Translation Request 12

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Level 37
Aug 14, 2006
Hey there once again!

I have been making my campaign for over half year now. I have already released alpha tests from it. Some of the testers have said to me that the english is bad so here I am: translation request 12. I have couple of texts and if you even can translate one text I would be greateful(to "better english"). I will give you credits at the campaign and also some rep in here. Thank you beforehand.

Here are the texts:

(If you have more imagination, it would be fun if you can make this text even more funnier!!!)
Haha! Oh, hi there! So you want to have some information about this game? Oh yea, I just love to tell some information!

Haha! First of all, it's wise to play this game! Why? Because you always won! Even if you lose, I got a lot of potions for the losers. Oh yes, for the losers. And I have plenty of losers. Oh, and by the way, no one have ever won this mini-game. Hahahahahaaaaaa!

Haha! I just can laugh all my days because of losers. They always try to win this mini-game, but they can't. They just can't! Oh, why? Because this is so damn hard of course! So you want to be another loser? Welcome! Try to beat this came! Hahahahahaaaaaa!

Haha! So about the game, you got a big cannon! And you shoot animals! Animals will run only once around the cannon and then go to finnish! You have to kill all animals, if ten animals go to the finish you lose. Hahahahahaaaaaa!

So it's all about shooting. Go and play. Hahahahahaaaaaa!

Ohh, I almost forget to tell that here is four stages! Oh yea, four stages. When you complete a stage you will win a better prize! And of course, if you won whole game, I got a huge prize for you. But I have to say you are not going to win this. Hahahahahaaaaaa!

Argh! What!? How this can be possible!? No one should win this!! How did you!? You have to be somekind of superhero or something!! And now... I'm out of animals!! You killed almost all animals... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!

Argh! You just ruined my business... and now I even have to give you reward!!! Argh!!! Whatever!!!

Argh! Here, taka these tree items. They are so called "magic balls". They are very good if you have some excellent abilities.

(Okay, this not anymore "funny text" so this is a serious text.)
(Balgaron = Kingdom)
Dragon Slayers
Dragon Slayers are like a special forces of Balgaron and they are the most powerful soldiers. Their main job is to slaughter dragons when the war was still on. However, today they are not needed anymore beacuse there is no longer a threat of the dragons.

Dragon Slayer Ranks
Dragon slayers have five different rank. First rank is the lowest and fifth rank is the highest rank. For gaining next rank you must do something heroic for the kingdom.

First rank is for the beginners which means they are very new for this job. Even if they are trained entire life for this job. At first rank, you are a regular member and any higher rank member can order you. About 60% of dragon slayers have this rank.

Second rank means that you are not anymore just a regular dragon slayer and you have done something heroic. About 25% of dragon slayers have this rank.

Third rank means that you are elite dragon slayer. Third rank means you have put a lot of effort to your career. You have done some heroic deeds. This rank also means that you are a little chieftain, you have a own dragon slayer group. About 11% of dragon slayers have this rank.

Fourth rank is a respectable. People know you from your heroic deeds and you are famous. You lead army or perhaps armies and you are very powerful. This rank needs more than just to be very powerful warrior. You must have good skills and great experience with leading armies and great attitude. Only 3% of dragon slayers have this rank.

The highest rank which is very hard to gain. Only the ones who have at least 30 year experience and still great powers have this rank. Currently this rank have Galeoth, Tharo and Xanophis. The ones who have this rank have a great powers in politics after the king of Balgaron.

(These tree texts are from the past.)
Phodom As Dragon Slayer(Success)
Phodom is so called "protector". He was very friendly, positive and helpful. He always did his job well and let none down. Many people highly respected him and he had great honor. Because he had a long career and he worked hard he earned rank fourth.

After the war he ended he stopped his work and settled down with his family. The reason why he stopped is that he said many of his friends died in the war and he didn't want to see anymore death. It's been years when he has been seen last time.

Fradz As Dragon Slayer(Success)
Fradz is so called "terminator". Fradz dragon slayer career was a very short one, but very strange. He became to dragon slayer at the end of the war. However, in the little time he killed many dragons, even alone which is incredible(usually to kill one dragon needs at least one small dragon slayer group). Fradz is surely one of the most powerful dragon slayers ever. Rumours says that he have never lost a fight.

Because of the high skills Fradz was fast promoted up and up to fast to third rank. However, because his very bad attitude he never went to fourth rank. He was a very bad leading and many said he was a very mysterious guy. Some even called him retard, because he always talked to himself and never listened to anyone. That is why he never had a true friend.

After the war Fradz has been wandering around the world without doing any jobs. He said that he went to search for a wife or a true friend for himself.

