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Enfo's FFB Edition v2.60e

Strikest Presents


Map Info

Enfo's Team Survival: FFB Edition is a Hero Defense type map that features two teams trying to defend themselves from a series of progressively harder creepwaves, while at the same time trying to defeat the enemy team by using support spells from each player's Spellbringers.


Enfo's TS: FFB Edition features over 30 unique heroes, each with 5 custom spells: 1 innate and 4 learnable hero spells, most of which are heavily coded in vJass. There are 3 main categories that each heroes fall into, and you need at least one of each if you hope to survive long—it is a team survival after all, and you won't get far on your own. These roles are the standard: Tank, Damage Dealer, and Support roles. However, while the roles each hero plays are standard, the way each hero fulfills these roles are from it; every hero's unique skillset allows them to fulfill each role very differently.

Some other stuff about map
Unlike any other Enfo map you've encountered, our version features a projectile system. This means all projectile spells and attacks can be modified in mid-air, and they can't collide with creeps, walls, etc. If you shoot a straight forward going spell on a target in the middle of a crowd, it won't go past the first units there to reach the target. It will collide with the first one in its path instead. This also means there are spells that remove a spell that you shot towards an enemy before it actually reaches its target.
Our version features bosses and commanders. A Commander comes with every wave, and usually have either some global affect or aura; or they do a lot of damage. An example can be Fanrae commander. He keeps all Fanraes permanent invisible while he's alive - so even when they're attacking, they can't be seen through normal means. Bosses are harder than commanders, and will show up at certain events in the map. You will know once you see one.


Change Logs

All changelogs after 2.05 can be found on our discord: Join the Enfos FFB Discord Server!

Fixed a crash caused by...wait for it... a goddamn tooltip >:O *shakes fist angrily at Blizzard* why u keep break things and give me headache
Fixed bug caused by patch
Eye of The Void Void Embrace drag distance 40*level > 50 + 25* level
S'kaar Devastate now randomly throws affected units

Barrel of Explosives damage 500 > 200
Bloodfiend Bloodbath max health damage 10*level% of max hp > 2*level% of max hp
Bloodfiend Strength per level 6 > 4
Fixed crash when player leaves hopefully

Fixed crash in 1.29+. Map however is unoptimized because the optimizer is broken, so loading times have increased. Shrug at least map is working again amirite?

Spellbringer mana regeneration reduced to .75 from 1.
Summon Saemaus mana cost reduced to 180.
Kaelstraum's Darkrift mana cost reduced to 425.
Slow Projectiles mana cost reduced to 30.
Chain Disruption mana cost increased to 375.
Bard's Nexus mana regenerated reduced to 35 (from 50).
Bard's Nexus cooldown reduced to 75 (from 80).
Merchant Lord's attack speed increased to 160(from 100).
Nimsha now works properly on non-hero units.
Uber slow poison (zombies, moss mey commander) duration reduced to .2 seconds.

An anti mass unit lag measure has been implemented; enemy creeps ignore unit collision until they acquire an enemy.
Lag as a whole has been reduced tremendously. Many previously laggy spells have been recoded for speed and efficiency.

Hypnotist base attack speed doubled. (.6 cooldown to .3)
Nightblade base attack speed increased. (.7 cooldown to .6)
Nightblade Agility per level increased to 6 from 4.5
Predator can no longer Cleave(from items) enemies during Massacre.
Improved Bloodfiend's Bloodbath animations to be clearer and smoother.
Fixed a bug with Empath's Divine Protection affecting enemies.
Merchant Lord's Apple of Eden gold cost lowered to 10% from 15%, gold scaling increased to .6% from .4%(Total duration unchanged), base duration increased to 33 from 24.
Merchant Lord's Soldiers of Fortune base damage with level improved to 5*Level*Level, increasing at Wave 20 to 10*Level*Level and 30*Level*Level at Wave 30.
Merchant Lord Sorcerer Haste duration increased to 8 seconds from 7.
Eye of the Void's Void Infusion Agility scaling improved to Agility*Level*Level*.12 from Agility*Level*Level*.05.
Fixed a bug with Eye of the Void's Void Infusion not dealing damage at high amounts of bounces.
Paladin Chatadru's Blessing cooldown increased to 8 from 7.
Archdruid secondary target effects from Nature's Wrath, Embrace, and Longevity increased to 50% from 10%.
Fixed a bug with Archdruid Nature's Longevity not working on secondary targets.
Archdruid Nature's Wrath damage bonus increased.
Bloodfiend Unholy Pact health cost increased to 15% from 5% current health.
Bloodfiend Thicken Blood health cost increased to 15% from 10% maximum health.
Bloodfiend Bloodbath area of effect lowered to 350 from 375.
Naga Overseer Surf trail now disappears after 8 seconds, instead of after the spell ends.
Lich Death and Decay cooldown decreased by 10 seconds at all levels.
Mentalist Aura Sight cooldown decreased by 10 at max level.

New item: Staff of Peace.
Owl Courier can now carry up to 6 items.
Owl Courier movement speed increased.
Tranquil Warfare set components changed: Staff of Peace is now part of the set, while Force Edge is removed.
Paradox Blade damage bonus increased to 960 from 720.
Wand of the West Wind Cyclone mana cost reduced to 250 from 300.
Fixed a bug with Elder Staff granting 400 mana instead of the intended 75.
Filled Sinister Urns are now droppable.

Fixed a bug with creeps getting stuck in terrain.
Staff of Peace Intelligence bonus increased to 36 from 24.
Haunted Remnant Agility per Level lowered to 2.5 from 3.
Barbarian Agility per Level lowered to 1 from 2.

Updated Recommended Items in F9
Will of Stone(Enemy Commander armor aura) armor bonus reduced.

No promotions has become the default mode. -np has been replaced with -cp, which you can use to toggle commander promotions.
Standardized attack and damage types of spells: Most spells now spell damage(unreduced by armor), though some spells now deal physical damage. These spells will be noted in tooltips. Some ultimates also do Universal damage, though this is not expressed in tooltips as of yet.
Bonus boss attack range reduced to 800 from 1200.
Gnoll Commander(wave 2) armor reduced to 0 from 3.

Tranquil Force active cooldown reduced to 45 from 60.
Sinister Urn stock replenish time reduced to 45 from 120.
Uthmor's Sinister Blade damage increased to 1800(from 1200).
Uthmor's Sinister Blade regeneration bonus increased to 1800(from 900).
New item: Soulrend.


New hero—Merchant Lord(the long awaited Trader!)
Predator starting Agility increased to 16(from 9).
Predator's Sinphony of Shadows cooldown reduced to 40(from 45).
Bloodfiend's Bloodbath reworked:now pulses for damage in a large AoE every second for 12 seconds.
Tauren Warrior Pulverize chance now increases with level.
Tauren Warrior Pulverize half damage area increased to 225(from 200).
Admiral now has a new passive - Happy Hour.

1.99b - 1.99h
Wave 5 Commander attack range reduced to 800 (from 1000).
Commander Reincarnation cooldown increased to 15 (from 10) on normal difficulty.
Arbelog Commander Frenzy now grants 40% movement speed (from 120%).
Added a scroll effect to Venus to better indicate her as the recipe shop.
Removed custom loading screen to reduce filesize.
Easy difficulty can now be selected by Red.
Fixed a bug with units being randomly spawned in middle of map.


Merchant Lord
Soldiers of Fortune summons now gain hp equal to 15% of the gold spent.
Paladin's Sanctified armor nerfed to 7% to heal 16% of max hp from 15% to heal 18%.
Paladin's Heal cooldown reduced to 16 from 25.
Paladin base armor increased to 35 from 25.
Sniper attack range reduced to 2500 (from 2750).
Sniper attack speed increased (4.0 attack cool down to 1.4).
Sniper now has the ability to turn invisible.
Berserker armor increased to 10 from 0.
Berserker now has a new passive that regenerates 6% of his maximum health per second.
Sorceror Lightning bolt gold cost scaling increased to 25% from 15%.
Sorceror Lightning bolt Intelligence scaling increased to 5x from 3x.
Sorceror Lightning bolt attack range increased to 750 from 700.
Sorceror now has the ability to blink.
Sorceror mana regeneration per second increased to .5 (from 0).
Faustian Bargain now grants gold per second(from 3). Gold scaling adjusted to compensate. (Net buff)
Sinister Creed gold gain reduced to .2% of current gold per stack.
Reckless Greed stat scaling multiplied by 4.5.
Reckless Greed enemy max hp damage increased to 3% per level from 2.5.
Reckless Greed miss chance reduced to 20% from 30%.
Reckless Greed recoil damage reduced to 12.5% from 15%.

Haunted Remnant Shadow Blend cooldown increased slightly.

Tempest Zephyr cooldown reduced to 32 from 40.

Predator attack cooldown reduced to 1.2 from 1.4 (attack speed increased).

Paladin attack cooldown reduced to 1.45 from 1.6 (attack speed increased).
Paladin base damage increased by 10.
Paladin Chatadru's Blessing now additionally heals Level*.7% of target's current life per second.
Paladin Chatadru's Blessing cooldown reduced to 7 from 7.5.

Empath's Divine Protection now affects allied summons.
Empath's Regeneration cooldown reduced to 10 from 20.
Empath's Remove Summon cooldown reduced significantly.

