[Solved] change attack type

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Level 10
Apr 27, 2012
Hi all,
upon upgrade, I want a certain unit type to have the attack type ''siege'' instead of ''normal''.

I want the icon of the attack to show the symbol of the new attack type. The attack type will be REPLACED, so the old attack needs to disappear.

I don't want to use:
- chaos
- metamorphosis, bearform etc

... because I don't want to create extra ''duplicate'' units.

[I tried using an alteration of the fire orb ability. I made one that activated attack 1 and another one that activated attack 2. When added/removed via trigger to a unit that, by default, has none of it's attacks activated, it should work. But when I set the attack index of a ''fire orb'' based ability to ''1'', it will still activate attack 2. It's bugged!]

You could always make the unit use the attack type 2, Attack Type 1 = Normal, Attack Type 2 = Piercing. Disable Attack Type 2 for the selected unit and then make a new upgrade that enables Attack Type 2 when researched.

Level 10
Apr 27, 2012
Tell upgrade to deactivate previous attack and activate 2. attack with afterupgrade dmg type.

EDIT: Ninja'd by genin ^^

thanks to all 3 of you. These things combined helped me to solve the problem :)

I did as rulerofiron99 said and looked at the Corrosive Breath Upgrade - also I used 2 different attacks as genin32 and Eagle XI said.

Thanks to all of you! +rep for everyone :)

[Fun Fact - I tried this approach before but sth must have been wrong coz it didn't seem to deactivate Attack 1 when I told the upgrade to only activate Attack 2 - but now it works!! :)]

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