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the dumbest hacker in the world

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Level 5
Oct 16, 2009
I had an inactive WOW account for the past nine months up until yesterday. So i get an email from blizzard yesterday saying my account info had been changed. Of course i have to restore my password as it was changed and whatnot just to see what was going on. I log onto B-net and find out whoever hacked my account put up 1 month reaccuring on thier credit card for my account. I immediatly ran norton, changed the password and now have at least 1 month of free play time thanks to this dumbass.
Level 22
Feb 4, 2005
It's a SCAM email and this is not Blizzard. I dont and never touched WoW (only activated trial on my acc but never played it) and I got the same email on an email that is not my bnet 2.0 acc. So, the fact that your nothing-to-do with Bnet 2.0 email got such message means someone wants to steal your account. I contacted Blizz tech support and they told me this is not theirs... Just delete it, block it and dont give out or reply to it. Or die like a noob if you do.
Level 11
Mar 31, 2009
Happened to my friend back in December. Hacker put a gamecard on his account. Three months later, my friends account got closed because he "owes blizzard money" after the hacker filed a chargeback.

Just wait, the hacker will do it to you too, and you'll lose your account to Blizzard.
Level 9
Nov 4, 2007
Yes the person sending the e-mails has expanded his territory, hes now trying to get not only my non-existant WoW account, but also my non-existant Aion account.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
crawdaddy029, I advise telling blizzard that you did not pay that money for the account and warn them that it was a hacker going to run a charge back to get your account closed. Tell them they can keep the money from the hacker just de attach the game time from your account so that if they do charge it back your account does not get closed.

Basically they are preying on inactive accounts, loot them dry, and then get their subscription money back by chargeback getting the account closed leaving no evidence of there ever being a theft. I advise warning blizzard that the person is a scammer/hacker who will run a charge back to get your account closed before it is too late.
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