EPIC Single Player RPG - Showcase

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Level 4
Apr 16, 2020
I still have tons left to do on development, but I've posted about my map before and I wanted to give everyone an update on where my project is at.

The Game Features:
  • An Epic Storyline, similar to the Legend of Zelda series
  • Custom Resource Collection & Inventory System
  • Custom Building/Crafting with Resources
  • Spells use resources collected in game
  • Customize your Hero through your journey to mod your different suits you obtain through the game
  • Build your own city and attract NPCs there with buildings that generate attractiveness, built with your own resources (Optional side portion of the game)
  • Explore 3 epic zones, each with puzzle filled dungeons and bosses
  • Farming
  • Fishing
  • Pet Taming
  • Buy Existing Property to use or rent to NPCs, including shop stalls
  • Much more to come...It will be unveiled as the project is developed.
Thank you for your support,

I'm hoping to have a playable Pre-Alpha soon. I'm a solo developer and this is a massive project. The video showcases where it's at and what some of the features are going to be. I hope you enjoy.



  • LetsMakeAGame8.jpg
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Level 4
Apr 16, 2020
Hey thank you so much for checking this out! I appreciate the compliment. I'm glad you mentioned terrain because that hasn't been touched yet except for in 1/10th of the forest zone. So that'll definitely be worked out. I'm really happy you like what you see so far. I can promise this game is going to truly be an experience like none other.
Level 18
Feb 2, 2009
This looking like quite the ambitious project. To be honest I love seeing your solutions to things such as an extended inventory and the 'cycling' of the suits. It has an air of originality to it that I think is incredibly neat.

What I am hopeful to see in a future update may be the main 'obstacle' or antagonistic force that the player must overcome in a playthrough, if there is one. Creative sandboxes like Minecraft had mobs to overcome for example, and I am excited to see what you come up with for this. Will it be wolves? Some sort of crazy corruption or inclement weather mechanic? Boss battles? The potential is endless and thinking about the possibilities is getting me pretty excited.

I'm looking forward to seeing more, keep up the awesome work!
I feel like the third person camera and the standard Warcraft movement is working against you. Having to click to walk when you use a third person camera is rather unintuitive, and in combat where enemies approaches from behind you'll be at a disadvantage. You should look into some other movement systems. I know there are some people who made some really interesting movement systems with WASD while using the right mouse button to change the camera angle just like in World of Warcraft.

Furthermore I think the inventory is a bit dated, and could be improved by using textures instead of models in circle's of power. There are some neat full screen inventories in the spell section. No reason to re-invent the wheel unless you're gonna make a better wheel.

There are a few other minor things I would have changed if I were you, but the most important one is the movement system. You should really consider going more in-depth with an alternative movement system.

Good luck.
Level 4
Apr 16, 2020
This looking like quite the ambitious project. To be honest I love seeing your solutions to things such as an extended inventory and the 'cycling' of the suits. It has an air of originality to it that I think is incredibly neat.

What I am hopeful to see in a future update may be the main 'obstacle' or antagonistic force that the player must overcome in a playthrough, if there is one. Creative sandboxes like Minecraft had mobs to overcome for example, and I am excited to see what you come up with for this. Will it be wolves? Some sort of crazy corruption or inclement weather mechanic? Boss battles? The potential is endless and thinking about the possibilities is getting me pretty excited.

I'm looking forward to seeing more, keep up the awesome work!
I know it's been a long time, but thanks for the feedback. Posting an update on this today for everyone to see!

This looks great! Cant wait for more updates.
Awesome! Thanks for looking at this! It's something I work on on my free time, posting an update today.

I feel like the third person camera and the standard Warcraft movement is working against you. Having to click to walk when you use a third person camera is rather unintuitive, and in combat where enemies approaches from behind you'll be at a disadvantage. You should look into some other movement systems. I know there are some people who made some really interesting movement systems with WASD while using the right mouse button to change the camera angle just like in World of Warcraft.

Furthermore I think the inventory is a bit dated, and could be improved by using textures instead of models in circle's of power. There are some neat full screen inventories in the spell section. No reason to re-invent the wheel unless you're gonna make a better wheel.

There are a few other minor things I would have changed if I were you, but the most important one is the movement system. You should really consider going more in-depth with an alternative movement system.

