This tool is for the removal of teamglows from models. It has a simple drag and drop interface and can accept multiple files at once. It takes both MDX and MDL files. It uses the method of setting the alpha value of the material to 0 (though slightly more complex) described in the tutorial "Removing geosets/glow" by alfredx_sotn (
I would like to thank Magos for his mdxlib which was used heavily in the creation of this tool, along with alfredx_sotn for his origional tutorial on the subject. Also my clan Clan Frog@Northrend cos they're cool.
This tool will probably need .net framework 3.5 to run, though im not quite sure.
Once used the mdx type model will not be openable in war3modeleditor because magos has not made his mdx library compatible with his program (purely to advertise for himself in a form no-one will ever see.
Don't try with the same file twice. well you can but I wouldn't recommend it. I have tried to include code to compensate for glows which have animated alpha values, but they still might bug a bit. I would advise backing up your model always, as even though my program creates a new file you never know what might happen.
Have fun, if there is anything i have forgotten please e-mail me or PM me, also do the same for any bugs.
If ypu have i good idea for a tool contact me also, I like making them
MDX, MDL, teamglow, heroglow, glow, replaceableid, magos, lordoglog, geoset, texture, material, alpha, tool, helpful, easy, oglog,