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Translation Request 8

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Level 37
Aug 14, 2006
Hey there once again!

I have been making my campaign for over half year now. I have already released alpha tests from it. Some of the testers have said to me that the english is bad so here I am: translation request 8. I have couple of texts and if you even can translate one text I would be greateful(to "better english"). I will give you credits at the campaign and also some rep in here. Thank you beforehand.

Here are the texts:

Dragon Slayer's Duty
Dragon Slayers are like "special forces" of the kingdom. They are the most powerful soldiers of kingdom. Their main job is to protect kingdom. When the war was on, their main job was to kill dragons which were the highest thread.

Dragon Slayer Ranks
Dragon slayers have five different rank. First rank is the lowest and fifth rank is the highest rank. For gaining next rank you must do something heroic for the kingdom.

First rank is for beginners which means they are very new for this job. Even if they are trained entire life for this job. Usually first few years dragon slayers are in this rank. About twenty percent of the dragon slayers are in this rank.

Second rank means that you are not anymore just a regular dragon slayer. You have done something heroic for the kingdom. After couple of years dragon slayer can be in this rank. Over fifty percent of dragon slayer are in this rank.

Third rank means that you are a elite dragon slayer. You done something great for the kingdom and you are expert in fightning. About one to two hundred dragon slayers are in this rank.

Fourth rank means that you are a commander of dragon slayers. You order a small group of dragon slayers. Even if you are expert in fightning does not mean you can have this rank because you need to have great attitude and reputation. Currently only twentyfour people have this rank rank.

Fifth is the last rank. Only few has gained fifth rank. Fifth rank means that you are one of the leaders of dragon slayers. Currently leaders are Galeoth, Trodio, Nomski and Yggrassil. Only the king is higher rank than this.

Phodom As Dragon Slayer(Success)
Phodom is so called "protector". He uses a huge mace and powerful fire to kill his enemies. He always protected many little villages from certain doom. He was very friendly dragon slayer that always helped when needed. Because he had a long career and he worked hard he earned rank fourth. After the war he ended he retired and settled down with his family. From since on, he have done nothing for the kingdom.

Fradz As Dragon Slayer(Success)
Fradz dragon slayer career is a very short one. He became to dragon slayer at the end of the war. However, in little time he killed many dragons, even alone which is incredible. Fradz is surely one of the most powerful dragon slayers ever. Fradz uses two swords and powerful lightning element. Rumours says that he have never lost a fight and some say that he fights like the legendary warrior Axobada.

Because of the high skills Fradz was fast promoted up and up to fast to third rank. However, because his very bad attitude he never earned rank fourth. Currently he is wandering all over the world.

Galeoth As Dragon Slayer(Success)
Like his father, Galeoth is calm but a powerful dragon slayer. He uses his ice based magics to defeat his enemies. He have very long career. Even when the war ended he was still searching more of them. He is a expert of killing dragons.

Galeoth have the fifth rank and is one of the leaders. His reputation is great because of his own doing and his legendary father, Vandart. Currently he left the castle once again to search dragons.

Otzi Teeths
A hunter asks you to kill some otzies to obtain eight Otzi teeths. He promised to give you a powerful magical shield as a reward. Otzies are neardby around mountains.

Crystal Problem
Year ago, a silent crystal place started to live. Crystal golems came from no where and distracted live of Snowy Trolls. Snowy Trolls tried to solve this problem alone without any progress. Crystal golems were too strong for them and many trolls died. Now they need your help. They want you somehow to vanish all crystal golems from crystal place. Snowy Troll Chieftain promised to give you 600 as reward.

Another Request
A hunter once again have a request for you. This time it's a lot harder request than before. You must find a huge monster called Otzi King which looks like a regular Otzi but a lot bigger. The hunter said to you that you must kill him and bring his teeth for the hunter. If you can do this, hunter promised to give you Azureus Shoulders which belongs to a legendary item set called "Azureus Set".
Level 49
Apr 18, 2008

Otzi Hunt:
A hunter asks you to hunt some otzies. As a proof that you killed them, you must bring him eight of those Otzies teeth.He promised to give you a magical shield as a reward. Otzies can be found around mountains.

