guys is there a easy way to run rosh_tide_ulti function only once?
function Rosh_tide_ulti takes nothing returns nothing // i want this to only run once
call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0, 0,20,"You are so dead!!!|c00ff0000Rwaaar!!!")
call O5R() // this calls the rosh/tide ulti I used this more then once
function Z5R takes nothing returns nothing
local unit u=GetTriggerUnit()
local unit s=GetAttacker()
local trigger t=null
local integer i=0
local real a=0
local unit f=null
local group g=null
local boolexpr b=null
local integer l=0
local real r=0
local timer tm=null
local integer PJE=5
if GetUnitState(u,UNIT_STATE_LIFE) <= 6000 and GetUnitTypeId(GetTriggerUnit())=='n909' then
call Rosh_tide_ulti()// this calls tide ulti on rosh
if SVX()then
call SEX()