Entangle Gold Mine Strange Issue?

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Level 7
Dec 3, 2006
Entangle Gold Mine Strange Issue? And other Inquiry. . .

Apparently newly created units that are based off of wisp are still unable to grab gold unless they are truly wisps or you add the load wisp ability even after removing the wisp requirement from the ability. Removing the wisp requirement from the load wisp ability works but it's not instant and causes the transport unit to face that direction.

Wondering if anyone has any ideas on how to fix this. Because it's rather annoying to have the unit paused for loading for any unit other than the original wisp.

Basically here is the test map. Just type -load and it will load the siege engine with the wisps and a custom wisp. You can remove the ability Load Wisp from the unit in the object editor and then re-test to see that the unit cannot load the newly created wisp unless it has the load wisp ability.

I'm looking for suggestions on how to overcome the limitation of the unit stopping while loading basically. I think i might have to experiment with other races goldmine abilities for transport, but i really thought wisp was the one. I'm not even sure if the other abilities allow you to unload with the gold mine by clicking an unit in the transport screen. And the other reason i'm using the wisp one is there is an unload all instant feature which is very nice.

Note: It will crash if you unload then try to load an unit if you don't type -load first because after you unload it removes the goldmine ability.


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Level 7
Dec 3, 2006
Also, has anyone heard of the CargoHoldDeath ability? it's got some strange fields. Attack Update Frequency and Movement Update Frequency for example.
EDIT: I think its to do with goblin zepplin and it allows the units that die in the cargo to be plac'd on the ground. This could be VERY useful. : D

And theres a native function:
native SetUnitTypeSlots takes unit whichUnit, integer slots returns nothing
And i'm not sure what that does at all. Any ideas?
EDIT: After revisiting this thread:
Native Questions[/URL] I think this lets me set unit types as positions on a unit's command card. I think this could be useful cause it allows me to have more control over where an unit sold is positioned on the unit's command card. Like i think 11 would be were the cancel button is usually for when u open an spell book or open the skills menu(only the location) but not having to do with when inside either of those.

EDIT: Also found out that I can raise transport limits to 10 units : D! 10 buttons extra instead of 8 by using shift! xD
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Level 7
Dec 3, 2006
Ok, from what i've gathered at looking at the AbilityData.slk the Load(Entangled Mine) ability has another field where it sets the unit types that are allowed but does not show up in the editor and only has 'ewsp' (a wisps's rawcode there). Is there any way I can modify this so it'd work like using a custom AbilityData.slk maybe?

Also I check'd almost every other load ability(except orc, human, or undead goldmine type ones). There is no ability that is really just instant for loading without making the loading unit face an angle or something.

THIS IS SOLVED: Meatwagon; exhume corpses.
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