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Epic v.2.1285

You are the spirit of a man who had potential to become a hero, but your life was cut short before you could do anything worthy of hero status. The Guardian Ghost of the land called Epic offers you a chance to be reborn and achieve legendary status by saving Epic from an evil tyrant, Lovecraft.

If I had to describe this map, I'd say it was a combination of Balin's Tomb and Warchasers, with original elements, putting it in an action adventure category with role playing elements. It's hard to describe in words the original features, so I ask that you play the game and make up your mind for yourself.

The working title of this map was Bosses, appropriately so, as there are five original boss fights, each with their own unique features.

To increase replayability, I added 34 unlockables, which I called achievements, including the following:
9 Hidden Heroes
3 Additional Difficulty Settings (aside from the default Easy)
4 Additional Game Modes (Such as fighting just bosses in Coliseum mode)
5 Gameplay Settings
7 Cheats that don't unbalance the game, they just make it easier to get gold.

To unlock the different achievements, you must beat the game on certain game modes and they will be available after beating the last boss.

I worked hard to create something original that a group could enjoy over and over again. I hope my time was well spent. Enjoy!


Pins for the Cthulhu Model
Oinkerwinkle for the Goblin Contraption Model
Jigrael for the Werewolf Model
Dan van Ohllus for the Nightmare Sheep Model
Iristle for the Dragon Warrior Model
Lord-T-Rex for the Worm Model
Ash for his help here at THW
CrazyAlexTrebek for Beta Testing and Help With Items
twistflame for Beta Testing
Kinserta for Beta Testing
YaksManOfAges for Beta Testing

v. 2.1285|
[+]Two original puzzles added
[+]100% accurate bounty system
[+]Reworked last boss fight
[+]Option to repick heroes up to the first boss
[+]Fixed a bug that crashed the system after cinematics
[+]Increased damage for nearly all the bosses
[+]Created displays of hero abilities at the hero selection area
[+]Fixed bug that made the last area unbeatable if someone with a key left the game
[+]Replaced health leech with spell immunity for the Draconian
[+]Replaced rock throw with bloodlust for the Bounty Hunter
[+]Replaced inner fire with unholy frenzy for Felidaen

v. 2.1051|
[+]Reverted to an older version of the Bounty System (Still based on how much damage is dealt and not on how many units are killed).

v. 2.1049|
[+]Tweaked Old Heroes
[+]6 New Normal Heroes
[+]1 New Secret Hero
[+]New Bounty System (Based on how much damage is dealt and not on how many units are killed)
[+]Increased EXP Rate
[+]A full storyline (As much as possible without the players getting extremely bored)
[+]Finished in-game cinematics
[+]Items from three distinct sellers met in the game
[+]Golem boss and Ice King boss made easier on higher difficulties

v. 1.0917|
[+]More bounty for first area enemies. (To help avoid boredom)
[+]Added another secret hero.

v. 1.0915|
Overall, this update just lowered the difficulty.
[+]More bounty for first and second area enemies.
[+]Second area enemies given less armor and attack
[+]Fixed intro vote bug [Thanks, Bumkt]

v. 1.0914|
[+]First official release of the map.

This will most likely be the final version of the map. I say most likely because I am leaving on 10/22/08 and won't be back until late 2010. Due to this fact, I won't be able to add onto the map and update it.

I realize that one of the biggest complaints I've had is that the map is RoC and not TFT. With this in mind, I've decided to make this map Open Source to any and all willing to add custom abilities to the heroes, as well as update whatever they feel would improve the map.

If you think you want to work on the map, please make sure that no one here has already started working on a Frozen Throne version before you begin. After checking and confirming that a TFT version of this map is not in progress, please post a comment to this map, saying that you are working on a TFT version to prevent others doing so.

When you finish the map, you can add your name in place of mine, with no need to even leave my name anywhere--you went through the work to make it TFT, so you deserve credit for the Frozen Throne version (This only applies to those making a significantly updated TFT version).

