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Druid of the Panda

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
This is model that me and debode have been working in past few days. He made the model and I made the skin.

And that's right folks! This model also includes ''Panda'' skin, used for alternate DoP form
(alternate DoP form has 2 bugs, mentioned here)

Tell me if you find any more bugs.

UPDATE - made belly wider, head bigger, ear fixed

Druid, Panda, Pandaren, Bear, Claw,

Druid of the Panda (Model)

Druid of the Panda (Model)

23:15, 21st Dec 2008 General Frank:
Positive Comments

[+] VERY original idea!
[+] I like the use of the hat on his back versus the original bear head.

Negative Comments

[-] Head is just a tad too small, now.
[-] He's a bit skinny for a Pandaren.
[-] This may just be in the Viewer, but all of the alternate animations have both the Pandaren and the Panda geosets showing in these specific animations. Try fixing that using the Geoset Animations in Notepad.
[-] In the Morph Alternate animation, after the bear has disappeared his teeth are still floating around in the air.
[-] Overuse of custom textures, try to use Blizztextures only.

Comments: Make the head smaller, just a very tiny bit, and give him a bigger belly. Otherwise great job.

Overall Rating: 3.9/5
Level 49
Apr 18, 2008
Positive Comments

[+] VERY original idea!
[+] I like the use of the hat on his back versus the original bear head.

Negative Comments

[-] Head is just a tad too small, now.
[-] He's a bit skinny for a Pandaren.
[-] This may just be in the Viewer, but all of the alternate animations have both the Pandaren and the Panda geosets showing in these specific animations. Try fixing that using the Geoset Animations in Notepad.
[-] In the Morph Alternate animation, after the bear has disappeared his teeth are still floating around in the air.
[-] Overuse of custom textures, try to use Blizztextures only.

Comments: Make the head smaller, just a very tiny bit, and give him a bigger belly. Otherwise great job.

Overall Rating: 3.9/5

Hehe, i added it... and with bliztextures it won't get approved...
Level 4
May 25, 2008
u should make more animals this one is cool mabe have one turn into a dolphin for naga nota lot of naga stuff l8ly :p, btw i need to see if any one can make me a hammer warrior with armor like a footman but no shield and need him using 2 hands on hammer any one think they can do it? need for a ctf map im making pm me if u can
Level 34
May 1, 2008
btw i need to see if any one can make me a hammer warrior with armor like a footman but no shield and need him using 2 hands on hammer any one think they can do it? need for a ctf map im making pm me if u can

You should probably post this in the request section, I don't think much people will see your request here.
Level 1
Aug 27, 2008
Great Job :)
But, i don't understand, how can i morph him in a bear ?
Thanks for answer and sorry for my bad english :D