Galeoth As Dragon Slayer(Success)
Fradz is so called "leader". Galeoth is almost similiar as his father, Vandart. Galeoth born to a famous and rich family. He never had brothers or sisters and that is why his father Vandart trained Galeoth ever since he was born. Galeoth became a very powerful wizard at very young age and that is why he have very long dragon slayer career.

Because of his very long career(36 year), incredible heroic deeds, mighty sacrifices and great leading skills he earned his fifth rank when he was 52 year old. He is one of the best dragon slayers ever just like his father.

After the war Galeoth still have been doing his job leading armies, fightning powerful monster and so on. However, last year he once again started his search to find dragons. He still believes they still do exist. Now he want to prove it and maybe someday he become home exhausted without finding anything.
Level 10
Aug 4, 2008
Well hello there stranger, interested in playing a little game? Well first you need to know how, and there's nothing I love more then telling people what to do.

So.. I have to commend you on your choice, it's a wise decision to pick this mini-game. Why? Well because nobody ever loses, there is a prize for everyone! Yup, even for a odd sort like yourself! I've got plenty of potions for the sorest of losers, and for the major prize I have... well, no need to get into that.. everyone may walk away a winner but no one has ever truly beaten this game!

Oh boy, I'm splitting my sides with laughter at all the sore losers walking away from here. They always come back with their 'I'm gonna win this time' attitude just to get shattered by another woeful loss... it's pathetic. Not that I expect anyone to actually beat this game, they can't. No one can, it's just too damn hard! You want to join the rank of losers, be my guest... you can't beat this game!

Well, about this game then. You get a big cannon, ya see? And there's these animals, ya see them too? Right. Well those animals do a single lap around the cannon, and I think you can guess what you gotta do. Just make sure no more then ten of the furry critters get home safely, or you won't be seeing any major prizes.

Lock and load, now give it a go! Blow those woodland critters away!

Oh, I almost forgot to tell you there are four stages to this game. Yup, four whole stages. It's well worth it though, each stage you complete will reward you with an even better prize! If you're lucky enough to complete the final stage, (of which, my boy, there is no chance whatsoever), you will receive an incredible gift. Good luck, future loser!

What!? No Way!!! How this can be possible!? No one should win this!! How did you!? You have to be some kind of superhero or something!! And now... I'm all out of animals!! You killed almost all of my animals... YOU MONSTER!!!

Argh! My business is in ruins!... and to make matters worse I have to reward you for it!!! I can't believe this!!

Dammit, just take these three items. According to legend these things are called "magic balls". Apparently they come in pretty handy if you have some kind of special abilities... and boy, seeing this many dead animals tells me you do.
Level 5
May 6, 2008
hey this is a little translation. look for the words that have this *. thats the one i changed except the *oh Yes for the losers* and by the way can i be ur tester when all translation is finish?

Oh, hi there! So you want to have some information about this game? Oh yea, I just love to tell some information!

First of all, it's wise to play this game! Why? Because you always won! Even if you lose, I got a lot of potions for the losers. *Oh yes, for the losers*. And I have plenty of losers. Oh, and by the way, no one *had ever won this mini-game.

I just can laugh all my days because of losers. They always try to win this mini-game, but they can't. They just can't! Oh, why? Because this is so damn hard of course! So you want to be another loser? Welcome! Try to beat this *game!!

So about the game, you got a big cannon! And you shoot *the animals! Animals will run only once around the cannon and then go to the *finish! You have to kill all *the animals, if ten animals *got to the finish you lose.

So it's all about shooting. Go and play.

Ohh, I almost *forgot to tell that here is four stages! Oh yea, four stages. When you *completed a stage you will win a better prize! And of course, if you won *the whole game, I got a huge prize for you. But I have to say you are not going to win this.

Dragon Slayers
Dragon Slayers are like a special *force of Balgaron and they are the most powerful soldiers. Their main job is to slaughter dragons when the war *is still on. However, today they are not needed anymore *because *they *are no longer *in a threat *from dragons.

Dragon Slayer Ranks
Dragon slayers *has five different *ranks. First rank is the lowest and *the fifth rank is the highest rank. For gaining *the next rank you must do something heroic for the kingdom.

First rank is for the beginners which means they are very new for this job. Even if they are trained *in *their entire life for this job. At first rank, you are a regular member and any higher rank member can order you. About 60% of dragon slayers have this rank.

Third rank means that you are elite dragon slayer. Third rank means you *had put a lot of effort to your *job. You have done some heroic deeds. This rank also means that you are a little chieftain, you have *an own dragon slayer group. About 11% of dragon slayers have this rank.

