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Dungeon Secrets

Dungeon Secrets 0.9e

Map Introduction:
This puzzle map is close to being finished. You can already play 30 different rooms by solving the puzzles in them. Estimated play time varies a lot. If you are a fast thinker and know Warcraft III well enough you can play it through in mere 20 minutes. If not it will offer you hours of game play which will drive you on the verge of giving up - unless you do give up.

Last update fixed a bunch of bugs: servant's, item tool tips and so on. At the current state the map also has an ending - however you can also pick an option that is not yet finished, only treasure chamber route is finished.


Bigger size images can be found in my album. Icons by Blizzard.


Change Log
• Uploaded as Version 0.6a
• Updated to Version 0.6b
• Updated to Version 0.6c

- Loading Screen Image
- Completed Room 20
- Fixed few leaks
• Updated to Version 0.6c
- Fixed minor bugs
- Improved restart system
- One Difficulty more
• Updated to Version 0.6f
• Updated to Version 0.6g

- Fixed bug where Servants bugged
- Fixed bug where Ghouls bugged
- Added system which deletes all other units than main unit when completing a room
- Minor fixes
- Terrain improved
• Updated to Version 0.6h
- Recreated Room 19
- Fixed bugs where Servants stood still
- Improved system which removes units after completing a room
- Added message to tell you about commands
• Updated to Version 0.7g
- Improved many systems
- Fixed bugs
- Fixed most of the leaks in triggers
- Some minor changes
• Updated to Version 0.7h
- Fixed bug with Servants
- Fixed bug with Murloc in Room 19
- Added Rooms 21-24 to the game
- Minor fixes
• Updated to Version 0.7i
- Added Room 25
- Planning to add Mystic Circle markers
- Planning to add Lives system
• Updated to Version 0.7j
- Added Room 26 (Not sure if it stays like that)
- Added Mystic Circle markers
- Added Hint System from room 1-10
• Updated to Version 0.8a
- Added Room 27
- Re-worked Room 26
- Changed Void Walking system
• Updated to Version 0.8e
- Added Room 28 and 29
- Fixed bug in Room 20 switches
- Minor fixes
• Updated to Version 0.9c
- Included Kjau'Shi's Chamber
- Included Rooms 31 and 32
- Included Kazur's Treasure Chamber
- Map has an ending
• Updated to Version 0.9d
- Fixed Strength Relic tooltip
- Fixed a bug where Servants did not always ensnare
- Fixed barricades - you cannot walk through them
- Fixed some environment (made some places clearer)
- Added a new system "-helper" which shows the player which trees are required for a "tree jump"
- Added a fact counter that gives you some statistics after the game
• Updated to Version 0.9e
- See the update comment for changes


• Rooms
- 30 Normal Rooms
- 2 Boss Rooms
• Systems
- Restart System
- Timer Gem System
- Starting Cinematic
- Difficulties
- Skip Cinematic
- Mystic Circle Markers
- Helper System
• In Future
- Tip/Hint system
- 1 more rooms
- Final Boss Room
- Ending Cinematic
- Lives system

Dungeon, Sunken, Puzzle, Brain, Remixer, Solo, 1, One, Rooms, Dungeon Secrets, Ruins,
0.9e, Continue

Dungeon Secrets (Map)

» Vengeancekael:[c] 「Profile :: Hive Staff」 » Reasons: [Optional] Missing Custom Preview Image: To add a preview image, resize the image to 256x256 or 128x128 using gimp and save it as .tga. Import the image and change its path to...







» Vengeancekael:[c] Profile :: Hive Staff
» Reasons:

[Optional] Missing Custom Preview Image: To add a preview image, resize the image to 256x256 or 128x128 using gimp and save it as .tga. Import the image and change its path to 'war3mapPreview.tga'.
» Comment:
Reviewing as requested. (See 'Review')
» Rules: [c] Map Submission
» Contact: [c] Staff Contact
! 'Reasons' are automated !