Defender's Retribution Aura area increased to 400 from 225.

Evoker's Gar Zeng hits 2 more targets at all levels.

1.99j-1.99m (A.K.A. the balance patches)

Queen of Blades Strength per level increased to 4.5 from 2.
Queen of Blades Death Sentence damage increased.
Enforcer Strength per level increased to 4 from 3.
Thief attack speed nerf reverted to 2.6 from 2.8.
Ranger starting Agility increased to 18 from 12.
Ranger Agility per level increased to 4.5 from 4..
Warrior Mage Frost Shard Intelligence scaling tripled to .9*level from .3
Warrior Mage Firewall base damage tripled to 150*level*level from 50*level*level.
Merchant Lord Soldiers of Fortune gold scaling now doubles after wave 20, and triples after wave 30.
Merchant Lord Reckless Greed gold gained increased by 10% at all levels.
Merchant Lord Sorcerer Lightningbolt Intelligence scaling increased to 17.5 from 5, base damage reduced to 17.5 from 100. After Wave 25, the base damage is increased to 1750 and the gold scaling is doubled.
Cabalist Fireball stat scaling increased to .45*level*(Str+Int) from 1*(Str+Int).
Battle Chanter Failure of the Forge armor reduction increased(30 at max level from 25).
Battle Chanter Chorus of Madmen cooldown reduced to 40(from 70).
Empath Regeneration duration lowered to 20(heal per second increased).
Empath Transference heal increased. (4500 per second at max level from 3000).

Fixed a bug with Evoker's Ball Lightning causing him to get permanently stuck.
Unliving Str and Agi per level back to .75 per level.

Merchant Lord Sinister Creed gold per stack reduced to .15% from .2%.
Fixed a bug with Merchant Lord paladin summon's heal having global cast range.

Savage Blade now grants 360 damage.
The Ravager damage bonus increased to 960 from 600.
Callous Multilator armor penalty lowered to 40 from 50.
Callous Multilator cleave area increased to 180 from 160.

Fixed a bug with invisible doodads.

Aether Construct Starting Intelligence reduced to 3 (from 9).
Aether Construct Intelligence per level reduced to 4.75 (from 5).
Primevil Horror is now an advanced hero, which means he requires -promote mode to be picked.

You can now purchase a courier from Ezara's Runewords.
New item: Paradox Blade
Implemented item set bonuses. Credits to BPower for the Item Set system. Currently there is only one set in game: Tranquil Warfare. Expect more in future versions.
Immortal Escutcheon no longer grants Reincarnation; it instead grants a +30 armor aura to nearby allies.
Eternal Thirst Vampirism now grants 1600 bonus damage (from 100).
Force Edge Push distance for enemy heroes increased to 425 from 350.
Tyranny cooldown reduced to 16 from 20.
Tyranny area of effect reduced to 225 from 300.
Added the components of recipe items to item tooltips.
Armor Crush duration reduced to 2(from 10).

Fixed a bug with thief illusion AI.

Gnoll Commander (Wave 2) base attack cooldown increased to 1.9 from 1.7.
Improved terrain/added new icons/general prettification of map.

New Terrain.

Haunted Remnant Agility per Level reduced to 3(from 4).
Aether Construct Intelligence per Level reduced to 5(from 6).
Aether Construct Strength per Level reduced to 1.5(from 2).

Fixed a bug that caused creeps to not spawn properly in line wars mode.

Blood Dancer's Blood Sabbath cooldown no longer decreases with level. (240 at all levels).
Blood Dancer's Blood Sabbath chance to increase strength on kill increased by 10 at all levels. (20 + Level chance)
Blood Dancer's Blood Sabbath strength scaling increased to 5*Level*Str from Level*Str; damage type changed to Pure.
Blood Dancer's Revenge now deals additional damage based on Agility.
Cleric's Holy Embrace armor bonus decreased by 5 at all levels.
Cleric's Prayer cooldown increased at all levels.
Queen of Blade's Temperance and Gluttony active damage doubled at all levels.
Naga Overseer's Hydro Pump cooldown reduced to 16 from 20.
Naga Overseer's Ocean's Wrath cooldown increased.
Fleshless Horror Boneshed chance increased to 4% from 2%.
Fleshless Horror Devastate stun duration reduced to 2 at all levels.
Holy Warrior's Sentinel's Resolve armor bonus per level increased by .5.
Ranger's Perfect Storm cooldown reduced to 16 from 20.
Ranger Agility gain increased to 4. from 3.
Aether Construct Intelligence gain increased to 6 per level from 3.
Thief base attack time increased to 2.8 from 2.6.
Thief Agility gain reduced to 2.5 per level from 3.
Thief's illusion AI now only switches targets 75% of the time.
Entropist's Avalanche now scales with Strength: Each bounce now deals 2*Level Strength.

Level 2 Gnoll Commander base damage reduced by 2.
Level 18 Troll Mann Damage base damage reduced to 400 from 450.
Level 18 Troll Man base health reduced to 4200 from 4500.
Removed Frenzy from Commanders with Berserk (was redundant).

Tranquil force now adds 24 to all stats from 16.

Barrel of Explosives now officially has no cooldown, it is only limited by your respawn timer.
Barrel of Explosives damage reduced to 500(revert of previous buff).


Aether Construct's Aether Maelstrom cooldown decreased.
Aether Construct's Aethereal Mastery cooldown scales better with level.
Cleric's Holy Wave bounce area is no longer global(cast range is still global).
Entropist's Earth Shield cooldown increased.

Barrel of Explosives damage increased to 750(from 500).
Barrel of Explosives is no longer consumable.

Haunted Remnant's Shattered Veil damage reduced.
Haunted Remnant's Shadow Blend cooldown decreased.
Fixed a bug with Haunted Remnant's Shadow Steal.
Aether Construct's Aethereal Mastery cooldown decreased at later levels.

Bug fixes
Tooltip fixes

Fleshless Horror's Devastate has been reworked.
As a result, the revive bug is most likely fixed.
Haunted Remnant's Shadow Quicken replaced with a new ability: Shattered Veil.
Haunted Remnant Agility Gain per Level increased to 4(from 2).
Aether Construct's Aether Bolt cooldown now decreases with level.
Aether Construct's Aether Maelstrom cooldown now decreases with level.
Aether Construct's Aethereal Mastery cooldown drastically decreased.
Aether Construct's Aether Maelstrom can now damage himself, but it cannot kill him.

New recipe item — Tyranny.
Vampiric Potion has been replaced with a new item: Barrel of Explosives.

I can't remember, but some other stuff was changed.

Creeps now teleport to goal if you are over 180 creeps (from 150).
Spider Commander now spawns 10 spiders on death (from 20).

Evoker Int gain decreased to 2.00 per level (from 3.00).

Creeps now teleport to goal if you are over 150 creeps now(from 250).
Wave 16 Boss no longer has 80% Evasion

Aether Construct Aether Maelstrom damage increased to Current Mana * Level * 1.5 (Revert of previous nerf)
Aether Construct Aether Bolt damage increased to Currenet Mana * Level * .2 (Revert of previous nerf)
Aether Construct Aethereal Mastery active cooldown decreased.

Patched some exploits discovered by Forn.


The map now supports 5v5.
Fixed a bug that caused floating text to break.

Aether Construct mana per passive stack reduced to 15 from 20.
Aether Construct Aether Bolt damage reduced to Current Mana*Level*.1 from Current Mana*Level*.2
Aetger Construct Aether Maelstrom damage reduced to Corrent Mana*Level from Current Mana*Level*1.5
Aether Construct's Discharge Aether should be much more reliable with the damage.
Aether Construct's Aether Maelstrom no longer procs Fragarach.
Naga Overseer's Hydro Pump cooldown reduced to 20 seconds(from 24 seconds).

New Hero - Aether Construct

Admiral Agility gain per level reduced.
Primeval Horror Intelligence gain per level increased.
Queen of Blades Strength gain per level slightly increased.
Arcane Mistress Intelligence gain per level slightly increased.

Fixed some bugs and lag issues.

Items bought from Venus are now 10% more expensive(makes up for the fact that you can buy items from her globally).
The Witch's Fate now grants 144 to all stats, from 108.
New icons.
Bug fixes

Added new recipe shop, due to popular demand. Credits to Adiktuz for the inception-style shop system.
Hermes Treads no longer grants blink.
Fixed revive bug again...
Fixed some lag issues
Miscellaneous bug fixes and tooltip fixes
New icons
Bunch of stuff I forgot.

Fixed a bug that could possibly lead to the revive bug.
Wave 5 Commander has an increased summon interval(revert to old values)
Wave 5 Commander has some new visuals to distinguish it from its summons.
New effects and icons
Typo fixes

Blood Dancer's Blood Sabbath now deals 12% of maximum health per second to affected units.
Blood Dancer's Blood Sabbath had its cooldown drastically increased.
Tempest's Vertigo had its cooldown increased.
Thief's Khri Spar cooldown now increases to match the duration.
Archdruid Intelligence per level reduced to 1.5 (from 2).
Nightblade Starting Agility reduced to 1(from 9).
Nightblade base damage decreased by 1.

