Want a knockback huh? well lucky you i got one here ... take a look at this.
Make a trigger like this. Create two triggers knockback and push . Remove initialy from push so it doesnt go on forever.
BTW i think its good to have the unit stunned while being knockbacked its cooler then.
Location is a point no specific no array
target is just a unit
caster is just a unit to but you got to use them right both got no array
Make a trigger like this. Create two triggers knockback and push . Remove initialy from push so it doesnt go on forever.
BTW i think its good to have the unit stunned while being knockbacked its cooler then.
- Knockback
- Events: A unit Starts the effect of an ability
- Conditions:(Ability being Cast) Equal to Stormbolt
- Actions:Set caster = Casting Unit
- Set target = (Target unit of ability being cast)
- Set location = (Position of Caster)
- Trigger: Turn on Push
- Wait (The amount of time you want the target unit to be pushed away.)
- Trigger: Turn of Push
Location is a point no specific no array
target is just a unit
caster is just a unit to but you got to use them right both got no array
- Event: Time Every 0.04 seconds of Game Time
- Actions: Unit Move Target Instantly to location offset by ((distance between location and (position of target)) + 5.00 towards angle from location to position of target degrees.
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