The Ruler Of All Otzi:
The hunter once again have a request for you. This time it is a lot harder than before. You must find the legendary Otzi King which is just like the regular Otzi's but a lot bigger and stronger. As a proof, bring the otzi's meat to the hunter. If you can hold this, the hunter will give you the legendary Azureus Shoulders which is a part of the the legendary set - the Azureus Set.

Dragon Slayer's Duty
Dragon Slayers are like "special forces" of the kingdom. They are the most powerful soldiers of the kingdom. Their main job is to protect the kingdom from dragons. In the time of the war, their main job has to slay dragons which were the most dangerous treat for the kingdom.

Crystal Problem

Year ago, the crystals of the Snowy Lands came to live. Crystal golems came from no where and distracted the live of the peaceful Snowy Trolls.The Snowy Trolls tried to solve this problem, without any progress.The Crystal golems were too strong for them and many trolls died. Now they need your help. They want you to somehow vanish all the crystal golems from the Snowy Lands. The Snowy Troll Chieftain promised to give you 600 gold and shiny coins as reward if you succeed. Maybe his offer is so big because of your low chances to get alive from that task...

Dragon Slayer Ranks
Dragon slayers have five different rank. The first rank is the lowest and the fifth rank is the highest. To advance to the next rank you must do something heroic, and some ranks even require good attitude and reputation.

First rank is for beginners which means they are very new for this job. Even if they are trained entire life for this job. Usually dragon slayers stay in this rank a couple of years. About twenty percent of the dragon slayers are in this rank.

Second rank means that you are not anymore a beginner. You have done something heroic for the kingdom.In most of the times, you can advance to this rank after couple of years. Over fifty percent of dragon slayer are in this rank.

Third rank means that you are an elite dragon slayer. You've done something hilarious for the kingdom and you are an expert in fighting. About one hundred and fifty dragon slayers are in this rank.

Fourth rank means that you are an commander of dragon slayers. You order a small group of dragon slayers. Even if you are an expert in fighting does not mean you can reach this rank because you need to have great attitude and reputation. Currently only twenty-four people reached this rank.

Fifth is the last rank. Only a few dragon slayers has reached the fifth rank. Fifth rank means that you are one of the leaders of the dragon slayers. Current leaders are Galeoth, Trodio, Nomski and Yggrassil. Only the king is higher rank than this.

Phodom's Dragon Slayer Carrier(Success)
Phodom is a so called "protector". He uses a huge mace and powerful fire magic to kill his enemies. He protected many villages from certain doom. He was a very friendly dragon slayer that always helped when help was needed. Because he had a long career and he worked hard he earned rank fourth. After the war he ended hes carrier and settled down with his family. From since on, he have done nothing for the kingdom.

Fradz Dragon Slayer Carrier(Success)

Fradz dragon slayer career is a very short one. He became a dragon slayer at the end of the war. However, in this small ammount of time he killed many dragons alone which is incredible. Fradz is surely one of the most powerful dragon slayers ever. Fradz uses two swords and the powerful lightning element. Rumours says that he have never lost a fight and some say that he fights like the legendary warrior Axobada.

Because of hes high skills Fradz was fast promoted up and up to the third rank. However, because his very bad attitude he never earned rank fourth. Currently he is wandering all over the world.

Galeoth's Dragon Slayer Carrier(Success)
Like his father, Galeoth is calm but a powerful dragon slayer. He uses his ice magic to defeat his enemies. He has a very long carrier. Even when the war ended he was still searching more dragons to slay. He is an expert of slaying dragons.

Galeoth have the fifth rank and he is one of the leaders. His reputation is great because of his own doing and his legendary father, Vandart. Currently he left the castle once again to search dragons.
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