Fixed a laggy interaction with Nightblade's Chernobyliss and Fragarach.
Improved summon interval of Level 5 Commander.
Some bug fixes.

Wood Troll commander has been reworked; instead of Entangling Roots, he now has an area of effect summon spell.
Units are now properly teleported to the goal in Boss Rush mode.
Fixed a bug with a certain someone's name bugging up the multiboard.
Units now teleport to goal in increments of 8 instead of 6.

Lich's Call of the Haunted now costs 5% of maximum mana per summon.
Eye of the Void's Terror had its regeneration rate reduced to 10% of their previous values.

Callous Mutilator self armor reduction reduced to 50 (from 75)


Hypnotist movement speed increased to 150 (from 100)
Nightblade attack speed reduced to .7 (from .65)
Nightblade Intelligence per level reduced to 1 per level (from 1.5)
Fixed a bug with Queen of Blades' Execute and the projectile system
Fixed a bug with multiboard
Lag fixes
Tooltip fixes

Nightblade base attack speed and Agility gain increased(1.75 to .65 attack speed, 3 to 4.5 Agility).
Nightblade Strength gain decreased to .75 per level(from 2)
Hypnotist movement speed decreased to 100 (from 350)
Hypnotist starting Strength decreased to 1 (from 6)
Hypnotist Strength per level decreased to .01 (from 2)
Bug fixes
Tooltip fixes
Better loading screen


Archdruid lag fixed
Fixed a bug with Night's Veil cooldown
Lich's summons have smoother stats at higher levels(Modifying stats on lich will be more noticeable on summons)
New icons for ranger
Tooltip fixes
New loading screen
A bunch of stuff I can't remember

Line Wars Commander Count reduced to 5 (From 10)
Line War Commander sacrifice amount increased to 40(from 30)
Hell can now only be voted upon, and nightmare must be voted upon in Boss Rush Mode.
Added a new send in Line Wars, the wave 40 Commander.
Fixed a bug with multiboard.
Tooltip fixes.
Removed laggy special effects from Commanders in Boss Rush.

Defender's Comradeship now grants attack bonus to both the Defender and his target.
Frost Scythe's Mana Cost drastically increased at higher levels.
Increased Lich starting mana.

Fixed a bug with Indulgence and Pride's Downfall sharing the same cooldown.
Indulgence cooldown reduced to 30 (from 60).
Callous Mutilator now does 50% cleave in a 160 area (from 25%), but it now can affect allies.
Elven Hunting Boots stock replenish interval reduced to 5 (from 60).

Line War Commander sacrifice amount increased to 30(Prevents units getting stuck, encourages killing fast).
You no longer die when entering the middle area in Line Wars mode(Can use Daedalus to cross).
Polished the terrain a bit.
Tooltip fixes

Primevil Horror's Schadenfreude duration increased to 20(From 15).
Moon Mage's Dinazen Olkar now deals 3% to heroes(From 10%).

Fixed a bug with Indulgence granting intelligence from creeps entering the portal.
Fixed a bug with Excess and the projectile system.
Indulgence active cooldown decreased to 60(From 100).

A bunch of stuff I can't remember.

New terrain. Hope you guys like it!

Lich's Flaming Archer had its attack speed reduced to 1/3, and its damage increased to 3x(Same overall dps).
Bloodfiend's Curse of Blood now has a 1 second cooldown(From 0).
Bloodfiend's Blood Hydrant now has a .5 second cooldown(From 0), Strength multiplier against non-commanders increased to 1*Str(From .3*Str).
Moon Mage's Dinazen Olkar deals less damage to heroes now.(10% damage from 25%).
Enforcer's Terra Crush had its cooldown reduced.
Ranger's Attack Range increased to 1200.
Primevil Horror's Memento Mori had its cast range increased to 400(from 300).

Daedalus now grants an additional 60 Agility and 75 Intelligence while swinging, as well as 70% evasion against ranged attacks.
New item—Night's Veil
New item—Indulgence

At long last... I have fixed the revive bug. As well as other miscellaneous bugs due to timers.
Tooltip fixes

Decreased Frost Scythe Intelligence scaling to Int*Level*Level*.1(From .15).
Rebalanced Eye of the Void's Void Infusion Agility scaling to Agility*Level*Level*.05(From Level*Agi*.5)

New item—Daedalus. And it's way cooler than Dota 2's Daedalus. WAY COOLER.

Fixed a bug with Speedy Creeps mode being disabled on rematch when Player Red did not disable it.

Arcane Mistress Frost Scythe now can target Commanders(Only Int-based damage is applied).
Arcane Mistress Frost Scythe Intelligence scaling increased, to Level*Level*.15*Int(From .6*Level*Int).
Eye of the Void Void Infusion Agility scaling increased, to Level*.5*Agi(From 1*Agi).
Cleric's Holy Wave now bounces globally; mana cost increased.
Queen of Blade's Temperance passive now only affects the target she is attacking; consequently, her attacks pierce her opponents armor by 1.

New item— Eternity's End
New item— Angel Crucible

Line Wars exp gain decreased.
Spawning a Commander now kills up to 5 of the Commander's minions as a sacrifice.
Creep restock intervals increased.

Ranger's attack range reduced to 1000(From 1400).
Ranger's base movement speed increased to 500(From 360).
Ranger Strength per level decreased to .01(from .2)
Holy Warrior Strength per level decreaed to 2 per level(from 3)
Holy Warrior Agility per level increased to 4 per level(from 2)
Unliving's Agility and Strength Gain decreased to .75 per level(from 1.)
Unliving's Intelligence per level increased to 1.25 per level(from 1.)
Unliving's Skeletal Champion and Skeletal Warrior start with 0 armor now.
Unliving's Skeleton Warrior now has Light Armor.
Unliving's Skeleton Warrior Evasion% decreased(40% at max from 55% at max).
Unliving's Skeletal Mage attack speed cooldown increased to .9(from .7)
Unliving starting stats decreased to 3.
Entropist's Geostrike should no longer cause him to take thorns damage.
Haunted Remnant's Lucid Veil damage increased to 90% Agility(From 70%)

New item—Callous Mutilator
New item—The Eternal Core

Fixed a test trigger running.
Experience gain increased drastically while in Line Wars mode.

Fixed a thread crash on rematch.

Fixed a bug with unit producers stealing exp in -lw.
Creeps stock maximum amount decreased and restock time increased in -lw(To prevent spamming of units).
Hopefully fixed any multiboard errors that arose.

1st attempt at fixing desync when recording win/loss stats.
Major bug fix with speedy creeps causing instant kills.
Levels 6,7,8 stock delay increased.

New Modes—
-lw Line Wars mode—Send creeps for income. Complimentary -StartingIncomeXXX command.
-sc Speedy Creeps mode—All creeps are super fast.
-rm Reset Modes—Reset all modes to default.

Red can now change the modes between rematches.(Difficulty can not be changed.)

Whole Displacement should work properly 100% now.
Tooltip improvements, icon improvements, graphics improvements.

Fixed a bug with Warrior Mage's Tingle that allowed him to dupe enemy items.
Fixed a bug with Ranger's Perfect Storm that caused her to take thorns damage.
Lich's Skeletal Mage Marksman and Warrior had their attacks speeds increased.
Lich's Skeletal Mage Unholy Frenzy can now target self.
Arcane Mistress Frostbite had cooldown decreased and mana cost increased at higher levels. (6 cd at level 10)
A bunch of other changes...A BUNCH. That I can't remember.

Wand of the West Wind cooldown increased to 60(From 45).
Dementia's Door cooldown decreased to 60(From 70).

Added an -autosend X command.
Added a complimentary -autopool off command.
Ranger's Perfect Storm had arrow amount increased to 20(From 15).
Fixed a visual bug with Perfect Storm arrow being released behind the Ranger.
Perfect Storm visual upgrade.
Tooltip fixes
New loading screen. Art from here—Paintings war dragons fire fantasy art wallpaper

Ranger's Nature Ward replaced with a new spell—Perfect Storm.
Empath's Nissa's Binding has been replaced with a new spell—Enervating Mist.
Primevil Horror's Enduring Malice stacks gained from Sanity Crush now last 20 seconds.(From 10.)
Primevil Horror's Memento Mori cast range decreased.
Fixed a bug with Queen of Blade's Ravenous Blade attack speed bonus not decreasing.
Queen of Blade's Strength per level increased to 2.75 per level. (From 2.5)
Moon Mage's Dinazen Olkar now only deals 1/5 the damage to heroes.
Archdruid summons no longer possess Armor Crush.(They have gained other abilities instead)
Fixed a bug with Naga Overseer sometimes not changing height when using Ancient Temple.
Bloodfiend's Blood Touch now deals an additional 1 damage to Commanders.
Eye of the Void's Desolation should now properly fear units.
Evoker's Purge no longer kills enemy summons.

Blink had its cooldown reduced to 25.(From 30)
Lightning Bow's recipe has been fixed— it now properly requires a Zircon Ring, like the recipe states.

Visual upgrades
Tooltip fixes

Primevil Horror's Enduring Malice should no longer glitch agility sometimes.(HOPEFULLY AGAIN...)
Dementia's Door properly works now.
Primevil Horror's Enduring Malice duration reduced to 10.
Primevil Horror's Sanity Crush now has a shorter maximum interval, and spawns more illusions.
Primevil Horror's Wild Haunt had its damage halved.
Archdruid's summon damage now scales less with wave, but scales better passively with Nature's Wrath.
Tooltip fixes.