Fourth rank is a respectable. People *knew you from your heroic deeds and you are famous. You lead *an army or perhaps armies and you are very powerful. This rank needs more than just to be *a very powerful warrior. You must have good skills and great experience with leading armies and great attitude. Only 3% of dragon slayers have this rank.

The highest rank which is very hard to gain. Only the ones who *had at least 30 year experience and still *has *their great powers have this rank. Currently this rank have Galeoth, Tharo and Xanophis. The ones who have this rank have great powers in politics after the king of Balgaron.
Level 5
May 6, 2008
huh what do you mean i just changed the wrong grammar and their some words who have trouble in spelling. i just copied this from him. changed only some words to make it correct
Level 10
Aug 4, 2008
if ten animals *got to the finish you lose. >>>'get' to the finish

When you *completed a stage you will win a better prize! >>>>'complete' / 'have completed'

Dragon slayers *has five different ranks >>>> 'have' 5 different ranks


and with a translation request it's not really helpful to only correct part of the grammar and spelling errors in a paragraph, but to complete atleast that whole section of text.
Level 10
Aug 4, 2008
Yeah, I'm Discipline @ US EAST. here's the final part yo

Dragon Slayers
Dragon Slayers are a special force of Balgaron, ranked with the kingdom's most powerful soldiers. In the old war the Slayers were responsible for eliminating the dragons, but as the species is near extinction the Slayers are needed no more.

Dragon Slayer Ranks
There are 5 ranks of Dragon Slayer, the first being the lowest and the fifth being the highest. For a Slayer to gain a rank he must perform a heroic act in the name of the kingdom.

The first rank is an initiate position, where all Dragon Slayers must start. A first rank slayer is considered a grunt among the special force, required to in-act the orders of any higher ranking slayer. Roughly 60% of Slayers have not surpassed this rank.

A second ranked Slayer has risen above the initiate position through achieving an act of heroism. 25% of dragon slayers have achieved this rank.

A third rank Slayer is considered an Elite Soldier. To obtain the third rank a slayer must be devoted to there career and to have achieved multiple acts of heroism. The third rank Slayer is also considered a Captain and is responsible for his own squad of lower ranking Slayers. About 11% of dragon slayers have acquired this rank.

The fourth rank is well respected amongst the force. Your heroic deeds are recognised by the kingdom and written in legend. They are very powerful Generals and are responsible for leading armies into battle. To acquire this rank a Dragon Slayer needs to be more then just a powerful warrior, but also a leader of the people. Only 3% of dragon slayers obtain this rank.

The highest rank of Slayer, one of incredible might and perseverance. To assume this position amongst the ranks of slayers requires over 30 years of experience, while consistently proving their worth and power on the battlefield. The few that acquire this rank have power beyond that of the military and extend their sway into politics, only second to the king of Balgaron. The current fifth rank Slayers are Galeoth, Tharo and Xanophis.

(These tree texts are from the past.)

Phodom As a Dragon Slayer(Success)
Phodom is the one they call the "Protector". A well liked and honorable man, he was never one to fail or let his men down. Due to his skill as a soldier and respected standing amongst peers he forged a prosperous career in the Dragon Slayers, obtaining fourth rank.

When the war was at an end Phodom retired from his position with the military and settled down with his family. He had witnessed many a friend fall on the battlefield, and chose to live out his remaining days with the ones he loves. Many years have passed since the last sighting of the Protector.

Fradz As Dragon Slayer(Success)
Fradz became known as the "Terminator". Fradz's career with the Dragon Slayers was short lived, yet remarkable. Even though he joined the Dragon Slayers at the end of the war before even a little time had passed he had killed many. On some occasions he had slain them solo, a deed which it normally takes a whole squadron to achieve. Being a man who has never lost a fight to neither man nor dragon, to some he is the most powerful slayer of all time.

Due to his talents Fradz achieved third rank in a very short time. His poor nature amongst peers, however, prevented him from obtaining anything higher. He was a loner who could not work well with other people, let alone lead them. His mysterious nature also lead him to be shunted by those jealous of his skills.

Once the war had came to an end Fradz left the Dragon Slayers in search of a true friend, and wife to be.

Galeoth As Dragon Slayer(Success)
Galeoth has been nicknamed the "Leader". He has grown to be a very similar man to his father, Vandart. Galeoth born to a famous and rich family, and being the first and only child his father had trained him since birth. Galeoth became a very powerful wizard at very young age, enabling him to have a long career with the Dragon Slayers.

After 36 years in the Slayers he had accomplished many incredible deeds of heroism, mighty sacrifices and proven himself a great leader. It was in this year, at the age of 52, when Galeoth achieved his fifth rank.

