Dumbass try drawing and failed miserably

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Level 19
May 14, 2014
Welcome to my little piece of corner that somehow exist here on this website, where i try to learn and improve my understanding of drawing and somehow made it worse. Can also be considered as my portfolio and a guidelines whenever i forgot how anatomy, perspective, foreshortening and whatnot.

the tool i use is my huion inspiroy h640p, photoshop which i somewhat legally procure, idk i got this laptop with photoshop preinstalled, krita which i may try to use for time to time, my last two braincell and my lazy ass that had more time to gaming than to improving

Enjoy your stay while you're here (will add content soon)

update: im kinda busy with studying right now and i still looking for some drawing and manage to get some of my old drawing, will upload soon when i got home, also i got new drawing software which is clipstudio paint which i legally own, i think


The drawing of an orange: probably the oldest in the bunch, was bored one time somewhere in school after some lunar new year event or smth, they gave orange to student, instead of eating it i draw it

Bismarck and Bismarck and all other things: I can't remember when i draw Bismarck but did it as a joke and compared it with Bismarck from Azur Lane

Some random shit that i copied from the internet, but not tracing, i construct it from the ground up

and some attempt at designing a character in a novel im currently writing, so far little progress and had to shift the timeline a bit
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Level 19
May 14, 2014
Hello, its been nearly a year since this thread started and like 5 months since updating the thread, if procrastination is a competition i would be a world champion

i've been busy for a while with uni and didnt have much time to practice but still able to gaming and floundering

but anyway here is my current progress, still trying to adapt to my tablet and the tiniest workspace available
i think i have unhealthy obsession with ganyu help

2 week progress.png

im still trying to figure things out with proportion, face and eye cuz i am doubting all of them
edit: well things getting out of hand, the proportion looked fucked and i cant articulate this pose without being a weirdo, so i might ditch this one
managed to salvage this one so there's still hope
im thinking of doing new skin, been scouring hive for custom model or maybe doing a custom wrap or something idk

another update!: so a few nights ago, i was browsing youtube where i stumble upon a few shorts jojo with pose reference where some artwork with magazine and other art reference so i went to jojo wiki for more of it and that's where i got inspiration for this

Somehow better than anything i have ever done and i suck at lineart
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Level 15
Dec 21, 2013
Naisu. You can just skip lineart entirely like me o.o I think some people are not born to making those line arts, like me. looking at lineart speedpaint video, it looks like a magic. And you can hide that materials menu if you are not using it o.o
Level 19
May 14, 2014
Naisu. You can just skip lineart entirely like me o.o I think some people are not born to making those line arts, like me. looking at lineart speedpaint video, it looks like a magic. And you can hide that materials menu if you are not using it o.o
oh yeah i forgot to close it, and all my current lineart brush felt like it doesnt go well with my tab or its just me pressing and gliding too lightly but damn no lineart for all your work, also i just realized that i was working on 72 dpi, i had increase the dpi and i might need to redo it again but with better line definition, rip
Level 15
Dec 21, 2013
any DPI is fine for digital view. It’s only important for printing. What’s more important is the pixel size.

I just noticed your canvas size is pretty small. Having a 1080 pixels width is the minimal size, because thats standard screen size on mobile and pc. It’s safer to go bigger so you can safely readjust the canvas like cropping for better comp. And scaling it down will not damage the image like scaling up.

So, using 3000x3000 pixel with 72Dpi is exact same as 3000x3000 with 300dpi. Even with 1 DPI.
It’s important if only you use real metric like cm or inch as the canvas size, because they will be turned to pixels using the DPI. For example, 10 inch with 72 DPI (dots per inch, or the correct name is actually PPI pixel per inch. But PP is not cool to say, so people stick with dpi) is equal to 720 pixels. While on 300 DPI it will be 3000pixels.
Level 15
Dec 21, 2013
Just make sure it’s above 1080 pixels. I think any size above that will works fine. Especially on pure anime style with cel shade. Bigger has more advantage, like you can safely crop a full body drawing into portrait. if its small you cant do that.

I usually draw with 3000px for portrait. But the actual head size ended up around 2000px because i never use full canvas. Bigger canvas allow you to add more details, but it can be useless, depend on the purpose, because social media people rarely zoom in except if its really interesting. So people ended up seeing only smaller size o.o
Level 19
May 14, 2014
i was hoping to print my first work, so far none
Just make sure it’s above 1080 pixels. I think any size above that will works fine. Especially on pure anime style with cel shade. Bigger has more advantage, like you can safely crop a full body drawing into portrait. if its small you cant do that.

I usually draw with 3000px for portrait. But the actual head size ended up around 2000px because i never use full canvas. Bigger canvas allow you to add more details, but it can be useless, depend on the purpose, because social media people rarely zoom in except if its really interesting. So people ended up seeing only smaller size o.o
so i check my canvas size and its 3750x6000
cant remember when i change this but this is bigger than 4k preset provided
found out why, the change in dpi is change in resolution, its in x4.17 than the original
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Level 19
May 14, 2014
hello its the dumbasses, finally got my free time to relearn art, this time im planning on doing 1 year illustrator plan, i failed miserably with each attempt previously due to being busy, so i will restarting to relearn art using the 1 year plan idea by marc and probably based it on hanacue

so when the 1 year plan will start, i was planning on starting it on july, right now im still busy with test

So looking back at my decision to do that was a huge waste of time, especially when im entrusting it to a chatgpt. that mf tricked me into doing fine art and abstract instead of digital illustration

because of how did the nilou and ganyu art went nowhere except oblivion, i have decided to take a step back and reflect on what's wrong with me, which is when i realize i haven't been using what i learn from doing technical drawing for 2 years, which had some elements in what im doing right now

but looking back i was so strict with technical drawing that i didnt went anywhere except being strict and never let loose

so im stumble upon these youtube channel which is where i realize how strict i am with myself, surely that failed 1 year plan had an effect on me with realising that i had the necessary skills but lack creativity and stubbornness to apply it
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