Primevil Horror's Enduring Malice should no longer glitch agility sometimes.(Hopefully)
Dementia's Door cooldown is now independent from Pride's Downfall(Bugfix).
Dementia's Door now gives 52 to all stats, from 108(Bugfix).

Quick bug fix patch

New hero—Primevil Horror
Tempest Vertigo cooldown slightly decreased
Tempest's Paeldryth's Wrath now affects commanders.
Naga Overseer's Hydro Pump now deals 3x damage instead of .3 to commanders in Boss Rush.
Moon Mage's Dinazen Olkar can now target Commanders in Boss Rush(deals *.3 damage).
Arcane Mistress Frost Scythe Intelligence scaling increased from .3 to .6 per level.
Defender's Ceasefire Stat reduction now lasts longer at earlier levels.
Defender's Crushing Judgment now has a lower cooldown.
Archdruid summons' starting damage and health buffed noticeably.
Eye of the Void's Desolation fear should now work properly.
Eye of the Void's Channel Terror cooldown increased to 40(from 30).
Lich's Skeleton Champion Aura now affects all allied summons, area scales with level (450>900 from 900 at all levels).

New item— Dementia's Door
Spellbane renamed to The Witch's Fate

Tooltip fixes
Fixed a bunch of lag issues and leaks left over from the original Enfo.

Entering the "black" region between the two sides kills you after 5 seconds if you do not turn back.
Starting Potion from randoming a hero now can stack unlimited times in inventory.
Glythide's Gift now no longer shakes the screen if the debuff is removed.
Tooltip fixes.

New Item—Spellbane(T'kashi Mirror Blade + Ring of Victory + Titan Shield).
Tranquil Force can now target enemies.
Wand of the West Wind cooldown increased to 45(From 30).
Reinforced Crystal Armor now grants 85 armor(From 80).
Sinister Urn had its restock time increased to 120(From 80).

Moon Mage can now target the ground for her Dinazen Olkar.
Naga Overseer's Ancient Temple had its mana cost increased.
(Hopefully) Fixed a visual bug with Ancient Temple.
Bard's Call of the Siren had their damage and attack speed buffed at later levels.
Fixed a bugged interaction with Admiral's Unholy Psychopath and Empath's Transference.
Fixed a bug with Eye of the Void's Spatial Rend bonus damage going through Guardian Angel.

Mauriga's Brews now sells a new item—Sinister Jar.
New item—Tranquil Force.
Ring of Surpremacy now gives 144 to all stats and 1200 regeneration(From 72 and 900).
Pride's Downfall now deals 25*your attribute to non-hero enemies.

Cabalist's Fireball now deals an additional 1*Strength + 1*Intelligence damage.
Paladin's Indomitable Might now lasts twice as long.
Naga Overseer's Condense damage increased to 40%(From 30%).
Naga Overseer's Oceans' Wrath had its ooldown slightly decreased.
Terror of the Void now has a 30 second cooldown on Channel Terror.
Archdruid's Nature's Embrace Evasion bonus now scales better with level.

Improved loading time.
Tooltip fixes. All abilities now have proper tooltips.
Arbelog Commander's Frenzy now gives 120% movespeed(From 90%).
Red can now set Very Easy and Easy modes if Boss Rush is on.

Got rid of most of the lag in the beginning of the map.
Paladin's Indomitable Might duration rescaled to be more useful early.
Mentalist's Perfect Focus duration rescaled to be more useful early.
Bloodfiend's Bloodbath had its cooldown increased.
Wand of the West Wind had its cooldown increased to 30(From 20).
Pride's Downfall had its cooldown decreased to 75(From 90).
Thief's Strength gain increased to 2.5 per level(From 2).
Skaar's Fleshless Ravagers now only gain half of his current armor bonus.
Tooltip fixes.

Thief's Illusion now ignores pathing when being controlled by AI.
Archdruid's Major Call of the Wild now has a 9 second cooldown at level 10(From 20); cooldown scaling improved.
Bloodfiend's Demon Blood lifesteal amount reduced to 35%(From 100%).

New item—Shard of Ragnaros.
Eternal Thirst now grants the Vampirism ability(Vampiric Potion active).
Vampirism cooldown increased from 60 to 80.
Ragnarok no longer grants damage block. Instead it grants a new passive, Ragnarok: spawns 4 permanent flaming cyclones that circle the wielder, dealing 30*Strength and reducing armor by 20 for 5 seconds.
Ragnarok recipe changed to Aegis + Thirsting Blade + Shard of Ragnaros(From Aegis + Thirsting Blade + Bloodstone).
Immortal Escutcheon had its damage block increased to 1500(From 1000).
Force Staff push range for enemies decreased to 350(From 600).
Force Staff cooldown increased to 20(From 15).
Randoming now grants you a Potion of Healing with 30 stacks at start.

Thief's Illusion now has an intelligent AI when not selected.
Queen of Blades had her Strength per level decreased to 2.5(from 4). Base damage lowered by 2.
Lich had all stats per level lowered to 1 per level(From 2).
Predator's Sinphony of Shadows now properly works during Massacre.
Arcane Mistress Targeted Magic cooldown increased to 20(From 16).
Paladin's Chatadru's Blessing had its cooldown decreased to 8(From 15). Mana cost slightly increased.
Paladin's Casting Time improved.
Thief's base damage increased to 96.
Cabalist's Dragon's Breath burn damage had its duration scale better at earlier levels(Lasts twice as long at level 1).
Tooltip fixes.

Arbelog Commander's bonus movement speed increased to 90%.
Pride's Downfall had its cooldown reduced to 90.
Immortal Escutcheon's Reincarnation is now fixed.
Immortal Escutcheon's Reincarnation had its cooldown reduced to 120(from 180).

Pride's Downfall can now be blocked by Spellblock.
Admiral no longer has to be within a certain range of the target to activate Unholy Psychopath.
Fixed a bug with Force Edge pushing enemies too far.
Fixed a bug with Bloodfiend's Bloodbath not improving with level.
Tooltip improvements.
Predator now uses Faceless One sound set.

Items are no longer able to be destroyed.
Force Edge now pushes allies 1200 units(Enemies are still 600 units).
Barbarian now has Normal armor.
Thief now has an additional 30 base damage.
Queen of Blades Coup De Grace critical multiplier increased.
Queen of Blades Temperance damage now has another level-dependant damage factor.
Naga Overseer's Ocean's Wrath had its duration increased.
Naga Overseer's Ancient Temple had its damage slightly decreased at later levels, and cooldown slightly increased at lower levels.
Venom Stance had its duration increased slightly.
Fixed a bug with Enforcer's Counter Attack damaging allies.
Fixed Adan'f Shadow Mage damage.
Fixed a bug with Bloodfiend getting instantly killed when Thicken Blood was active.
Fixed a visual bug with simulated errors.
Fixed a visual bug with Queen of Blades Death Sentence when units were moved during the duration.
Fixed a visual bug with Force Edge.
Tooltip fixes

New item— Immortal Escutcheon.
Even more tooltips corrected(They are almost complete!).
Queen of Blades now has Normal Armor.
Queen of Blades Strength per Level increased(2>3)

Later stages of ranged waves had their attack damage tripled, but their attack speed cut to 1/3.
Skeletal Mage and Marskman had their attack speed increased.
Cleric's Prayer has a much shorter cooldown at lower levels now.
Fixed a bug with Bloodfiend's Demon Blood.
Bloodfiend's Curse of Blood now deals Strength based damage instead of level based damage.
Tooltip fixes.

Admiral's Unholy Psychopath won't issue an attack order anymore on proc.
Thief's base damage has been increased by 20.
More tooltips fixed.

Chain Disruption now deals damage before removing mana, like regular warcraft 3 mana burn.
Queen of Blades ultimate renamed to Death Sentence. Damage is increased, cooldown decreased, and now the execution threshold check is performed after the unit takes damage.
Arcane Mistress Targeted Magic cooldown increased to 16(from 12).
Fixed a bug involving Evoker's Ball Lightning getting stuck.
Lich'es Skeletal Champion and Skeleton Warrior had their evasion% decreased.
Tooltip fixes.

Nerfed Judgment of the Queen damage and cooldown.
Judgment of the Queen should now properly affect the bonus wave commander.
Tooltip fixes.
Bug fixes.

New ultimate for Queen of Blades—Judgment of the Queen.
Tooltip fixes.
Bug Fixes.

Bug fixes
New icons for Queen of Blades
Tooltip fixes

Removed Exhaustion from Arbelog Commander—was causing map crashes. To compensate, his movement speed bonus has been decreased to 75%.
Warrior Mage Ice Shard now has Int scaling.
Chain Lightning can now target Commanders.
Fixed visual bug with Temperance and Gluttony.
Fixed some bugs.

Queen of Blades Temperance Passive and Active Damage increased.
Gluttony and Temperance now deal *.2 damage per stack(from .1).
Added new visual indicator when for Ravenous Blades to better tell when casting Temperance/Gluttony will reset the other.
New Cooldown indicator.
Fixed Slaughs not doing damage.
Slaughs and Ogres now deal less damage on normal.
Fixed a crash with Arbelog Commander Exhaustion and Ravenous Blades.