+ Creative
+ Polished
+ Terrain
- Small details

The map's quite creative - There are multiple puzzling methods, such as summoning a murloc through the wall, teleporting to your murloc, ordering a wisp to harvest wood + blocking it so that it gets off the tree on the other side, force walls that only allow the main character to pass through, etc.
It's polished, the quest log contains the commands, the spell tooltips are well understandable and the game message are also colorized and quick to read.
The terrain is pretty neat, it resembles a dungeon, it's filled, you've done justice to the chosen tileset.
Though some small issues still have to be addressed: '-respawn' doesn't seem to be working.
Also add a game option that removes the timer.
And one last thing, pan the camera and select the player once a room is reset.
I'll be waiting for more content~! Good job.


  • /

Moderated Version: 0.6c
Date: 29/Mar/2013 16:01:57
Level 14
Mar 27, 2008
Well triggered, cool puzzle concept and some nice terrain, I really felt like I was running through a dungeon. The time limits can get a little too short though.

Keep up the good work! 4 / 5 so far
Look forward to seeing more!

I wish I could help people more when I comment. But unfortunately 40% of my laptop screen is broken so I could not test out the gameplay.

Therefore I could only suggest a little things for you, just remember these are only suggestions:

  • Map Preview (currently it looks ugly seeing a big pile of yellow terrain)
  • I see that you put shrubs and small plants around the room, perhaps you can make the room more 'alive' by replacing them with animated ones?
  • I have only played until Room 3 (As I said my screen have problems), so I dont know what happens after that. But I think since this is a puzzle game, the clues should be less obvious. Perhaps you could make the clues in form of poetry? or doodads? old journals? etc
  • Oh and finally, the soundtracks occupy too much filesize. Therefore, I opened your map (apologies for that), extracted the mp3 and tried to reduce the filesize.

    I cant tell the difference in quality, so I suggest you to use this one. But then again, this is optional.


  • DungeonSecretsMusic.rar
    3.7 MB · Views: 194
Level 14
Nov 17, 2010
I'm enjoying this map a lot. I'm glad you've listened to suggestions and added things like 'reset' I'm gonna play this new version right now.

Bug: On room 13 I found a bug with the servants. The second skeleton shot a net at me the first time, but then I screwed up and restarted the room. He wouldn't throw a net any time after that. He wouldn't even throw it at the wisp so I couldn't finish the room.


  • Dungeon Secrets.png
    Dungeon Secrets.png
    1.4 MB · Views: 440
Last edited:
Level 20
Jun 27, 2011
Timers aren't working, until you pick up a timer gem.

I'm enjoying this map a lot. I'm glad you've listened to suggestions and added things like 'reset' I'm gonna play this new version right now.

Bug: On room 13 I found a bug with the servants. The second skeleton shot a net at me the first time, but then I screwed up and restarted the room. He wouldn't throw a net any time after that. He wouldn't even throw it at the wisp so I couldn't finish the room.

Type +1 then -restart.


Spam Moderator
Level 11
Dec 2, 2012
Dungeon Secrets is a puzzle map made by Remixer. It contains twenty puzzle rooms, two of which are boss rooms. The player must think critically and quickly to complete the rooms. A map with a puzzle concept isn't my favorite for map, but the puzzles you made were decently made and progressively harder. The puzzles didn't become repetitive, but as I only played up to room ten (I can't figure it out!), they might become that way in the later levels. I liked the idea of implementing items into a puzzle map, but because they were all one use, it was really easy to mess yourself up. However, the items were certainly better than just traps. I've seen enough 'puzzle' maps with traps the whole way. The atmosphere in the beginning was great, especially with the music added. However, as the puzzles continued, I started thinking the temple wasn't trying to trap me but help me! Respawns, friendly Spirits, and lots of Summoned Murlocs! I think the game should be more unforgiving to the player, with no respawns. Also, I'm not sure if this is a bug, but the Summoned Murloc from room nine does not dissapear. Is this intentional?
Even though I'm not a fan of puzzle maps, this map is made well and the puzzles are well executed.