Good luck.
Thanks a ton for the feedback. I've seen your project and it's quite impressive. Couldn't agree more with your feedback and a lot of this stuff is there for the time being with the intent to upgrade it or replace it down the line. Got an update today for everyone.
Level 4
Apr 16, 2020

The start of the video you can see the world randomly populating with resources and terrain.

Hey everyone, latest UPDATE!

(note: this is a passion project I do exclusively on free time.)

To be clear, this game is an epic single player story-based adventure game similar to legend of zelda, but with many MANY features to live off the land like breath of the wild, as well as features seen in other games such as the fable series, champions of norrath, runescape, wow, and more.

This update focuses on STAGE 1 in the survival and city building aspect. Everything you're seeing is pre-alpha and done in debug mode. I am in the harvester suit, and much of what you see is builder activity. Keep that in mind.

Harvest resources off the land. Various ores, stones, rocks, wood types and build your own city and attract civilians to your homeland to pay you daily to live in structures YOU build.
  • Introducing Randomly generated resources with (early development) placement logic
    • ie. Mushrooms growing by randomly placed trees.
  • FARMING Introduced
    • Land must be tilled to farm off it.
      • Must be done within your own city limits.
    • Create a mound on tilled land and drop a plant you've harvested into the mound.
      • (early development) nurturing logic, as seen in the video. A basic plant, "crops", can be easily maintained with the "water" resource. Cast "water" and heal your mound to keep the plant healthy.
      • Higher the health, higher the plant yield.
        • A plant called "deathroot" grows only when things die near it. It needs death to thrive. You can kill foes or beasts near it to nurture it more quickly to get a quicker yield. This is a rare resource. Animal husbandry (introduced in a previous version) allows you to capture livestock and breed them. Perfect if you're slaughtering pigs for meat, you can also nurture your deathroot too.
  • BUILDING Introduced (Uses RAW resources harvested from the randomly generated environment or purchased in town)
    • Unoccupied Tent Structure
      • Attract citizens to your city. As seen in the video, this is a level 1 of 5 settlement. You can build an unoccupied tent, but no one will want to live there. You need buildings that generate attractiveness for a chance to attract citizens.
        • The higher the population & the higher the city attractiveness, the more money new tenants are willing to pay you to live in your city.
    • Campfire
      • Build a campfire that lasts 5 minutes. Allows you to cook meals and heals you while you stand near it. This game you heal by eating raw foods, meals, or standing near a campfire.
    • Fletching Table
      • There is a Hunting Suit you earn by completing a dungeon (not built). Arrows don't come free. You must fletch them or purchase them. But don't worry, if you don't want to farm the resources, you can buy the raw resources in town and fletch them. The game calculates the value of the raw materials, adds them together, and adds a portion for your effort, so you can flip arrows for money. Run out of arrows in your inventory, you run out of ammo and can't shoot! Oh no!
    • Well
      • As mentioned above for farming, you need water to cast "water". Building a well allows you to pull 10 water resource for you to use to water your plants or to give to your livestock. And increases "attractiveness"
    • Wall Fountain
      • Increases attractiveness. Requires a well be built first.
    • For maximum replay-ability in this singleplayer game, the game determines a resource's rarity and assigns it a random value based on that. As mentioned above for "fletching", anything that is crafted automatically combines the two values and adds more for the effort it takes to craft the item. That way, if you'd like to make your money through crafting, you can.
  • Spells Cost Raw Resources to Cast
    • Gone are the days of MANA. Now, you harvest resources from the land (or buy them) to cast your spells. The best spells in the game use the best resources and the rarest resources. Can only find 1 of a legendary herb in the world? Not to worry, till the land and farm it to get 10s to hundreds and demolish your foes with the best spells in the game. :)
Update in the works:
  • Random Dungeon Generator (every dungeon is different with unique puzzles each playthrough)
  • Pet Taming (Like a Hunter Pet from WoW or Fable)
  • Completed Fishing System with Fishbook Records
  • Storyline introduced for the first time.
    • Sneakpeek: You are an ancient hero who lost to the bad guy (can't spoil what he is or what his cause is), and he successfully cast you away into a slumber for a thousand years. He now rules the world with his gargoyles and is nearing total domination. Mages banded together with all their magic, sacrificing their abilities forever to channel their power to break the spell, this is where you step in to the story.
Really excited to share more with everyone. It will be one of the best custom maps ever made. I can promise you that. Hope you guys are excited.

Enjoy the clip, I apologize, it didn't record sound effects. Enjoy WoW music. :)
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