Thanks to everyone who helped with the map, and those who may help in the future.


bosses, Epic, Cthulhu

Epic v.2.1285 (Map)

15:02, 18th Jun 2008 Ash: This map bases around a story similar to Warchasers; you've died and have a shot to redeem yourself. In this you have to kill a man known as 'Lovecraft' and save the world of 'Epic', although apart from that no story is...




15:02, 18th Jun 2008

This map bases around a story similar to Warchasers; you've died and have a shot to redeem yourself. In this you have to kill a man known as 'Lovecraft' and save the world of 'Epic', although apart from that no story is revealed to you.

The cinematic, for in-game, are pretty good; the boss fights are intriguing and original and the 'areas' massively differ. Although, it fails at that point.

This game requires constant grind; the xp rate is so low that to gain a level you're left grinding for hours; gold is not shared and neither are items. Not that I managed to find any of the latter of course.

The items are, as mentioned, lacking. Apart from first aid kits, tomes and a mana regen item, I couldn't find anything. This keeps things very repetitive, boring and static. I didn't enjoy running into pretty bland areas, grinding for an hour and still getting nothing.

The heroes themselves are extremely underpowered, lack fixed classes and are missing essential people such as healers. It takes a long time to kill the creeps and the small area made me intentionally kill my hero so that something different may happen, although this was to no avail.

All in all, ending this pretty short review, this map gains credit on the boss fights, cinematics and concept, although massively loses marks in the Pull off, hero depth, storyline and items. Sorting this out would make the map so much more.

Level 4
Aug 17, 2007
That never happened during testing. I'll look into it.

BTW. Do you mean the dialog didn't show up, or no matter what you voted, it had the same outcome?

[EDIT: I just had the same problem. It looks like a random thing--I think it creates the buttons before it creates the dialog. I'll see if I can get it fixed.]
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Level 4
Aug 17, 2007
Sorry if that displeases you. You'd be amazed how many people still play RoC (I'm one of them, even though I have TFT).

I like making my maps playable in both at first and then, if time permits, I add custom abilities for TFT. Before I make a TFT specific map, though, I want to make sure everything is balanced in the RoC version.



Level 22
Aug 27, 2005
This map bases around a story similar to Warchasers; you've died and have a shot to redeem yourself. In this you have to kill a man known as 'Lovecraft' and save the world of 'Epic', although apart from that no story is revealed to you.

The cinematic, for in-game, are pretty good; the boss fights are intriguing and original and the 'areas' massively differ. Although, it fails at that point.

This game requires constant grind; the xp rate is so low that to gain a level you're left grinding for hours; gold is not shared and neither are items. Not that I managed to find any of the latter of course.

The items are, as mentioned, lacking. Apart from first aid kits, tomes and a mana regen item, I couldn't find anything. This keeps things very repetitive, boring and static. I didn't enjoy running into pretty bland areas, grinding for an hour and still getting nothing.

The heroes themselves are extremely underpowered, lack fixed classes and are missing essential people such as healers. It takes a long time to kill the creeps and the small area made me intentionally kill my hero so that something different may happen, although this was to no avail.

All in all, ending this pretty short review, this map gains credit on the boss fights, cinematics and concept, although massively loses marks in the Pull off, hero depth, storyline and items. Sorting this out would make the map so much more.

Level 4
Aug 17, 2007
Thanks for the review. I completely understand your point of view, I feel the same way myself and actually would've given myself a 1/5 compared to some of the other maps on here.

The only real version of the map that I play is coliseum mode (the code is "thumb of caesar" without the quotes for anyone who cares) where it's just the boss fights. I tried to make the game too difficult and, in doing so, made it too boring. I'll take what you've said into consideration and maybe significantly bump of the bounty, lower the difficulty, and increase the items for version 2 (if I can get around to it).



Level 22
Aug 27, 2005
Your map isn't bad enough for a 1, by a long shot!

You just need to work on making things a lot more accessible and more user friendly (I.E Not a creep spawn everywhere you turn).