Map Reviewer
Level 31
Feb 19, 2011
Thanks for all the feedback now to some answering:

Bug: On room 13 I found a bug with the servants. The second skeleton shot a net at me the first time, but then I screwed up and restarted the room. He wouldn't throw a net any time after that. He wouldn't even throw it at the wisp so I couldn't finish the room.
Yes, I've disscovered a leaking in Servant's triggers and that has been fixed, expect a bug fix update today.
Timers aren't working, until you pick up a timer gem.
Type +1 then -restart.
Yes, I am aware of this bug and I am trying to think of a good solution to fix it. You can evade this by entering Room 1, and then using commands.
Hmm..found a bug,when I am trying to figure out how to pass room 9,time up and I fail again to pass it,at the beginning it works properly,but later it sudden restart to room 11 but not room 9
I did not understand what you meant, could you describe more what happened?
Also, I'm not sure if this is a bug, but the Summoned Murloc from room nine does not dissapear. Is this intentional?
Yes, I am aware of this also. In the update today I will make it so that any other unit than Main Unit trying to move from a room to another room will get removed from the game.

Thanks for the feedback.


Map Reviewer
Level 31
Feb 19, 2011
Map has been updated:

1. Fixed bug where Servants would not attack after they walked on Spike Trap.=) Also made some other improvements to system according them.
2. Fixed bug where Timers would not work properly if you typed commands before entering Room 1. They now works in every room even before entering Room 1.
3. All other units than Main Unit dissapears when you complete a room. However there is still possibilty to spawn unit through a gate to another Room but it's pretty useless.
4. Fixed bug where Ghouls would not stop attacking after unit entered to the region and died.
5. Improvement to terrain (some bling bling trash)

Known Bugs:
- Room 18 restart does not work properly ( Time Gem won't dissapear )
Level 21
Mar 27, 2012
A very engaging map, which surprises me, as I expected it to be something that requires speed or reaction, but it actually does not, as every level is easy after you've figured it out. (I don't like to rely on speed)
It took me a while to find anything that I could complain about.
4/5 - Would be 5 if I hadn't found any bugs.

  • 1 - I went with my murloc from room 9 to 10 and hit the switch. A few tries later the switch hadn't reset, so I had to just wait out my first try on room 10.
  • 2 - Room 12 - The end. On the first try the servant ran after my wisp as it was supposed to do(and went out of the way)
    On all tries after that it ignored me, so there was no way to finish the room anymore. (not fixed I guess)

Add a quick restart button or functionality(when the player knows what he did wrong he won't want to wait).

Version: 0.6g


Map Reviewer
Level 31
Feb 19, 2011
A very engaging map, which surprises me, as I expected it to be something that requires speed or reaction, but it actually does not, as every level is easy after you've figured it out. (I don't like to rely on speed)

  • 1 - I went with my murloc from room 9 to 10 and hit the switch. A few tries later the switch hadn't reset, so I had to just wait out my first try on room 10.
  • 2 - Room 12 - The end. On the first try the servant ran after my wisp as it was supposed to do(and went out of the way)
    On all tries after that it ignored me, so there was no way to finish the room anymore. (not fixed I guess)

- There is a '-restart' command, however I will add seperated message from it, instead of showing it in Quests.

- Bugs you mentioned has been fixed.

- It does not rely on speed if you play on Easy, or Normal. But you can also choose Hard or Insane. Insane is based on my completing time which in some rooms is only 5, 10 or 15 seconds that on normal has like 45 seconds.
Level 21
Mar 27, 2012
It slowly became frustrating to me, as it turned too much into a game of speed. I don't think that it's a good idea to force people to think fast. I don't like it at least. It would maybe be fine if the dangerous parts were made easier in comparison, so that I wouldn't have the start over every single time I forget something or make a small mistake.


I just noticed that the loading screen picture looks epic

Room 12
the spike trap disappears and there is no more d
Some of the text is missing or cut off at the end.

Room 13
I teleport to the second lever and then I can't get out, as the wisp is stuck behind me and I am stuck in front of it.
On the next try I succeeded, but I think it would be good if it was possible to maneuver inside that little hole.

Room 14 was... deep. I like it a lot what you did there with the hint.

