to maintain control of 2-3 nodes, while simultaneously capturing the flag on spawn. Gold is granted to every member of a team for each honorable achievement:
Capture a node: 2 gold to all team members
Capture the Flag: 3 gold to all team members
Kill an enemy hero: 2 gold to all team members
Current Credit List: (also available in-game F9)
BTNCWDarkArrow - Deep evasion skill icon by CloudWolf
I C E - S P E L L P A C K - V 1.2 By MortAr-
Eye Of The Storm Progression (minimap artwork) - Don Quackenbush
Earth Totem By shamanyouranus
Water Totem By shamanyouranus
Fire Dash by RMX
Pit of Fire by Paladon (Flame [Fire])
Pyroblast by by X-OMG-X (Fire Ignitation v1.3)
Regeneration Field by cyberkid
Glyph Abilities by Squiggy
Ice Dome by cyberkid
Unit Aura Control by Romek
Setname System By MrBoneClinkz
Weather System By MrBoneClinkz
(If you see something in-game which you believe to be yours, and not listed here, please let me know asap)
Special thanks to:
XxTerror for the game concept idea and Beravin for the gameplay ideas and beta testing
This map has protection enabled (cant open in WE) - i'd like to do my best to keep work on it done by me - although, if the map being unprotected is a requirement for acceptance, or people request it unprotected, i may change this.
Mini-Game, Nodes, Capture, Flag, Heroes, Team