-- Map Info --
Eurica is a Single Player altered-melee map made by sole-map-maker Strydhaizer (previously known as "Stryderzero").The map was just an improvement of the original blizzard melees, now with simpler techtree and training system, also the highlight of the map is the realistic environment and units that you will surely enjoy. Not going so far from the traditional melee system, you will still grab gold and lumbers as well as base expansions. I also implemented a natural storm, which strikes anytime during the game, however it is just part of environment/atmosphere design, it does not affect the gameplay.
Why did you title it "Eurica"? Well, because i made Europe and American landmarks and landscape as my reference. It is supposed to be titled Aseurica, but the name quite sucks.
The development of the map took 8-9 months to finish, however i am not able to achieve the "expected output" of the map. The map was suppose to have 4 players (User and the 3 Computer AIs), however because of 10 fps lag during the alpha, the only 3 players are left (The User and the 2 Computers).
The map is already playable, but expect that there will be more to come in the future. (See the list below)
For the future updates (Not yet implemented), there will be:
-The Templars Content (A new race, which will be more on magic-attack units) - Techtree is already done, but not yet imported to the map
-The Future Content (A new race and improved environment design, there will be sci-fi stuffs in the map and offcorase sci-fi units available in this race) - Techtree is already done, but not yet imported to the map
-The Mid-East Content (A new race, more on desert theme units) - Techtree is already done, but not yet imported to the map
-The Ion Storm Content (Basically, it is just an improvement of the Storm System, but with lightnings that randomly strikes in the map)
(Contents will be updated and implemented soon)
So far there is only one race implemented in this map, yet i put alot of effort to build that race (though the game is hero-less, meaning, the game is focused on massive warfare) For the first race, i named them "The Barbarians", which is a mix of orc and human units. The Scars of Conflict Resources made an appearance aswell. The Barbarians race is mostly a mix of Mr. Goblin, morbent and FrIky's skins, you will easily recognize them by being dark-brown colored units. While the plan is to have 2 race to choose from, the Templars will make an appearance in the future, which will take 67chrome's skin to texturize the blizzard models, expect that there will be more magical and wizardy theme when they come.
The Caribbean is the first location that i've made, there will be a desert themed terrain aswell that will be showcased soon, i titled it "Eurica : The Constantine" which is already in progress.
The map was basically inspired on the environment of the Assassins Creed, for the Caribbean, i used AC4 as a reference and for the Constantine, the AC Revelations. For the environment, camera and gameplay design, i based it on Starcraft II, Napoleon Total War and Diablo 3 games, i aimed for the realism, enabled and calculated shadows, dark theme environment and fantasy design.
I am glad that i am able to do it by myself, i consider the project as my first successful playable-project i've ever done in my history. Special thanks to Gismo, without him,i will not be able to finish it, so i give him a big thanks for the project (i credited him for the AI and Trigger fixes)
Yes it is a Beta, but the gameplay is already stable and playable, not too many bugs when played, so i hope i am not breaking the rule of the map section.
-- Map Rating --
Map Rating is for 13+ years old and up.
Map contains bloods and gores, racism, strong language, sexual words that is not suitable for younger players.
If you know yourself that you're a immatured player, then im not forcing you to not to play my map, this map is for everyone, but if you're easily offended then don't play the map.
Please consider everything as a joke, it is just a game, it will surely don't offend innocent people.