Room 15
Too little time and the pathing around the first tree is buggy. Most of the time the wisp rather jumps behind a pile of rubble than on the other side of the tree.
Eventually I never finished this room because of the bugginess. It's pure chance after figuring it out and I don't like it when that happens.

Room 16(ghoul room)
[...] as long as
Text is cut off and doesn't appear in the log either

Room 17
Simply timing and figuring out that one reset time is longer .I didn't like this one, as it's about speed.

Room 19
Doesn't reset properly when using -restart. Thus, becomes impossible, since red circle no longer creates a murloc(also there's items on the ground from my previous try)

Room 20
My first try activated the circle.
On the second try it hadn't deactivated
After the second try this and the previous room reseted properly.
I don't want to finish this. Whenever I make a mistake I have to start over. It wasn't like this on the first boss level and it's getting on my nerves. But I guess that's how it was destined to be from the moment that you made units that actively deal damage(turning it into a game of speed, which kind I don't like)


Map Reviewer
Level 31
Feb 19, 2011
It slowly became frustrating to me, as it turned too much into a game of speed. I don't think that it's a good idea to force people to think fast. I don't like it at least. It would maybe be fine if the dangerous parts were made easier in comparison, so that I wouldn't have the start over every single time I forget something or make a small mistake.


I just noticed that the loading screen picture looks epic

Room 12
the spike trap disappears and there is no more d
Some of the text is missing or cut off at the end.

Room 13
I teleport to the second lever and then I can't get out, as the wisp is stuck behind me and I am stuck in front of it.
On the next try I succeeded, but I think it would be good if it was possible to maneuver inside that little hole.

Room 14 was... deep. I like it a lot what you did there with the hint.

Room 15
Too little time and the pathing around the first tree is buggy. Most of the time the wisp rather jumps behind a pile of rubble than on the other side of the tree.
Eventually I never finished this room because of the bugginess. It's pure chance after figuring it out and I don't like it when that happens.

Room 16(ghoul room)
[...] as long as
Text is cut off and doesn't appear in the log either

Room 17
Simply timing and figuring out that one reset time is longer .I didn't like this one, as it's about speed.

Room 19
Doesn't reset properly when using -restart. Thus, becomes impossible, since red circle no longer creates a murloc(also there's items on the ground from my previous try)

Room 20
My first try activated the circle.
On the second try it hadn't deactivated
After the second try this and the previous room reseted properly.
I don't want to finish this. Whenever I make a mistake I have to start over. It wasn't like this on the first boss level and it's getting on my nerves. But I guess that's how it was destined to be from the moment that you made units that actively deal damage(turning it into a game of speed, which kind I don't like)

Use Easy-difficulty, there is no timer =)
Level 21
Mar 27, 2012
Use Easy-difficulty, there is no timer =)

room 20
I pull the levers in the right order. Doesn't work.
Repeat, doesn't work
Repeat, now it worked.

Enter blight with main unit
Ghoul attacks main
Enter blight with a minion
Ghoul attacks minion
Leave blight with minion
Ghoul still attacks minion(and leaves blight)

Room 21
Don't use the "pull levers in the right order" unless there is a hint about what order they should be in. It's basically like telling the person to repeat exactly what they did(in the opposite order), with no apparent point. It's tedious to have to repeat things until you find the right order(after all, this isn't gambling, this is a puzzle game, so it should require brains, not luck)

Then I entered the next room and nothing happened. I guess it's unfinished there (version h)
Level 30
Jul 31, 2010
Dungeon Secrets (Version 0.7g)









"Dungeon Secrets" is a Mini-game that is filled mostly with puzzles and a maze that much covers the puzzle to start with, with rooms for about 20 each to solve, the player must finish the game in a specific seconds and win by reaching the last puzzle.

"The game is very unique and 20 puzzles to be complete will satisfy those who plays solo in such maps no much problems controlling the unit and items that needs to be used in special areas this map is good and recommended for single players."



"Terrain has enough detail about showcasing a ruin dungeon of some sort and with the commonly yet useful sunken ruin theme the map has an eye-candy for players."