After the war Galeoth continued to lead the armies in protection of the kingdom for a few years. He soon grew to tire of it and continued his search for dragons instead, still wanting to prove their existence. Since his leaving, many say he must have found what he searched for and perished. However, there are others who still hope one day he will return home, exhausted yet without sight of what he searched for.
Level 10
Jun 21, 2007
just a note, in the first rank of dragon slayers it enact not in-act


and respected standing amongst his peers he forged a prosperous career in the Dragon Slayers, obtaining fourth rank.


After the war Galeoth continued to lead the armies in protection of the kingdom for a few years. He soon grew tired of it
Level 10
Jun 21, 2007
Dragon Slayers
Dragon Slayers are a special force of Balgaron, ranked with the kingdom's most powerful soldiers. In the old war the Slayers were responsible for eliminating the dragons, but as the species is near extinction the Slayers are needed no more.

Dragon Slayer Ranks
There are 5 ranks of Dragon Slayer, the first being the lowest and the fifth being the highest. For a Slayer to gain a rank he must perform a heroic act in the name of the kingdom.

The first rank is an initiate position, where all Dragon Slayers must start. A first rank slayer is considered a grunt among the special force, required to enact the orders of any higher ranking slayer. Roughly 60% of Slayers have not surpassed this rank.

A second ranked Slayer has risen above the initiate position through achieving an act of heroism. 25% of dragon slayers have achieved this rank.

A third rank Slayer is considered an Elite Soldier. To obtain the third rank a slayer must be devoted to there career and to have achieved multiple acts of heroism. The third rank Slayer is also considered a Captain and is responsible for his own squad of lower ranking Slayers. About 11% of dragon slayers have acquired this rank.

The fourth rank is well respected amongst the force. Your heroic deeds are recognised by the kingdom and written in legend. They are very powerful Generals and are responsible for leading armies into battle. To acquire this rank a Dragon Slayer needs to be more then just a powerful warrior, but also a leader of the people. Only 3% of dragon slayers obtain this rank.

The highest rank of Slayer, one of incredible might and perseverance. To assume this position amongst the ranks of slayers requires over 30 years of experience, while consistently proving their worth and power on the battlefield. The few that acquire this rank have power beyond that of the military and extend their sway into politics, only second to the king of Balgaron. The current fifth rank Slayers are Galeoth, Tharo and Xanophis.

(These tree texts are from the past.)

Phodom As a Dragon Slayer(Success)
Phodom is the one they call the "Protector". A well liked and honorable man, he was never one to fail or let his men down. Due to his skill as a soldier and respected standing amongst his peers he forged a prosperous career in the Dragon Slayers, obtaining fourth rank.

When the war was at an end Phodom retired from his position with the military and settled down with his family. He had witnessed many a friend fall on the battlefield, and chose to live out his remaining days with the ones he loves. Many years have passed since the last sighting of the Protector.

Fradz As Dragon Slayer(Success)
Fradz became known as the "Terminator". Fradz's career with the Dragon Slayers was short lived, yet remarkable. Even though he joined the Dragon Slayers at the end of the war before even a little time had passed he had killed many. On some occasions he had slain them solo, a deed which it normally takes a whole squadron to achieve. Being a man who has never lost a fight to neither man nor dragon, to some he is the most powerful slayer of all time.

Due to his talents Fradz achieved third rank in a very short time. His poor nature amongst peers, however, prevented him from obtaining anything higher. He was a loner who could not work well with other people, let alone lead them. His mysterious nature also lead him to be shunted by those jealous of his skills.

Once the war had came to an end Fradz left the Dragon Slayers in search of a true friend, and wife to be.

Galeoth As Dragon Slayer(Success)
Galeoth has been nicknamed the "Leader". He has grown to be a very similar man to his father, Vandart. Galeoth born to a famous and rich family, and being the first and only child his father had trained him since birth. Galeoth became a very powerful wizard at very young age, enabling him to have a long career with the Dragon Slayers.

After 36 years in the Slayers he had accomplished many incredible deeds of heroism, mighty sacrifices and proven himself a great leader. It was in this year, at the age of 52, when Galeoth achieved his fifth rank.

After the war Galeoth continued to lead the armies in protection of the kingdom for a few years. He soon grew tired of it and continued his search for dragons instead, still wanting to prove their existence. Since his leaving, many say he must have found what he searched for and perished. However, there are others who still hope one day he will return home, exhausted yet without sight of what he had searched for.
Level 37
Aug 14, 2006
Yeah, ok. Thanks! +rep to you also!

Okay, I just read the texts and they are superior! Fantastic job guys.

However, I want to be sure of this sentece.

"Many belive that Fradz is one of the most powerful dragon slayers ever and some even believes that he has never lost a fight to neither man nor dragon, to some he is the most powerful slayer of all time."

Is this okay?
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