New Hero - Queen of Blades(Credits to WhiteDeath for model;X and V skills are not complete, current ones are fillers.)
Thief has new skill - Khri Spar
Moon Mage now deals int based damage with Dinazen Olkar
Arcane Mistress can now target Commanders with Frostbite—Single Target Damage Removed
Arcane Mistress Frost Scythe int multiplier increased.
Entropist Geostrike Mana Cost increased

Fixed possible bugs with W3MMD.
Fixed some tooltips.
Removed Berserk from Giant Leucro Commander(Was too much dps with Armor Crush and Blood Wound).
Shattering Arrows no longer affects heroes.

Fixed Very Easy mode...again

Level 8 boss no longer spawns spiderlings or eggs on Boss Rush.
Fixed some tooltip errors.
Added some grass to the terrain—credits to Sunchips for the model, and Lyzzi for the idea.

Major lag issues resolved.
Some tooltips fixed.
Leavers now properly register for W3MMD.
Some balance changes.
New health bars—credits to Nightcrime.

Minor bugfix
Gameplay interface tweak

More terrain changes.
Fixed some tooltip errors.
Evoker's Chain Lightning now has a 9 second cooldown at level 10.

Heavy Armor now takes 85% from Normal attacks and 75% from Piercing attacks.
Light Armor now takes 75% from Siege attacks.
Attack and Armor type tooltips are now updated.
Improved terrain slightly(imo).
Evoker's Ball Lightning now correctly can crit.

Added W3MMD standard support(records W/L).
Added new terrain(This is tentative to change; since I am on the fence about the new terrain, if enough people dislike it I will change it back).
Critical Strike from Uthmor's Skullcleaver should now properly work with all spells, including but not limited to — Arcane Mistress Frost Scythe, Frostfury, Nightblade Chernobyliss, Tempest Vertigo, Moon Mage Dinazen Olkar, Naga Overseer Condense, Hydro Pump, Ancient Temple, Ocean's Wrath.
Fixed a bug that let commanders cleave creeps on enemy side on Nightmare +.
Many spells now properly deal spell damage(Meaning they will do bonus damage to Ethereal units, as well as creeps affected by Bard's Unnerving Symphony and Naga Overseer's Condense).
Arcane Mistress now deals additional int based damage on her Frost Scythe.
Entropist now deals additional str based aoe damage on his Geostrike. Tooltip for Geostrike is now also complete.
Naga Overseer Ocean's Wrath now has 12 orbs. Ancient Temple had its starting cooldown drastically decreased. Surf damage slightly increased. Condense damage slightly increased(25%>30%).
Pride's Downfall cooldown increased(40>100).
Fixed custom cooldown indicator.
Eternal Thirst damage increased to 2560 from 1980.

Fixed a bug that made creeps deal no damage in very easy.

Difficulty scaling brought closer to 100%.
Major bug fix.

Massive difficulty rebalance. Commanders now possess almost no spells on very easy, and get new spells as the difficulty increases. Offense is also disabled on very easy and easy modes.
Normal mode should be the same as before.
Nightmare and Hell are now much harder, commanders posses more abilities.
Unliving minion stat scaling decreased a bit.
Archdruid Natu'res Embrace, Longevity, and Wrath had their cooldowns rescaled—they start out with longer cooldowns, but decrease as they are leveled.

Revive bug has been fixed(hopefully).
Added -tips command to toggle wave information tips.
Added -toggleautoselect command to toggle auto-selection of minions(Unliving only).
Added new mode: -np(No Promotions), which disables creeps being promoted into Commanders when they kill a hero.
Added new item—Pride's Downfall.
Lich's stat scaling has been increased on Skeleton Warrior, Marksman, Mage, and Champion.
Tauren's Decimate deals less damage and has a longer cooldown.
Tauren's Pulverize has a lower partial damage radius and lower chance to activate(30%>20%).
Numerous tooltips fixed, and some tooltips added.
Sk'aar Strength per level down to 2 per level from 3 per level.
Kalma's Strength per level up to 7 per level from 5 per level.
Sk'aar's Devastate Strength scaling increased.
Warrior Mage's Firewall now scales with intelligence, and damage has been increased. As a result, cooldown has increased.
Tempest's Vertigo intelligence scaling increased.
Nightblade's ultimate has a much longer cooldown now.
Moon Mage's Starlight Sphere partial damage radius has been decreased.
Naga Overseer's Condense now applies the magic damage debuff before dealing damage.
Many spells now properly deal magic damage.
Numerous bug fixes and balance adjustments.

Quick major bugfix

Fixed the minimap preview.
Added some more icons.
Some balance fixes.
Some bug fixes.
Blood Sabbath now can only affect a maximum of 6 units at once.
Added -revivefix command as a temporary fix to revive bug(Until I can ascertain what is causing this rare bug.)

Fixed a possible bug with call of the haunted running after rematch.
moar icons.
some balance.
tooltips fixed.

Added new items
Added new icons
Reduced lag generally
Reduced lag from Unliving
Balance changes
Final wave properly repeats itself now.

Quick bugfix version

New hero—The Unliving.
Tauren Decimate looks better
Some better iconsets
Balance changes
Bug fixes
More spells made global to promote offense.
Reduced lag.

Quick bugfix in 1.21
Fixed Victory Mail.
New ultimate for Nightblade—Chernobyliss.
New ultimate for Tauren Warrior—Pulverize.
Alot of support spells are global to promote offense.

Fixed a visual bug with cabalist's fireball(no projectile tail)
Killing a Spider Commander in Boss Rush mode now explodes all tiny spiders to reduce lag. Spider Eggs will also not explode on the Commander's death to prevent unit overwhelming.
Naga Overseer's ultimate damage reduced to 65% damage.
Haunted Remnant's Lucid Veil damage reduced to 50% Agility from 100%.
Fleshless Horror's Fleshless Armor's duration has been doubled(20 seconds at level 10).
Predator's Lingering Shadow's knockback range reduced to 450 from 700(Illusions will attack at the same rate as before, resulting in decreased damage).
Removed crit sfx from uthmor's skullcleaver in an effort to reduce sfx spam.
Fixed weird interactions with Boneshed.
Fixed a visual bug with Blood Warrior Commander's Evil Angel.
I had a whole huge changelog but I didn't save it and it got deleted so fuck it...too many changes to count.(Mostly small balance changes)

New mode—boss rush. The ultimate challenge, for those who complained that the map was too easy...
Predator's backstab has been fixed—it properly only triggers from behind now.
Naga Overseer's ultimate no longer sometimes has no cooldown. The healing received from it has also been decreased.
Naga Overseer's Condense now deals 1/4 of the damage it used to.
Admiral's Unholy Psychopath's recoil damage has been significantly reduced. It is now viable to max it.
Fixed a visual bug with holy warrior.

New items, visuals, icons, and bugfixes.

Unholy Psychopath is now 80% lifesteal at all levels.
Chatadru's Blessing buffed.
New Hero: Haunted Remnant.

Alot of new stuff, including new recipe items(read in f9).
Cleric has a new spell: Holy Wave
Admiral has a new spell: Unholy Psychopath
Paladin has 2 new spells: Savior and Chatadru's Blessing

Alot of new stuff, including new recipe items(read in f9).

Fixed a bug with Ocean's Wrath.
Creep's healing aura no longer affects the bearer.
Buffed Ocean's Wrath's damage, nerfed heal to compensate.

Bug fixes and tooltip polishing.
Guardian Angel now scales with difficulty.
Naga Overseer now has a new ultimate—Ocean's Wrath.
Revive bug should be fixed.

Bug fixes and tooltip polishing.
Alot of waves have been changed again.
Some new visual effects.
Magic Immunity now prevents knockback from Wave 9, Wave 16, and the Bonus Boss.
Entropist's Fist of Stone had its cooldown decreased.
Naga Overseer's Hydro Pump had its cooldown increased.
Wave information is finished.

Bug fixes and tooltip polishing.
Abilities are no longer widgetized, due to a bug. Consequently, map load time has been slightly increased.

Blood Dancer's Blood Sabbath now only has a chance to increase his Strength.
Many, many, many new abilities added to creeps—they are way more deadly now! :D Reading the wave information has become more important for newbs.
Updated Credits and Commands.
Some new visual effects.
Enforcer's Restless Spirit was reworked.
New Preview Screen! :D

Blood Dancer now has the Normal armor type.
Blood Dancer's Blood Sabbath now deals additional damage per second based on Strength.
Blood Dancer's Blood Sabbath now grants him 1 Strength for every enemy that he kills while using it.
Enforcer's ultimate had it's range reduced, and it should no longer push units over cliffs.
Grayed out the Circle of Power of unavailable heroes, as per Gorman's suggestion.

Fixed a bug with Nightblade's Venom Thrust.
Enforcer has a new innate: Restless Spirit
Holy Warrior's Defend no longer deflects allied projectiles.
Made the info about preloading more obvious in beginning.
Updated the minimap image.
Fixed an exploit with Tranquil Blade and Orb Effects.
Kalestraum's Darkrift is now disabled after round 30.
Alot of other stuff that I can't remember.