"Overall map is fine and really exciting to play same goes to its replay value and game-wise, although the trigger output that lets the unit to stop every time a player enters a new room can deplete a second of a timer, you can either remove that trigger that stops the unit so the player can continuously move around the room, also it would be nice if you can give a command that will generate tips on how to successfully finish a room e.x 'having problems with the Spirit unit? simply block its path to prevent skiping a ground etc', any else no much problems nor bugs encountered."

Total Score:



Map Reviewer
Level 31
Feb 19, 2011
Okay people, it's been a long time since I last time updated this map (and I will not do it yet). The reason is that my computer's hard discs failed me and I lost all the private progress I had made. I am still trying to collect my motivation back since as the computer got broken I lost the progress of about 5 rooms and many fixes.
Level 20
Jun 27, 2011
Okay people, it's been a long time since I last time updated this map (and I will not do it yet). The reason is that my computer's hard discs failed me and I lost all the private progress I had made. I am still trying to collect my motivation back since as the computer got broken I lost the progress of about 5 rooms and many fixes.

Woah, that's just sad. Well you can try to listen to some musics to motivate you.
Level 11
Dec 19, 2012
I'm glad to see it's still alive :D I thought you stopped continue this map

The room 25 and room 26, with insane mode, I think you set the time is over, I completed room 25 and the remaining time was 17 while room 26 the remaining time was 20, I suggest you shorten the time given :D (btw I really didnt test the room 10~24 with insane mode XD)

Bug: Found a bug regarding to room 5 (insane mode) when the timer run out, it restart to room 4 (weird thing is it only happened once)
Last edited:


Map Reviewer
Level 31
Feb 19, 2011
Dungeon Secrets 0.8a

The map has been updated to version 0.8a. The map contains now 27 Rooms and it is close to be finished (at least in my visions) however it might still take some time and the bug fixed and polishing can take even longer time.

Check the changelog for more detailed information about the lastest update.


I am planning to add lives system to the map. I was thinking of that the player can select the maximum amount of lives (fe 1, 5, 10, 20, 50 lives) and in addition player can also select the forgive mode which allows the player to fail each room a certain amount of times (which he also selects) for example 0, 1, 3, 5, 10 times.

What this really means:

If player selects Maximum lives 1 and Forgive Mode - 1, he can fail only 1 time in all the rooms together (so 1 mistake allowed).

If the player selects Maxinum lives 10 and Forgive mode - 3, he can fail a room 3 times in order to lose a life. Which means he can fail total 30 times until he runs out of extra lives.

Ofcourse you are still allowed to play without the lives (infinite respawning).

What do you guys think?
Level 14
Nov 17, 2010
That would be awesome if you finished this. I still play it from time to time. The puzzles are pretty great. I like the challenge.


Map Reviewer
Level 71
Jun 4, 2009
Yeah it is some clumsy Warcraft problem. Dunno how to fix it. Pressing Hold This Position and commanding it to do something else than harvesting should fix it though.
I've tried that before. It didn't work :( To make sure though, you put the Wisp to harvest and then stop it or move it towards the other side, right? This just puts the Wisp back from where it started harvesting, north of the tree blockade.
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Map Reviewer
Level 31
Feb 19, 2011
You need to block the pathing with the main unit, so the Wisp has no room in the north, meaning only then will it move towards the other side. If the wisp spawns in between your main unit and a the tree, your main unit is too far away from the tree. If the wisp spawns behind your main unit, far from the tree, you are too close to the tree.

You can also type "-helper" to activate markers to indicate which trees you are going to need for the wisps.
Level 14
Jan 16, 2009
I struggled with this as well and never made it work (maybe this is why I am stuck). What did work for me was placing my hero right beside the tree while the wisp is on it and teleporting the hero to the wisp. I am pretty sure it wasn't the intended method but moving the wisp to the other side never works for me.

Anyway, this is a pretty interesting map. Good job!


