Pirates of the Caribbean

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Level 2
Aug 27, 2011
Pirates of the Caribbean
This is one of my first maps that I intended to make for the public. As it is my first map for public use, I do not know how to do many core elements of gameplay. However, what you will see here is quite a good concept in my opinion, and one that I hope would make even better with all your help from the wonderous hiveworkshop.
Level 16
Aug 20, 2009
This map had only 4mb, the song takes 11 mb,
maybe you could cut the song shorter? i think you only need 1/4 of the song, or maybe less, that way you could host it on bnet (below 8mb bnet limit of multiplayer map)

its pretty well made, you did a good job on the terrains, but they need more triggers and storyline, i like the canon idea shooting your ship, it turns out pretty cool,

reduce the turn rate of the ship, it will look better,
and add ship controls?

give them skills like they should have, the skills are weird on their set,
like from the lore of pirates of Caribbean?
Level 2
Aug 27, 2011
I wish I could but, then the song gets really annoying. Should I just remove it then? Also, yeah I can reduce the turn rates and make custom abilities. The only problem is that I don't know how to add triggers and cutscenes.
Level 12
Mar 17, 2007
There are mp3 compressors the problem being its hard to find a decent one without paying for it. I played your map not much going on you need to add some events or something however good models and the terrain looks good for a start to me you could easily improve I see some nice work here and everything blends in well. It shouldn't be named pirates of the Caribbean though it doesn't really relate to it sorry. I wouldn't recommend this map to play though needs work.
Level 2
Aug 27, 2011
That would be great, I just checked the various POTC songs that I got, the shortest one is 4mb, which seems a bit much.
Level 2
Aug 27, 2011
There are mp3 compressors the problem being its hard to find a decent one without paying for it. I played your map not much going on you need to add some events or something however good models and the terrain looks good for a start to me you could easily improve I see some nice work here and everything blends in well. It shouldn't be named pirates of the Caribbean though it doesn't really relate to it sorry. I wouldn't recommend this map to play though needs work.

Yeah, I wish I knew how to add events and cut-scenes, but unfortunately, I do not know how to. However, I did add some areas where it would be perfect for
an event or cutscene; such as the the two groups of soldiers you see after you go through the town, or where you get ambushed from three sides after the second sea part.
Level 2
Aug 27, 2011
Does anyone know how to fix a multiplayer glitch that I have? I've reduced the map size and added new features, but whenever I try hosting with my friends, a fatal error crash results. Ill post the new version now
Level 3
Nov 11, 2011
I'll give you the basic rundown of a cinematic trigger. Say you want a cinematic to play only once when you reach a point. You need to make a region. So you make "Region A" and place it wherever. The simplest way to do it would be to make two tiggers - 1 and 2. Here's how it should look...

Trigger 1

- A unit enters a region
- Unit (equal to) Player 1 (Red)
- Turn trigger 2 on
- Turn this trigger off

Trigger 2

- Trigger 1 (equal to) true
- Enter Cinematic mode
- Exit Cinematic mode

In trigger 2 you just figure out what all you want to to with the camera. You could just lock the camera to the region to make it as easy as possible. I used to not know how to do a thing with triggers but you have to work with them and experiment. There's a logical language that they follow and once you understand it, you can program awesome stuff into your maps. It's worth learning.
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