Fixed a critical bug with Predator's Lingering Shadows, that caused the game to lag heavily sometimes.
Predator's Shadow Step bonus damage now scales better.
Predator's Imbue Weapon now only enhances with Ira, Gula, and Hubris(Based on player feedback, the other 4 enhancements were rather useless).

Fixed a bug with Evoker's Ball Lightning getting stuck on cliffs.
Enforcer's Terra Crush should knock back properly on rematch.
Spread the lag on game initialization out over a 1 minute interval.

Fixed some stacking bugs with Nightblade's Venom Thrust.
Hero units are no longer preplaced, which means faster loading times. However, this means I had to generate the heroes on map start, so there will be heavy lag in the first 60 seconds.
Used a new tool called Wc3 Ultimate Optimizer to optimize SLK files, map should load faster AND is much smaller! :D

More bugfixes and balance changes! :D

More bugfixes and balance changes.
Hermes Treads had recipe cost changed again.(20000>30000)
Naga Overseer should be properly balanced now.

More bugfixes and balance changes.

Fixed some bugs on the new hero, Naga Overseer.
Moved out of open beta phase.

Added new hero: Naga Overseer.
Drastically improved the movement speed granted by Entropist's Sure Footing(10%>50%).
Increased Warrior Mage's cast point to account for Frost Shard's unit facing.
Reduced the cooldown of Tauren Warrior's Tectonic Fury.
Tauren Warrior's Tectonic Fury now bounces off walls when hit at a correct angle, which causes it to accelerate. After reaching a certain speed, it will explode as normal.
Giant Spider commander had its attack speed decreased.
Buffed the healing capability of the Bear Commander.

Changed some icons.
Added a new item - Shroud of Shadows.
Fixed some tooltip errors.
Reduced the cooldown of Battle Chanter's Abandoned Heart and Muses' Inspiration.
Slightly increased the regeneration of Bloodfiend's Unholy Pact.
Doubled the chance of Bloodfiend's Thicken Blood releasing a blood clot.
Arbelog Commander now gets exhausted—it moves slower when its hit points are lower.
Madman Commander no longer possesses Armor Crush.
Fixed some miscellaneous bugs.
Reduced the manacost of Nightblade's Venom Thrust.
Reduced the manacost of Kaelstrum's Darkrift(600>525)
Optimized some triggers to reduce lag.
Increased the maximum amount of bounces from Entropist's Avalanche.
Removed some unnecessary doodads from the terrain.
Multiboard now resets Hero icons during rematch and when a player leaves.
You now automatically win when all players on the enemy team leaves.
When all players of a team leave, creeps will no longer spawn to their side during the rematches.
Increased the bounty awarded by Commanders.
Decreased the cost of Hermes' Treads Recipe(50000>20000)
Barbarian's Everild's Rage no longer grants a permanent strength boost.
Heroes now revive with full mana.

Changed many icons.
Fixed a bug that caused some doodads to disappear during rematch.
Fixed a tooltip error.
Drastically reduced map size by decreasing quality of the loadscreen.

Addressed a bug with Widgetizer that caused the Runeword shop to disappear; map is no longer widgetized as a temporary fix.

Arcane Mistress had her Cast Point improved.
Added new item: The Brutalizer.
Added a list of item recipes to Map Info(F9).
Terrain and shops have been redone completely.

Admiral had his base attack cooldown and agility gain improved.
Admiral's Enragement had its regeneration bonus increased, to compensate for the degeneration from Unholy Frenzy.
Hypnotist's ultimate had its pullback range increased.
Some item tooltips have been improved.
Added two new recipe items: Force Edge and Tranquil Blade.

Miscellanous polishing of map; fixed tooltips/icons/typos

Many, many many balance changes, bug fixes, better icons, better special effects.
Wave 8 commander changed - it is now a ranged unit, but instead of attacking, it shoots webs that you have to dodge. He also can trap you with eggsacks, which spawn Giant Spiders when killed. And when the commander himself is slain, he will spawn 20 mini spiders, who have a stackable slow poison attack.
Tempest's ultimate has been buffed significantly—it now possesses 1/4 of the cd.
Entropist's ultimate has also been buffed significantly—it bounces 5 times as much, and the middle boulder now has friction.
Fragarach is nerfed; it now restores .05% of your maximum mana per attack.
Fleshless Horror, Tauren Warrior, and Enforcer had their strength gain reduced from 4.5 to 3.0 per level.
Predator's base attack speed has been nerfed(He attacks slower now).
Empath's Regeneration has been buffed at early levels, to match the degeneration on Transference.
Devastate had its cooldown increased.
Bloodfiend has been buffed significantly.
Archdruid's summons should now all have damage and health adjusted properly.
Mentalist now innately possesses a 5 mana/second regeneration.
Added a new command: -suicide. This command will kill your hero after 10 seconds.(Use if you get stuck somewhere.)

More Change Logs can be found at http://clan-ffb.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=111

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The Team:
Project Leader/vJass Coder - Strikest
2nd Lead Developer/GUI Coder/Tooltip Maker/Terrainer - Swedish_Buddha(Retired)
Tooltip Maker/Loading/Preview Screen - Magto
GhostBot Coding - cyb3rpunk

Code Resources/General:
Blizzard Entertainment for Warcraft 3 and World Editor
Vexorian for JassHelper, TimerUtils, and Table
Enfo for creating the original Enfo's Team Survival
Jesus4Lyfe for Damage,AIDS, and MSX
kenny for the Custom Projectile System and Knockback system
Artificial for his recipe system
Rising_Dusk for ArmorUtils
Deuterium for the Comradeship spell
LamdaDelta for the Restrain spell
masda70 for the Ninja Rope spell
Dangerb0y for Easy Item Stack n Split
Maker for the Lightning Speed Laceration Spell
Tirlititi for the Ice Temple Spell, as well as the included models and icon.
Hanky for the Mystic Net Spell
scorpion182 for the Water Spirits spell
nhocklanhox6 for the Shadow Image Blink spell
Malhorne for the Fear System
Flame_Phoenix for Forest Call
Tank-Commander for Devastation Envoy spell
BPower for ItemSet system

Art Resources:
-Grendel for his/her epic models(Predator, Man-O-War, Naga Overseer, Razor Armed Automaton), and Fellhound skin.
Callahan for his/her Boss Omega model, as well as various special effect/missile models
judash137 for his/her Ethereal Phoenix and Cosmic Eye models, as well as various special effect/missile models
WILLTHEALMIGHTY for various special effect models
JetFangInferno for various special effect/missile models
Daelin for various special effect models
shamanyouranus for various special effect models
JesusHipster/RetroSexual for various special effect models
Frankster for the Armageddon Tank model and his Orb models, and Blood Elf icon.
67chrome for his Shandris skin
PeeKay for various icons
CRAZYRUSSIAN for various icons
GooS for the Bone Crusher(Fleshless Horror) skin, as well as various icons.
Sliph-M for his Bowyer, Alchemist, Blacksmith, and Runemaster models.
Anachron for the terrain tiles and various icons.
rednek for the cliff tiles.
Klayton for the Ancient Monument and Fel Obelisk doodads.
Hexus for his Night Elf doodads(Chimaera monument, Night Elf Statue, Moon Bowl).
WhiteDeath for his Iron Queen model.
infrenus for the Dathylos model.
Darkfang for the Epic Owl Scout model and icon.
Mythic for Kingstride Aura
Tarrasque for Retributer model.
A.R. for Gothic Warlord skin.
Murcologist for icons.

If your resource was used in this map and I forgot to mention you, I apologize, it was unintentional; please pm me and I will rectify the situation.

Here is a list of most of the recipe items currently in the game, courtesy of Newtothegame :). (Sorry but this is un-updated, but the official wiki is always up to date.)

1. Elite Elven Boots

Arbolog Paw Boots + Elven Hunting BOots + Winged Leather Boots

2.Thirsting Blade

Bloodthirst + Gleaming Long Sword + Spineripper

3. Obsidian-inset Ring

Grimstone-inset Ring x 4

4. Uthmor's Mirror Blade

T'kashi Mirror Blade + uthmor's Skullcleaver

5. Savage Blade

Bloodthirst + Nimsha

6. Ring Of Victory

Bloodstone-inset Ring + Diamond-etched Ring + Moonstone-inset RIng + Zircon-inset Ring