Keep up the work though!
Level 4
Aug 17, 2007
Apparently there's a bug in 2.1049 that messes up the bounty system. I'm surprised I didn't catch it until now. For now, I'll upload 2.1051 that reverts to an older and working but more buggy version of the bounty system until I can get the newer one fixed.


I'm amazed you even made it past the first boss with the bugs in the bounty system. Thanks for the comments. Any little hint of information that can make the map better is welcome.
Level 5
Jun 26, 2008
Mighty, there's constructive criticism and then there's just insulting. You should respect your audience, but don't just lick their boots.

The Mod feels the need to add-on to my post: Yeah, I agree. Whereas some people've left nice things, some haven't. Don't ass-kiss, that'll get you nowhere. If you feel the post has been particularly nasty, then don't hesitate to report it. We won't bite your head off if we don't agree.

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Reactions: Ash
Level 8
May 5, 2008
Apparently there's a bug in 2.1049 that messes up the bounty system. I'm surprised I didn't catch it until now. For now, I'll upload 2.1051 that reverts to an older and working but more buggy version of the bounty system until I can get the newer one fixed.


I'm amazed you even made it past the first boss with the bugs in the bounty system. Thanks for the comments. Any little hint of information that can make the map better is welcome.

Honestly I barely did, it has what it takes, it just needs that fixed and a bit more freedom like FF, put some shops, and small towns, some stores, inns, make it like a freeroam RPG with a story.
Level 5
Jun 26, 2008
Umm, I don't think that your allowed to post that much on something like that >.<. Just thought I'd point it out before anyone get's into trouble :S.

Hellos and Goodbyes

Level 4
Aug 17, 2007
Mighty, there's constructive criticism and then there's just insulting. You should respect your audience, but don't just lick their boots.

The Mod feels the need to add-on to my post: Yeah, I agree. Whereas some people've left nice things, some haven't. Don't ass-kiss, that'll get you nowhere. If you feel the post has been particularly nasty, then don't hesitate to report it. We won't bite your head off if we don't agree.

I don't think you understand. I'm a very passive and patient person. The intent of my reply was not to get him to bump up my rating on the map. If Emaw thought my map sucked, he is entitled to that opinion and I can do very little to change that. I could have told him he was wrong or insulted him for not liking it, but I find that kind of attitude childish at best

[EDIT: Here's what could've happened were I to respond differently (Though I don't condone Emaw's comment in this case): http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/resource.php?t=90387]

-- so I thanked him for the kind comments that he did post. After all, you said yourself "We won't bite your head off if we don't agree." I feel the same way.

I'm guessing the "Don't a**-kiss/lick boots" comments were directed at my response to Ash. I still believe that my map only deserves a 1 rating--I'm a harder critic on myself than anyone else could even hope to be. I didn't even know Ash was in a position of power when I replied to the comment. While I may have been agreeable, I don't believe I was "licking anyone's boots".

There's something wrong with this world when one person is chastised for being kind to another.
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Reactions: Ash
Level 5
Jun 26, 2008
The second paragraph was written by Ash. Also I didn't mean you were licking their boots in a negative way, I suppose that was a bit of a strong phrase to use, and this wasn't really just directed at you, I was talking about pretty much everyone who is bullied a bit like this. By the way, as a Mod, I Beleive HappyTauren should not have posted a comment as harsh as that, or even gotten involved in the argument at all. Even so, you have no reason to be scared of something like that happening, because your probably smart enough not to get involved in it like Acorn511 did, he was right in defending the map and his beleifs, but he let it get too far. Well anyway, I just wanted to put my views across so lets not make a big fuss over it.

Level 8
Apr 26, 2008
Oh noes!

So this is like Warchasers? Oh noes, everyone makes much different versions of it... :con:

There couldn't be problem with it that this is RoC map IF in RoC could be custom spells - I don't like normal spells much anymore - they are boring cause only 3 times you can uprage them (than ulti, which is more worse). That's the reason I don't play anymore much RoC maps... :cry:
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