Errors when changing Attack Types

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Level 3
May 24, 2012
So I have had this issue on almost every map I've ever made and its seems to be completely random as far as I can tell. The issue is when changing a unit's attack type say from "Normal" to "Chaos" the units IN-GAME attack type will still be Normal type. Sometimes it comes out as a completely different un-related type altogether like Siege when the default is normal and the new type is chaos... The map I am currently working on has no triggers that effect unit attack types and there are no other outside sources changing attack types either. Also the type sometimes while testing comes out correct but is very rare that it does like 1/20 tests. Any help is appreciated.
Level 3
May 24, 2012
its not an upgrade. What I am referring to is in the Object Editor. EX by default a Human footman deals normal type damage, if I go into the editor and change that to lets say piercing sometimes in game the damage type that a human footman will deal is randomized. I have no clue what causes this but it occurs OFTEN nearly every time I test a map and it could be any map and has done this for me for years and I have no idea why. I am using the default editor no customizations what so ever or mods of any kind.
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