7. Ring Of Supremacy

Obsidian Ring + Ring of Victory

8. Elven Stalking Boots

Elven Hunting Boots x 3

9. Supreme Elven Boots

Elite Elven Boots + Elven Stalking Boots

10. Hermes' Treads

Supreme Elven Boots + Hermes' Treads Recipie

11. Feather Ring

Zircon-inset Ring x 2

12. Lightning Ring

Feather Ring x 2

13. Uthmor's Sinister Blade

Obsidian-inset Ring + Uthmor's MIrror Blade

14. Rampart Shield

Kite Shield + Small Rund Shield + Tower Shield

15. Zircon-inset Ring

Emerald-inset Ring x 4

16. Moonstone-inset Ring

Sapphire-inset Ring x 4

17. Bloodstone-inset Ring

Ruby-inset Ring x 4

18. Diamond-etched Ring

Crystal-etched Ring x 4

19. Wand of the West Wind

Elder Staff + Tribal Staff

20 Fragarach

Polished Elven Telo + Tribal Staff

21. Tranquil Blade

Gleaming Longsword + Tranquil Blade Recipe

22. Force Edge

Elder Staff + Sapphire-inset Ring + Polished Elven Telo

23. The Brutalizer

Bloodstone-inset Ring+ Polished Elven Telo + Spineripper

24. Brisker

Polished Elven Telo x 2 + Zircon-inset Ring

25. Zirconium Crystal

Zircon-inset Ring + Supreme Elven Boots

26. Phantom Dancer

Zirconium Crystal + Brisker

27. Concentrated Zircon

Zirconium Crystal x 2

28. Phantom Shredder

Phantom Dancer + T'kashi Mirror Blade

29. Tainted Leather

Argelog Paw Boots + Shroud Of Shadows + Elven Plate Mail

30. Shadowbark Leathers

Tainted Leather + Ironbark Leathers

31. Reinforced Crystal Armor

Crystal Armor x 2 + Ironbark Leathers

32. Victory Mail

Ring Of Victory + Ironbark Leathers

33. Lightning Bow

Lightning Ring + Lightning Bow Recipie

34. Bow of Tears

Lightning Bow + Spineripper

35. Agony

Bow of Tears x 2 + Zirconium Crystal

36. Bloodstone

Bloodstone-inset Ring x 3 + Grimstone-inset Ring

37. Titan Shield

Rampart Shield + Bloodstone-inset Ring

38. Aegis

Titan Shield + Bloodstone x2 + Dragon-scale Shield x 2

39. Ragnarok

Thirsting Blade + Aegis + Shard Of ragnaros

40. Eternal Thirst

T'kashi Mirror Blade x 2 + Thirsting Blade + bloodstone

41. The Raveger

The Brutalizer + Savage Blade x 2

42. Pride's Donwfall

Agani Tayeu'a x 2 + Elder Staff x 2

43. Immortal Escutcheron

Aegis + Bloodstone + Obsidian-inset Ring

44. Shard of Ragnaros

Bloodthirst x 2 + Bloodstone

45. Tranquil Force

Tranquil Blade + Force Edge + Crystal-etched Ring


A:To find a game, join our discord! Join the Enfos FFB Discord Server!

A:Try visiting the official wiki for strategy tips and any information you want on the game.

A:Anything you want.

Author's notes

Although this map is 100% playable, it's still in the open beta phase, and far from complete. For example, some tooltips are incomplete.

To find a game, hit up our discord!
Join the Enfos FFB Discord Server!

Enfo, Hero, Defense, Survival, Team, Custom, Boss

Enfo's FFB Edition v2.60e (Map)

Orcnet [20:34, Nov/29/2012] "Approved"
Level 1
Jun 8, 2012
Hi Strikest i have some idea about heavy lag in map start.
The lag coming when create hero unit so i think just create dump hero instead of real for player choose. when player choose, setup and create real hero for that player.

Of course we will lag when create that hero. Assume 8 player choose 8 different hero which not create real yet, the maximum lag time equal to create 8 real hero instead of create all hero at the begining.
Level 2
Jan 29, 2014
Sure take your time :)

Btw, Naga Overseer's lv 6 doesn't have the same tooltip format/information then the rest of all spells. Also Hydro Pumps cooldown doesn't decrease as it should acording to the tooltip.
Level 2
Jan 29, 2014
Aw :( It would be really great with decreased cooldown. It would synergies with his passive, maybe reduce the xInt on later lewels to justify the reduced cooldown?
Level 1
Feb 10, 2013
Awesome map - best Enfos by far in my opinion

It would be nice to see some kind of carrier though.

Level 9
Nov 24, 2013
Hey man, what is FFB stands for? And this is my opinion:
_A really good map besides the legendary Enfo's Team Defence. Well-made heroes, with good skills and support skills came from thosde pedestials.
_Also good waves of creeps that you can buff and kill the opponents's ones. Also the champions, I really love them.
_Items are also well-performed, but I don't like the Tranquil Sword so much.
In conclusion, this is the thing you might want to check:
-The spider champion's skills (the lay eggs) are too laggy on the Boss Rush
-Tranquil Sword only work if you have some skills that scales with damage

But I still rated it 5/5 (also the good terrain) and Highly Recommended it to everyone. Approved.
Level 2
Jan 29, 2014
About the Battle Chanter, can we think of a better skill then combat mastery? I don't think it fits the hero that much, he is considered a support hero, atleast according to the hero placement.

About Combat Mastery in generell, it just seems like a 'filler skill'. So many heroes got it, and it's just a boring passive. Not that it's bad.

Another question, about naga overseen, can we maybe replace the skill Surf with a different skill. I thought about a targetable ground aoe, that deals based damage on int as his other spell, with a relative short cooldown but with a smaller xInt Multiplier. (Something like Torrent from DotA, if you are familiar with that game.) So we can make use of the passive, I really love it. Maybe make him a spellcaster that scales well into lategame. Surf can be either to strong and knocking enemies permanently back, or it hinders your party with knocking them out of aoe abilites etc.
Combat Mastery gives evasion, an integral skill to surviving. Level 10 Combat Mastery effectively doubles a hero's EHP, which is why it's not so much a "filler skill" as the hero's damage mitigation passive. I will consider changing combat mastery, for now it lets the Battle Chanter fill a unique niche; he can be a killer support with his debuffs, but those debuffs let him along with Combat Mastery tank quite good as well. So he can tank on his own, but still, if he has a real tank he can support him quite well with his debuffs.

As for surf, its main use is to help in positioning and triggering the passive; but it's a nice utility skill that lets you be a nice anti-melee hero as well as the best runner in the game. It also synergizes well with Ancient Temple, as you can cast it before using it to prevent yourself from getting blown up when you jump into a mob of creeps that don't get killed by Ancient Temple.

But I am always open to suggestions; if you have a better idea to replace any of the two spells, I will be more than happy to implement it.
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Level 2
Jan 29, 2014
Hm crit and evasion doesn't stack from combat mastery, that's it's biggest weakness. You can't build, well you can but you don't get as much efficeny from evasion/crit items as other heroes. On the other side, you can directly skip those and get the +dmg items.

For Weaponsmiths combat mastery you could replace it with something like this:

As he is a weaponsmith therefor he, or atleast I asume,he has materials from a forge in his arsenal. Why not make a passive, or an active like Entropists lv 6.
You can call it fiery Brimstone, or something in that category.

As passive, it has a percentage based change to make a explosion in front of him. Maybe a line or just an AoE effect. With his inniate ability, the charging, the percentage increases or makes it a guaranteed effect. Damage has to be a number I gues, as you can base the damage of an ability on attack damage (or maybe they added it) and his level10 ability just increases that. So with a xStr Multipier it would be maybe to weak, or just right.
Combat Mastery fully stacks with crit, and while evasion may not stack, combat mastery gives higher evasion % than any item you can make. That's why it is a very useful skill to have. If I were to replace it, it would have to be with something equally useful(That means it should scale just as well into lategame).
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Level 2
Jan 29, 2014
True. Hm I don't have any suggestions for a replacement skill :(
Oh the 1.31 changelog is missing ;)
Level 2
Jan 29, 2014
I love the changes you did to entropist etc. This is going places ;)

Haven't seen the terrain yet, will report soon.

EDIT: Is it possible to make the statues in the middle of it to have no collision, or atleast that you can move in between them :)? Around the trees, you think you can make a small grass area, that with a smooth transition to the stone one? Might look like the tree burst out of the stone then. (Like in reality sometimes)
I made the statues block you on purpose, because I saw too many strategies involving Nightblade bringing the creeps up there and stacking them, to kill 50+ creeps with a single Venom Cloud. So I put the obstacle there in the middle to make it harder :)

About the small grass area, I will try it. Am looking for some good grass tiles, however. I think the default warcraft 3 ones suck.
Have added grass to the terrain like you suggested :)
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Level 3
Feb 25, 2011
umm.. when are the Crafter and Trader supposed to be available?
i would love to see them in action instead of just standing around in the hero selection, without anyone being able to pick them.. makes me kind of sad
Level 2
Jan 29, 2014

Just can't play/test atm. PC broke, but I'll check it out asap when I'm back
Level 1
Jun 8, 2012
Hi Strikest, i try to put create hero func and func do UnitAddAbility then UnitRemoveAbility (don't know what purpose for this func) in load progress. Result for load game of my comp is 1:23 and it equal 1/2 of current system load progress + load in game until stop lag.
After, i just put create hero func in load with remove TriggerSyncReady remove above func, result is 1 minute.
Can you test this please. I think it will remove annoying lag.
I know in the past you put load in game to reduce load progress time but now maybe it not necessary.
Level 1
Jun 8, 2012
i mean put create hero and function jav (ver 1.42, i don't understand what is do add then remove ability immediately, if it not necessary i think you should delete it, it cause lag same as create hero) in load (progress bar) before show up game.

