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Enemy unit movement speed randomly changes to 'very slow'

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Level 5
Mar 24, 2020

I'm having an issue where units late in game randomly have their movement speed change to 'very slow'.
There are no triggers that impact movement speed directly, however there are triggers that change the level of an upgrade that includes movement speed. But, that shouldn't mess up the movement speed of units surely? Even if they go up and down in level?

Level 4
Jan 3, 2012
If you have an upgrade that alters movement speed and you've set the field "Applies to all units" to true, the upgrade will affect all units for the player that research the upgrade. If you then change the level of the upgrade all units are affected. If you want only a specific unit to be affected, change "Applies to all units" to false and go to the unit you want affected and add your upgrade to "Techtree - Upgrades used"
Level 2
Mar 2, 2022
Just wanna say that I encountered a different but somewhat similar issue days ago. In my case, I have triggers which modify various stats of abilities. Because of a bug, a trigger that should modify ability A (and actually shouldn't be shot) is shot to modify stats of ability B.

Abiltiy A is something like Hardened Skin and ability B is endurance aura. The trigger tries to modify the (non-existing) damage reduction, threshold, etc. for ability B. As a result, the attack/movement speed bonus of endurance aura is changed to some random ridicilous number.

Wonder if something similar is happening in your map, like some hidden bug in a complicated trigger that is supposed to modify other stuff for the affected unit. Maybe if you put an additional debugging trigger that shows the movement speed(s) of the unit(s) currently chosen, the number might give some indication of what's happening?
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