[General] Experience Questions

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Level 23
Oct 20, 2012
Hey I've got a few questions about experience here:

1.) Can you change how much experience a hero needs to level up? How?

2.) How do you change the experience given by monsters/heroes without changing their levels?

3.) How do you give % Experience? Like picking up an item then giving 20% experience to that hero?

I got a few more questions in mind but I forgot them.. XD
Level 30
Nov 29, 2012
Hey I've got a few questions about experience here:

1.) Can you change how much experience a hero needs to level up? How?

2.) How do you change the experience given by monsters/heroes without changing their levels?

3.) How do you give % Experience? Like picking up an item then giving 20% experience to that hero?

I got a few more questions in mind but I forgot them.. XD

Well, I'll try your no. 1 question. How about you try going to Gameplay Constants after that change the desired XP in Hero XP Required - Table. Still not sure but this might be helpful too and for your no. 2, I know you need to trigger or it but if not go to either Gameplay Constants or Interface.

-Your friendly helper, Hell_Master
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