Effect Tooltip & Ability "Resistance from a certain Spell"

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Level 3
Sep 11, 2008
Hi all

I created an ability for an item, based on the aura of devotion. As long the effect of the item is active for a certain unit and this unit is selected, its icon is shown in the interface at the bottom and when i move my mouse over it it shows me the aura of devotion tooltip. But actually i'd like to have another icon and tooltip than aura of devotion. How to assign my own effect to my new ability so that it is shown at the bottom of the screen with the proper icon and tooltip?

The other question is: Is there an ability that provides resistance to a certain spell, while i can customize myself, what spell(s) it shall be that will be resisted? Didn't find one so far...

Thanks for any answers.

Level 3
Sep 11, 2008
hi razorbrain, thanks for your answers...

for the tooltip of the aura, check out the Buffs / Effects window in the Object Editor

i did, and i created an effect with the proper tooltip, i just can't assign that effect to my ability (or item). Even though there is a field "value - effect" in the ability to which i can assign that effect, it doesn't change anything visual in the game... (btw, the original aura of devotion doesn't have a value assigned to "value - effect", there's no visible field in that ability that points to any effect, and still it displays a devotion aura icon and tooltip in the game)

there is no ability that causes Resistance to a certain spell(s), so in this case you need to make a ability spelldamage system

ability spelldamage system? what the heck is that? ;) like a trigger that checks for a spell beeing started and compares if the target of that spell has the 'antispell' aura active before the effect of the spell is effectively cast? Or is there anything better i could do?

Level 12
Aug 18, 2006
well, an ability spelldamage system(they have many names, but i just called it something) is basicly a bunch of triggers that deal the damage for your spells, and with this system, you can check Before the unit takes damage if he has any "Resistance"


My unit casts a spell (Firebolt)

When the unit it damaged by my firebolt, the system will check if the unit im casting it on has any "resistances", and reduce the damage

oh, and with the tooltip thingy, you are supposed to change Stats - Buffs i think :p
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