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Dynasty Warriors Campaign

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
-Dynasty Warriors Campaign
I am Lord_GuoJia
The first ever actual Dynasty Warriors Campaign!

I am going to embark on this epic campaign of Dynasty Warriors. The first ever actually Campaign for Warcraft 3!! This Campaign will feature at least 8 maps and Cinematic's. Nothing is for sure as of yet, this would be a big step further in Dynasty Warriors Maps on Warcraft. Eventually it won't be limited to this one campaign, others might make other Dynasty Warriors Campaigns, but for now lets start with this.

Alpha version, just so you all know what I've done so far.

To-Do List:
Decide which Faction to follow along--Wei--Complete
Decide which hero to use-- Custom-- Wan Shui --Complete
Decide how many levels to actually hold--Incomplete
Actual in-game Quests/Missions from Generals--Incomplete
Custom Interface(Skin/Theme)--Bamboo Theme--Complete
Add Damage Display----Incomplete
Stamina System--Incomplete




-Fixed some Quests bugs
-Added more quests
-Added Cinematic's
-Started on some spells
-Changed Wan Shui from a Peasant at Hu Lao Gate to a Soldier
-Added some spells

Next Release(Still working on this part, but just thought I throw it out there.)

--->New Updates
-Changed Lu Bu's model to the Dynasty Warriors 5 Edition!
-Siege of Xia Pi is now opened!
-The Nights at Xia Pi is being a bit re-amped so stay tuned for those updates
-Lu Bu beefed up more
-Zhang Liao model added!
-Xu Huang model added!
-Cao Cao model added!
-Guo Jia model added!!!!!

And here is a secret, I'm getting an expert Terrainer to do Xu Chang, shhh its a secret.

Need assistance on:

The introduction Cina, where Wan Shui is drafted.
--> I'm not that good setting up weather effects and all that, and it needs to be more interesting and pull the players into it

I would greatly appreciate some aid on this, for this is going to be a massive project and time consuming for me. Any and all help would be greatly appreciated.

Comments, Criticism, Aid, Hints, and Suggestions all will be greatly appreciated and needed.

Dynasty Warriors, Koei, Lord_GuoJia

Dynasty Warriors Campaign (Campaign)

14:29, 1st Aug 2010 ap0calypse: Rejected
The Map/Campaign must be almost complete or in Beta stage in order to be allowed to be uploaded in the Hiveworkshop -> Rules Violation:

All maps must be close enough to completion to allow for a good experience by the player. This does not limit beta maps that are near completion, but does limit alpha and other under construction maps that are not significantly playable.

Also a lacking description:

Status: Rejection -> Rules Violation:

All maps must be made in English, must not contain overwhelmingly bad spelling or grammar, must contain a valid author and map name, and must contain a well-written description to give the reader a good idea of what the map is about. Imports, terrain, camera, and other visuals should complement the game.
Level 4
Jan 27, 2010
well I just played and beat the first level and I have to say, there are quite a few problems, inconsistencies, and things I just plainly just dont like.

Map: 3/5 (Loved the map, and I loved the bases that are located around the map, however I didnt like the fact that there was no place to buy items/weapons/armor.)

Characters: 2/5 (Barely any custom skins were used, the main character is just a peasant with Paladin Skills, no custom spells, not a single actual item availiable, Lu Bu is weak and his custom skin makes him look like he was born with a physical retardation to his face, Li Ru is stronger then Lu Bu, and Gao Shun's name was spelt Gao Shan and you made him a ranged spellcaster even though Gao Shun was known for his physical strength)

Forces: 2/5 (You left out Sun Jian's force and you put in Liu Bei's force even though at the time Liu Bei was fighting under Gongsun Zan's banner. You made Cao Cao's force pink even though in Dynasty Warrior's his color is either a Dark Blue or a Blueish Violet. Yuan Shu's force is typically Pink, while Yuan Shao's force is typically Yellow. Liu Bei's force is typically green but under Gongsun Zan they're typically a Tannish Brown.)

Difficulty: 1/5 (Far too difficult for the first level of the campaign)

Problems, only encountered 1 bug, and that was after Cao Cao got the order to charge he only advanced 1 base up... that was it... I ran around to every other allied force and nobody did anything, had to use the invincibility cheat to pass the level cause I couldn't make any of the forces attack.

Thing's I didnt like, firstly the camera sucks, hate the follow camera having to click just to run 5 steps is amazingly annoying, should drop it for the regular Warcraft camera. And the enemy spawn rate at the gate's are way too high, 30+ enemies at each gate is ridiculous

Overall: 2/5. Since I'm such a huge fan of ROTK and DW I'm probably going to be a very harsh critique for this campaign, but please dont get discouraged, I'm really looking forward to playing the full campaign when it's ready.
Level 2
Nov 3, 2009
The whole point was to use this as a place holder so my Clan may see what I did so far, I apologize for the inconvenience and I thank you all for you comments.

I shall work on it all right after work, thank you all again.
Level 2
Jan 14, 2010
Seems like an awesome campaign in the making, and there's a cool concept!!

Hey,how can i even dl this when yes, there's no description, dont post:

-Dynasty Warriors Campaign
I am Lord_GuoJia

I am merely using this just to host the Alpha version so I may post it on my Clan site, future version shall be hosted here as well.

The first ever actual Dynasty Warriors Campaign!

-Thanks Hive

Try instead to place an appealing description...

This is my first campaign and i really would appreciate reviews and assistance, as this campaign is still in the making, do be patient as i gradually complete it.

Its not hard dude.

Add screenshots, a proper writeout, updates, and changelogs.
Dont take hive as a placeholder for your clan to see,take it as an avenue for you to publish your work man.
How will your clan like it if they saw the way you were going about this?
Tell you what son, make the necessary adjustments, and i'll dl it,try out this campaign,and perhaps give you a review? :wink:
I'm a fan of good campaigns,and i sincerely believe you can do it man.

Level 4
Feb 8, 2009
@ Lord_guo jia and other map makers:
I'm from a Clan KoN, a dynasty warriors clan on US East along with many other DW clans on US east, and am a big fan of dw maps on wc3 as well. It looks like ur Hu Lao gate map was from Seprinth, so even though its not original, I really like your concept of adding the already made DW maps and compiling them all into one campaign.

Things I want to know:
-How many more maps are u going to add to the campaign, and from which perspective is it going to be from? Wu? Shu? Wei?
-U get permission from Seprinth to use his Hu lao gate map?
-When is next update?
Level 4
Feb 8, 2009
Guo Jia, good map concept but alot more needs to be done.

-Get Wan Shui a unique skin, not just a footman skin, also give him some starting troops(archers/footies) so that we arent just using a hero.
-Hu Lao Gate needs fixing, how come after Allied forces reach a certain point they just stop moving?
-The quests are also glitches/messed up, it completely skips the Save Sun Jian quest when the cinematics for it end. And why the fuk does Yuan Shao stay in the same spot for rest of map? He should move out like 5-10 minutes into game.

I havent played xia pi yet, but plz fix these things for now, thanks.
Level 2
Nov 3, 2009
@ Roguewave Thank you very much for your comment, I shall work on it.
@ DEMIGOD Hu Lao Gate is the only map that uses Warcraft 3 skins, besides Wan Shui being a footman, and I have every KOEI model, meaning all of Dynasty Warriors and all of Samurai Warriors. So I got the models.