No no no! You're doing it wrong!
Ponies are something brand new, and something old won't be as attractive and fresh as the ponies, and since ponies are the newest cartoon causing this kind of reaction and others just don't, this means that there is no other TV show that can beat the ponies and the only right way is dirrect approach, aka making anti-pony meme that would be based on smearing ponies instead of worshiping other cartoon instead.
Yes, that's the strategy of T.R.A.P. (Tleno's resistance against ponies).
And such threads as these won't stop the pony invasion. They'll just make the pony worshipers think they're stronger than they are. Plus posting useless threads is kind of... well it's useless.
Hmmm that's odd, I know that's DB related (well I never did watch DB much) but I don't particularly remember it, it's a spinoff correct?
Or is that just the original DB (odd, the song and intro and everything looks quite a bit like an actual cartoon intro)?
Hell with ponies. Even this is better.
Honestly DbZ never really struck me as anime
but seriously....ponies? are you all little girls or what? or naked old hairy men with beards and pedophilic nature? or didn't your parents not love you enough?
don't take this too serious but I just can't understand it
Anime is the worst thing happened to cartoons. ;__;
Enough pony talk or I'll do this to you!
But the thing I hate is Super Saiyan hair growth rate.
power is proportional to length of hair (my hair is very long)
but what I think is more weird is that they get blond hair and blue eyes like in some nazi ideology
Super-sheep said:Anime is the worst thing happened to cartoons. ;__;
but what I think is more weird is that they get blond hair and blue eyes like in some nazi ideology
SCREW THEM!!!!Screw ponies, Original Dragonball and DBZ is one of the oldest goodie with no crappy gay theme. But the thing I hate is Super Saiyan hair growth rate.
Epic winzWhat, just like
Quite possibly, while I'm not going to say they're all bad many/most of them are extremely overrated.
Overrated because you don't like them?
i've always had an idea of there being super saiyans...
but after super saiyan there was ultra saiyans.... than mega saiyans!!!
haha idk if ne1 else thought of it.. but its a cool idea IMO, ultra and mega saiyans have different hair color and body details than its predecessor.. just an idea though ^^
In general, the majority of anything is normally quite bad - you normally have to dig for the high quality work, there's plenty of quality anime with interesting story, execution or art style - the problem is that with the stereotypical anime fan-base you find on the internet is that they are quite often lulled into a point of claiming that all anime is great, which is far from the truth (as with anything else).
Mario was made in Japan. It was animated in Japan. Therefore it is Japanese Animation. Therefore it is Anime. WIN.
Like I said before, THIS THREAD IS ABOUT DRAGONBALL. If you don't want to talk about it then piss off somewhere else.
It makes me laugh, because the OP was about some crappy, over-rated song that has little-to-nothing to do with what makes Dragonball GOOD.