No i don't store the passwords as cookies. however i did find a trojan in Win32 (Alureon or something)-Not specifically a keylogger and does not show up on taskmanager. Instead it injects code into other exe's and monitors ingoing outgoing packets
" :L now that's removed. I am gonna full system restore then try and recover see what happens. What i am mainly confused about is how they got my password and changed the linked phone number when i had set up SMS verification. It makes me think that Microsoft still hasn't fixed the exploit on the reset password page which was highlighted in April. >.>
I usually have task manager open nothing is out of the usual memory wise and my netstat usually seems fine.
In the meantime i will start a new account on a second device and email google/microsoft thanks for the advice, didn't think of a second device :O
Also gonna consider switching to Gmail and also using a separate email for each major service so that they are not linked.
Now using Windows Live security essentials as well.
Also no i don't use IE i use Firefox but i am gonna switch to GC since FF is not compatible with AVG :<
Also GC seems much more safer than both of them even though google has been hacked before.
Also when he hacked them the 2nd time bypassing the sms he added his own phone number. Would that be his own or a randomly generated one out of curiosity. It ends with 18 as last 2 digits. And i am 95% sure he is American considering the times that he is online on his pc. Also i seem to piss of Americans a lot
but i dont think that is related to this.
Hotmail has 0 Security. If they are bypassing SMS verification then it is not a problem my side. I think the problem is sorted now i need to force Microsoft to close my hotmail accounts so i can move to GMAIL. However they seem to nave 0 customer support oh joy this is going to be fun.
Currently now just trying to find contact emails for Facebook >.> and then gonna try and get steam back via support forum