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[Miscellanous / Other] Element Adventure

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Level 9
Sep 20, 2015
Hello i want some feedback and suggestions on one of my current projects.

It's called Element Adventure but the name is just temporary.

Few years ago i made this map [Arena] - Element Hero Arena Alpha

It was a PvP arena where players fought each other using elements(fire, ice, earth etc..). Every element had a different powers and interaction, there were combos and some elements were super effective or countered by others.
After the new updates i decided to remake it and improve it.

The new map is an stick shooter, open world, metroidvania, co-op PvE scenario, with some RPG elements.

The player(or players) have to explore the map while doing quests, fighting enemies and bosses and collect elements to unlock abilities to be able to access new zones.

The map will have.

- Main and side quests
- Boss fights
- Puzzles (mostly with environment interactions and elements powers)

Elements based combat and interactions

The elements are the core theme of the map so instead of roles(tank support dps) there are elements and each element's powers represent a role, for istance, Fire is an element mostly focused on damage, Earth is mostly for Damage soak and CC, healing is....well that's pointless to say.

Every element has some basic powers that are baseline, once an element essence is taken by the player he can use these basic powers.
A play can decied to spend skillpoints to upgrade an element and gain more abilities for it. The higher the element level is the more defined the role(mentioned before) will be.

Every element is stronger agains another and can be combined with another one to create devastating combos and effects. Fire deals more damage to an Ice creature, Fire and Acid can be combined to deal more damage.

Elements also have interactions with the environment. A Fire missile casted on grass or on a tree generates a fire that burns nearby units.


- WASD movement
- Mouse aiming and Left click to attack
- Boss Fights
- Main storyline
- Ambient Interactivness

I will upload some videos because the screenshots does not give the right impression.

The map is on the very early stages it's like an alpha of the alpha, nothing except the core mechanics have been made yet.

Let me know if you like what i have come up with so far


There are two kind of attacks in the game. The COMBAT ATTACK and the AMBIENT ATTACK.

It's basically similar to attack ground, the attack is fired with the right mouse button.
It has environment effects on terrain and does small AOE damage when the missiles explodes.
It has differents effects based on the element equipped.
It can hit destructables or ambient units while is travelling but has no effects on enemy units(MOBs).
The player can use this attack while moving.

This attack emulates the normal unit attack. It's fired with Left Mouse button while in combat mode.
Combat Mode is activated by pressing Shift key, so Shift + Left MB and you attack with the normal attack.
It has a pre defined range and every missile that goes over a certain distance is destroyed.
This attack can hit destructables and ambient stuff but has no effects on terrain.
This attack is made for MOBs and enemies units. When a missile collide with an enemy it will apply a buff that is realted to the ability. For example Fire burns the target for some time after the missile hits the target.

Some Videos.


Combat Attack effects

On Units : It burns the target dealing damage over time.

On Destructables : IT depends on the type but anything that is wood Like trees, crates, barrels are damaged and if are big enough a fire is created.

Ambient Attack

On Destr: same as the combat attack but it pierces trough targets applying the effect to all things in it's path while it's in the air and does AOE damage when reach destination.

On Terrain: If there is any kind of grass it creates a fire. On Yellow grass the fire start to spread until all yellow grass is burned. On normal terrain or burned grass it creates lava cracks. It can istantly melt Ice.

Fire Element.


Passive player ability. The unit can walk on deep water.

Combat Attack

On Unit: It slows the target attack and movement speed, also has a change to freeze the target. When frozen the target can't move or attack. Frozen effect can be immediatly canceled if the target is hit by fire.

On Destr: It does damage to some destructables, but with exceptions, like lava rocks, boulders, stone building, metal stuff.

Ambient Attack

On Destr : same as Combat Attack but it pierces some targets.

On Terrain: It freeze the terrain and creates a little Ice pond. It turns to steam if hits lava.


Combat Attack

On Unit: It explode and apply a buff that deals damage to nerby target for a shot time.

On Destr: It deals damage to almost everything

Ambient Mode

On Destr: Same as Combat

On Terrain: It melts the terrain does not matter with type it is and create a poisonous spot.


Passive player power: More armor and takes less damage

Combat Attack

On Unit: It shocks the unit, decrease it's move speed and reduce damade dealt.

On Destr: Do damage to almost all destructables. It's powerful and can break some heavy barriers.

Ambient Attack

On Destr: Same as Combat Attack but has AOE Damage

On Terrain: All ground units(enemis, allies and the caster included) nearby the boulder when it touches the ground are knockedback a short distance.
Destroys lava cracks. It breaks thic Ice and instead on kockback creates shards that damage nearby units.


Passive player power: Increased attack

Combat Attack

On Unit: Has a change to shock the unit stun it for 0.15 sec (this seems unbalanced) and creates a lightning that bounces to nearby targets.

On Destr: It does damage to some destructables. It can Activate some generator to power machines.

Ambient Attack

It istantly creates a lightning from player to the target point.

On Destr : Damage some destructables.

On Terrain. Every unit in the middle of the lightning when it's casted are damaged, it also does heavy AOE damage where it lands. If it hits metal it electricity spreads trough it dealing damage to living creatures nearby. If casted on water it does increased damage and creates a lightning field that lasts some seconds.


Player Passive power: Increase Health regeneration speed of all units nearby the player(included)

Combat Attack

It istantly creates a ealing ray that hits every target in it.

On Units: Attack enemies dealing damage. Damage is increased if the target unit has Acid Powers. If used on an ally unit it heals, and remove some negative buffs.

On Destr: It Heals all organic Destructables.

Ambient Attacks

On Destr: Heals all targets in AOe area, it removes acid effects.

On Terrain: Destroy acid effects. It heals burned grass. If used on water it creates a healing pond that heals all nearby uinits.


Passive player power: Increased vision at night.

Combat Attack

It travels unitl is destroyed.

On Unit: It applies a buff that blinds the target and make the miss every attack.

On Destr: Deals no damage. Has almost no effects. It bounce on mirrors.

Ambient Attack

On Destr: Same as Combat

On Terrain: It spawn a light that has invisibility vision and a big sihgt range. Can be used to see trought obstacles.


Passive player power: Increased move speed, for allies nearby too. Decrease enemies move speed.

Combat Attack

On Unit: It may apply a buff that decrease unit attack speed.
On Destr: none (maybeif i come up with something cool)

Ambient Attack

No damage, no missile. It creates warp zone. The player can change the effect by moving the mouse clockwise or counterclockwise. Enemies units are stopped or sent to a future time. The effect must be channeled by the player by keep moving the mosue whle holding Right mouse button.

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