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Entangled Gold Mine

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Level 10
Nov 5, 2008
For my Sylvan Race I want the Wisps to be able to Entangle Gold Mines.

I have tried two different ways:

1) I use Undeads Haunted Gold Mine but I replace the skin with Entangled Gold Mine. I give the Haunted Gold Mine all abilities listed on the Entangled Gold Mine; "Load Unload" Etc
The Wisps constructs the building on a gold mine and all the Wisps load into the building and starts to harvest. But the Gold Mine says there is 0 gold! And when the building is destroyed the goldmine is destroyed as well.

2) I give the Wisps the Entangle Gold Mine ability but they are unable to Entangle. "Unable to root here" it says.

How do I do to make Wisps being able to solve this dilemma without help from their daddy Tree of Life?
Level 7
Jul 9, 2007
o_O thats odd, first check to see if there is even gold int he goldmine before entangleing

then look at the NE vers of the spell, is ther anything you left out or need?

and if im correct, wisps do not entangle goldmine, its a spell that the NE main structure has.
now repeat the process with the undead haunted gldmine and acolyte ability, check the haunted goldmine unit as well, see if there is anything different in that from yours that could change somthing.

see if you can find a bug with yours and fix it, good luck
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