Map Reviewer
Level 31
Feb 19, 2011
Indeed, that also works, it has the same functionality but is a little easier to execute, since warcraft does not detect the spot of the unit that teleports as "free" and thus is teleported to the other side of the tree. Yea I guess I need to fix the part as many people struggle with it, (I thought people would be more familiar with Warcraft 3 pathing xd)


Map Reviewer
Level 71
Jun 4, 2009
You need to block the pathing with the main unit, so the Wisp has no room in the north, meaning only then will it move towards the other side. If the wisp spawns in between your main unit and a the tree, your main unit is too far away from the tree. If the wisp spawns behind your main unit, far from the tree, you are too close to the tree.
OK, call me a total idiot but that was weird to realize. It works if the hero is placed on a specific position.
I thought people would be more familiar with Warcraft 3 pathing xd
That works best for map makers (I rarely if not at all use the view pathing option; I do most testing running the map) and well for professional players.


Map Reviewer
Level 71
Jun 4, 2009
As interesting as pathing is for the gameplay, I find it the most annoying part of the game.

-there were 4 "Peasants" at the start. What for?
-Summon Stone can't be dropped by the Murloc in room 5; the puzzle could be solved two ways if it could be dropped
-Skeletons can be blocked by another unit (Wisp) and not reach the hero that is ensnare; after the Ensnare effect falls the Skeleton remains where it last was; it does not go back to its starting position
-some messages/texts are incomplete; they do not finish with a dot or at least with a word that makes it obvious there is nothing else to continue with
-would you make the Spawned Murlocs last an infinite time like other creatures?

I recommend these games: The Incredible Machine and The Incredible Toons Machine in case you haven't played them already.



Map Reviewer
Level 31
Feb 19, 2011
As interesting as pathing is for the gameplay, I find it the most annoying part of the game.

-there were 4 "Peasants" at the start. What for?
-Summon Stone can't be dropped by the Murloc in room 5; the puzzle could be solved two ways if it could be dropped
-Skeletons can be blocked by another unit (Wisp) and not reach the hero that is ensnare; after the Ensnare effect falls the Skeleton remains where it last was; it does not go back to its starting position
-some messages/texts are incomplete; they do not finish with a dot or at least with a word that makes it obvious there is nothing else to continue with
-would you make the Spawned Murlocs last an infinite time like other creatures?

I recommend these games: The Incredible Machine and The Incredible Toons Machine in case you haven't played them already.


- Peasants? Really? I ought to fix that asap.
- Summon Stone cannot be dropped by the murloc, that is intended to avoid certain ways of completing rooms
- Skeletons block, I need to fix this, I already knew it but never thought about it.
- Which texts are you referring to?
- I'll look into the life time of the murlocs.


Map Reviewer
Level 31
Feb 19, 2011
New Update:

Map Version = 0.9e


• Content Fixes:
- Removed unintentionally placed starting units.
- Scroll of Telekinsis:

- Improved the item description.
- Improved the item functionality (no longer fails to teleport you).
- Summon Stone:
- Name changed into "Summoning Stone"
- Improved the item description.
- Spawned Murloc is now permanent.
- Timer Gem:
- Improved the item description.
- Changed the item tinting color.
- Strenght Relic:
- Name changed into "Sacred Relic"
- Improved the item description
- Units in General:
- Friendly units' names are now displayed green.
- Hostile units' names are now displayed red.
- Units pathing size have been adjusted to make "tree jumping" easier.
- Murloc:
- Name changed into "Green Murloc".
- Beholder:
- Beholders are now selectable.
- Spirit:
- Ability "Heal Tree" visually revamped to provide information.
- Visually updated as well.
- Changed Room entering message types (should work correctly now).
- Fixed Room 10 entering message typo.
- Fixed quite a few more typos in game messages and other texts.
- Fixed a couple of bugs in restarting some rooms.
- Increased the Sight range of the main unit in order to avoid drawbacks caused by the lack of vision.

• Content Added:
- Included Room 32 (Unknown Chamber II) in the map's solution.
- Added a few interesting descriptions/tooltips somewhere into the game in case some one lurks too closely.

Side Notes:
Thanks for
deepstrasz for feedback. The general feedback has also taken into account and features such as "tree jump" should now be a lot easier to perform. The update turned out a bit larger than I originally intended. Map is now updated. Problems that remain: Servant can still be blocked by another unit, I need to figure out something for that.