I don't know TriggerSyncReady do, can you explain it, if it not just a little wait.
Level 5
Jun 18, 2009

It's not quite clear from the description, are there any "official" groups or a hostbot on Garena where i can find people to play with?
Level 5
Jun 18, 2009
That is....... why i asked........ because i don't really understand what's written in it. Only the part with the /whois ENT49 on battle.net
Level 1
Mar 2, 2014

Great map, i play it all the time. But there are some recipes missing in the game, like aegis and victory mail. is there any list on recipes you can post here? thanks
Level 1
Mar 8, 2014
i used to play the original enfo's in 2007 an then the TS:MT edition and now that i played about 20 times this i can say its the worst of them all
1.removed all modes
2.added bunch of useless stuff cousing the retardrd 1 min lag at the beginning
3.changed the perfecly good skills on almost all heroes (some better but still most are horible)
4.wtf is with the loading screen the REAL one? so you created this map from blank in map editor? you cant take someones work and call it your own couse you changes few things

i can dig this map it has some nice recepies but wth with the uber lag at the beginning and why did you reove all the modes i mean you dont have to set them as defaut but you should lave them there just for more options thats always good at least should lave the shared bounty mode... shame
Sorry, I don't support communism. I never removed shared bounty, I just didn't add it. It's a totally unnecessary game mode, because there's a button called F11. The load screen is not of my choosing; if you have a better loading screen for me I'll gladly change it. The lag is called preload. All maps with custom abilities have it. Example, when you pick a hero in DotA, you lag for a bit. This is because the map is loading all of the spells. This is why it lags so much in the beginning, because it's loading all the hero spells. I could make it not lag like in MT, but then the loading time would be as long as MT's loading time, which is just unacceptably long.

Now, I cannot respond to your comment seriously because you're telling me, "you cant take someones work and call it your own couse you changes few things". Guess what, I didn't copy my map off of Enfo's MT edition. I made it from the original Enfo's, which Enfo himself released for all to edit. And I can assure you, I added a lot more than "a few things;" if you actually took the time to play my map before you criticize it, you would realize the amount of time and effort I have put into new content that I have added far exceeds the time it took to create all the things in the original Enfo's base map. I am fine with constructive criticism, but telling me that my map is the worst Enfo's version because I added "a bunch of useless stuff" without telling me what it is does not count.
Level 1
Mar 8, 2014
yes i admit i didnt know about everything before, its a really good that this map has someone keepin it fresh and all but about the preload cant you split it 50/50 with loading screen? that would be so much better couse its annoying seeing people droping lagers when they dont know about that preload thing
empath ulti is bad for a hero created to be 100% support i admit that with new recpies item spawn would be confusing but instead you could maby give her an aura to boost dmg or thorns idk or maby summon 3 waves forward like summoner used to have anyway current ulti isint worht chioosing empath as well as item spawn was before
where are warlock, time mage and summoner??? were they game breaking?
trader cant be choosen? are you working on him atm?
lich needs to be nerfed he dont have to do anything and buy nothing and he still owns from far away of the battle

shared bounty was good option couse you almost always play with people that wont give you nothing no matter what you tell them. times when you had a group of friends playing is far gone and it is just an option, and this map currently has verry little modes to choose compared to earlier editions

you doing good work with it im sorry for flaming you and really if you can split the preload with loading screen it would do wonders for the gameplay
Empath's new ultimate has a global cast range. This makes her a devastating offensive hero in combination with her sleep. For example, you see the enemy team is in trouble, so they summon a panda to slow their creeps. You see this, you summon your own panda, remove their panda, and sleep their tank. Usually this means the rest of their heroes will die, resulting in massive exp for your team or possibly winning the game. Which is why I won't change it; it's very versatile in that it can be used offensively as well as defensively, and it expands the Empath's role greatly. She can heal her team and keep them alive while being able to devastate the enemy team at the same time.

Warlock, Time Mage, and Summoner are heroes released by the MT version of heroes. Since I am directly competing to make my map more fun and enjoyable than the MT version, it would be in bad taste to copy hero concepts from them.

Lich has already been nerfed for the next version, and trader is still being worked on.

Shared Bounty will not be an option unfortunately, because it encourages bad teamplay (no pooling), a problem that I saw often when I played the MT Edition.

Splitting the preload with the loading time 50/50 will still cause lag, so that doesn't help. I am currently looking at other options for this.
Level 1
Mar 8, 2014
oh ok i tought that empaths ulti works only near her couse in the description it says in the "vicinity of empath" so you should fix that in the next version

and i know that spliting preload will still couse lag but i assume that it would be half as long as it is now right? i mean the issue is that many times i see people droping players couse of that i mean the loading screen is really not that long and it wouldnt bother anyone if it was a bit longer
Level 1
Feb 8, 2009
The following bug has existed for the last few versions (at least):
After a single match or more, the Boss units on the East side are Friendly (in relation to East side hero units). So a good majority of the East side creeps are killed by the boss that spawns with them.

This is especially bad on invisible wave because the creeps cannot see the boss so the unit destroys many creeps VERY FAST.

Thanks for the updates.
Level 1
Feb 8, 2009
I'm sorry but can you clarify this bug. I've played many rematch games and I've never had this happen to me. I was aware of this bug happening, but only when you play on the east side with no players on the west side.

Can't say for certain if it occurs only when no players are left on the West side. Are you inferring the lack of West Side players is a factor for this bug?

It has occurred in matches that began with 3v3 and 4v4 teams. And to my memory it has occurred whilst being a player on the East side (with at least 1 teammate) and actively playing against a West Side team of human players.

Regardless, as you are aware of it, will a fix be implemented? To put it simply it is "lame" when it happens and a fix would be appreciated to prevent players from having to leave a fun team and quit the map.
Level 1
Apr 3, 2014
Here are all teh recipes for my convenience :)

1. Elite Elven Boots

Arbolog Paw Boots + Elven Hunting BOots + Winged Leather Boots

2.Thirsting Blade

Bloodthirst + Gleaming Long Sword + Spineripper

3. Obsidian-inset Ring

Grimstone-inset Ring x 4

4. Uthmor's Mirror Blade

T'kashi Mirror Blade + uthmor's Skullcleaver

5. Savage Blade

Bloodthirst + Nimsha

6. Ring Of Victory

Bloodstone-inset Ring + Diamond-etched Ring + Moonstone-inset RIng + Zircon-inset Ring

7. Ring Of Supremacy

Obsidian Ring + Ring of Victory

8. Elven Stalking Boots

Elven Hunting Boots x 3

9. Supreme Elven Boots

Elite Elven Boots + Elven Stalking Boots

10. Hermes' Treads

Supreme Elven Boots + Hermes' Treads Recipie

11. Feather Ring

Zircon-inset Ring x 2

12. Lightning Ring

Feather Ring x 2

13. Uthmor's Sinister Blade

Obsidian-inset Ring + Uthmor's MIrror Blade

14. Rampart Shield

Kite Shield + Small Rund Shield + Tower Shield

15. Zircon-inset Ring

Emerald-inset Ring x 4

16. Moonstone-inset Ring

Sapphire-inset Ring x 4

17. Bloodstone-inset Ring

Ruby-inset Ring x 4

18. Diamond-etched Ring

Crystal-etched Ring x 4

19. Wand of the West Wind

Elder Staff + Tribal Staff

20 Fragarach

Polished Elven Telo + Tribal Staff

21. Tranquil Blade

Gleaming Longsword + Tranquil Blade Recipe

22. Force Edge

Elder Staff + Sapphire-inset Ring + Polished Elven Telo

23. The Brutalizer

Bloodstone-inset Ring+ Polished Elven Telo + Spineripper

24. Brisker

Polished Elven Telo x 2 + Zircon-inset Ring

25. Zirconium Crystal

Zircon-inset Ring + Supreme Elven Boots

26. Phantom Dancer

Zirconium Crystal + Brisker

27. Concentrated Zircon

Zirconium Crystal x 2

28. Phantom Shredder

Phantom Dancer + T'kashi Mirror Blade

29. Tainted Leather

Argelog Paw Boots + Shroud Of Shadows + Elven Plate Mail

30. Shadowbark Leathers

Tainted Leather + Ironbark Leathers

31. Reinforced Crystal Armor

Crystal Armor x 2 + Ironbark Leathers

32. Victory Mail

Ring Of Victory + Ironbark Leathers

33. Lightning Bow

Lightning Ring + Lightning Bow Recipie

34. Bow of Tears

Lightning Bow + Spineripper

35. Agony

Bow of Tears x 2 + Zirconium Crystal

36. Bloodstone

Bloodstone-inset Ring x 3 + Grimstone-inset Ring

37. Titan Shield

Rampart Shield + Bloodstone-inset Ring

38. Aegis

Titan Shield + Bloodstone x2 + Dragon-scale Shield x 2

39. Ragnarok

Thirsting Blade + Aegis + Shard Of ragnaros

40. Eternal Thirst

T'kashi Mirror Blade x 2 + Thirsting Blade + bloodstone

41. The Raveger

The Brutalizer + Savage Blade x 2

42. Pride's Donwfall

Agani Tayeu'a x 2 + Elder Staff x 2

43. Immortal Escutcheron

Aegis + Bloodstone + Obsidian-inset Ring

44. Shard of Ragnaros

Bloodthirst x 2 + Bloodstone

45. Tranquil Force

Tranquil Blade + Force Edge + Crystal-etched Ring