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Engineer themed skills.

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Level 4
Sep 1, 2008
I'm making an RPG in which you start as a Commoner, rank up to a __(insert rank here :wink:)__ and i need skill ideas that are worker/engineer themed for the commoner. His model file is the Blood Elf engineer. Also apparently i need rank names too :hohum: so thanks and +rep to all who post. But only if ur nice :cool:

-no negative/angry/mean comments please... im talking to you of course.. BANE
Level 21
Aug 9, 2006
Mechanical Contamination: Adds a countdown timer to all mechanical units around, if the countdown timer reaches 0 they explode and receive X damage.

Shock Grenade: Throws a grenade which deals X damage and purges all units in the target area.

TNT: Places a TNT Barrel, this barrel can be triggered with the trigger spell which replaces TNT, deals X damage in XXX AoE when triggered.
Level 22
Jun 23, 2007
skill ideas that are worker/engineer themed

well, its hard to tell what time period the rpg is in. if its modern-future military engineer, he'll probably have mines and shit.
If this is like medieval, he probably wont be carrying around shock grenades and TNT barrels.

I'm sorry to say, but your spells dont seem very engineer/worker-ish. Anyways, im giving my own little two-cents.
Level 3
May 10, 2008
I think you could use the normal repair as the first skill, then haste which makes you repair faster, then a passive skill that whenever you complete a repair, it increases your gold, then for the last skill, he instantly repairs 30% of the health of a mechanical unit. . .

Just an idea though, good luck in making them. . .
Level 17
Jun 12, 2007
People.. People.. Stay friendly would ya, don't say stuf like: Your spells are lame and such, we are here to help paladinprime, not to fight!

- You could base some spells of the goblin engineer hero for example enginering that improves his other spells. (Passive)
- You could make a gui based spell that whenever he kills a mechanical unit he gets a permament bonus to his attributes. (Passive)
- You could also give him a profession spell that can create items depening on the level. (Also needs gui.) You could make him create bombs out of materials he has in his inventory if he uses that spell for example. (Non-Target)
- You could give him a spell to 'summon' buildings like a cannon tower. (Target)
- You can give him a repair spell but that was already mentioned. (Target)

Be creative! =:D
Level 10
Aug 4, 2008
you could give him a Blue Print skill which allows the engineer to make a random item recipe after a long cooldown. As the skill gets higher in level the blueprints available get better and take less time to come up with. After a blueprint is made, then the player can go search out the materials to make it. I think this idea ability is of a good rpg nature... basically a random event that leads to item collecting which leads to owning mad loot.

Oh and BTW you can't actually give rep points until you have 10 rep yourself, probably shouldn't advertise it until you do. (u can still rep but it's not worth anything.)
Level 25
Jun 5, 2008
Hack - takes control over the targeted mechanical unit(duration or permament)

Biotech Assimilation - (spell book) Changes attributes through the use of spells(if you played dota it is the spell like Morphilngs) Reduces *desiredatribute* increase *desiredatribute2* by *x* points, also an reversal spell reduces *desiredatribute2* increase *desiredatribute* by *x* points

Chronus Infintus - Tosses an electric cog which zaps the target each *x* seconds during *y* duration.(zap = stun)

Cyborg Mechanius - Deals *x* damage to all units in area around the caster, if an unit dies an cyborg will spawn at the location.
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