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Level 17
Nov 11, 2010
I like this better then ponies, more or less because it was awesome to watch in my childhood.

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Level 27
Jul 6, 2008
No no no! You're doing it wrong!
Ponies are something brand new, and something old won't be as attractive and fresh as the ponies, and since ponies are the newest cartoon causing this kind of reaction and others just don't, this means that there is no other TV show that can beat the ponies and the only right way is dirrect approach, aka making anti-pony meme that would be based on smearing ponies instead of worshiping other cartoon instead.
Yes, that's the strategy of T.R.A.P. (Tleno's resistance against ponies).

And such threads as these won't stop the pony invasion. They'll just make the pony worshipers think they're stronger than they are. Plus posting useless threads is kind of... well it's useless.
No no no! You're doing it wrong!
Ponies are something brand new, and something old won't be as attractive and fresh as the ponies, and since ponies are the newest cartoon causing this kind of reaction and others just don't, this means that there is no other TV show that can beat the ponies and the only right way is dirrect approach, aka making anti-pony meme that would be based on smearing ponies instead of worshiping other cartoon instead.
Yes, that's the strategy of T.R.A.P. (Tleno's resistance against ponies).

And such threads as these won't stop the pony invasion. They'll just make the pony worshipers think they're stronger than they are. Plus posting useless threads is kind of... well it's useless.

Tleno.... go fail somewhere else
He never said he was trying to stop pony threads or something, btw you're methods will fail, hard, mainly because your the only one taking yourself seriously


Hmmm that's odd, I know that's DB related (well I never did watch DB much) but I don't particularly remember it, it's a spinoff correct?
Or is that just the original DB (odd, the song and intro and everything looks quite a bit like an actual cartoon intro)?
Level 17
Nov 11, 2010

Hmmm that's odd, I know that's DB related (well I never did watch DB much) but I don't particularly remember it, it's a spinoff correct?
Or is that just the original DB (odd, the song and intro and everything looks quite a bit like an actual cartoon intro)?

Well the song is a spinoff, and a few voices have changed but everything else is exactly the same.
Level 7
Dec 23, 2009
Well, 99% of animes out there suck, this one was good qtbh. Over the topness in a good way. They were muscle-built characters, fast fighting etc. While Naruto for example has tight pants, gay look on the character and a stupid storyline. Obvious things happen, obvious stuff is always obvious, and the twists actually are not twists - it was obviously obvious that obvious stuff becomes obvious so an obvious obviousness gets created within an obviously obvious cartoon. It is beyond obvious.
Level 30
Jul 31, 2010

but wwwhhhhhyyyyy? ponies are so adorable!!

and yeh I remember this back in the old farting days, I really appreciate this anime because there the only ones who gave the idea in "kamehame" or handmade blasts or something, now our present anime shows rely in this idea and revise it in a corny way such as naruto, tsubasa?, and other more newer animes

oh btw just wanna share this vid in memory of my childhood favs :)
Honestly DbZ never really struck me as anime, sure the art style's pretty much anime but it never really seemed to have the general attitude of it - instead of trying to be pointlessly mysterious/serious/etc. it's right in your face, it's story makes little sense in a good way (sure you could go on in explaining all the nuances and crap but really, when I was kid when this show was around most people couldn't care less about the overall story) and it never seemed to take itself too seriously.

Take anime now and you'll have to listen to hordes of fanboys/girls tell you that it's a serious beautiful art with deep emotional storylines far superior then western cartoons due to the many complications and relations blablabla cut the crap and go preach to someone else.
Honestly DbZ never really struck me as anime

this reminds me of a famous quote:
"Oh damn it! I missed watching todays episode of dragonball... what happened?"
"They beat up some guy"

but seriously....ponies? are you all little girls or what? or naked old hairy men with beards and pedophilic nature? or didn't your parents not love you enough?
don't take this too serious but I just can't understand it o_O
If you're going to complain about ponies, take it to the pony thread

"Oh damn it! I missed watching todays episode of dragonball... what happened?"
"They beat up some guy"

Pretty much, I never did get all that interested in it as a kid (other kids made fun of me for that) but I did watch it occasionally and it wasn't that bad of a show, as I said not much story but it didn't really need much

Btw, thread name changed - the old one was causing it to constantly get offtopic
Level 20
Oct 21, 2006
but seriously....ponies? are you all little girls or what? or naked old hairy men with beards and pedophilic nature? or didn't your parents not love you enough?
don't take this too serious but I just can't understand it o_O

Yeah I thought that too when I first found out about this new pony show. I just started calling people who watched it with names that I dont want to say right now. But when the time passed I watched one random episode. I dont remember why...

I was like... Okay this is actually pretty nice show with funny jokes and awesome animating and voiceacting and characters and much more. Then I started watching episodes from the first to last/whatever. Just to test myself. When I tried to watch the first ones I was asking myself questions like what am I watching or why am I watching this.

But around 3rd episode I started to like the show. Okay not really like. Love would be more fitting word here. I didnt know what was the feeling was. Or was it wrong or right. But I enjoyed the show. My eyes even started to leak tears in some parts if I watched it very focused. Only because its so awesome somehow.

As you said that you cant understand it I cant understand it either.

- 18 year old male
Level 7
Dec 23, 2009
C'mon. I know, Super Saiyan 3 looked kind of... ridiculous, but man, they need to have some kind of Hair change from level to level (Changing the color of the hair already is done, so lengthen it and there you go.) I loved Broly's green hair Super Saiyan state, though.
power is proportional to length of hair (my hair is very long) :p

but what I think is more weird is that they get blond hair and blue eyes like in some nazi ideology

Super Mullet powers activate!

Super-sheep said:
Anime is the worst thing happened to cartoons. ;__;

Quite possibly, while I'm not going to say they're all bad many/most of them are extremely overrated.
Level 35
Feb 5, 2009
I do love it when people jump the gun and say this is 'anti-pony' just cause he says he likes it more than ponies. After all, people who go on an 'anti-pony crusade' are only improving the publicity of ponies and are therefore silly in the methods of how they attempt to 'stop the ponies from dominating the world'.

ON-TOPIC: Perhaps if Ginyu Force put more time into actually training rather than carefully planned choreography, they might have actually beaten Goku.
Level 11
May 10, 2008
i've always had an idea of there being super saiyans...

but after super saiyan there was ultra saiyans.... than mega saiyans!!!

haha idk if ne1 else thought of it.. but its a cool idea :p IMO, ultra and mega saiyans have different hair color and body details than its predecessor.. just an idea though ^^
Overrated because you don't like them?

Overrated because the majority people watching them are overly biased towards anime. I have no problem with anime, and I'll watch ones that I find interesting if they come on (like FMA which I've still yet had the opportunity to watch the full series all the way through, school keeps interfering) but the problem is that the majority of people who constantly talk about them on the internet are overly obsessive - basically the people who watch nothing but anime and reject anything that's a product of a western studio, basically the stereotypical 13 year old white boy asian wannabe. The problem with them really isn't a question of quality of a specific anime, but anime in general - they don't care what they watch as long as it's anime and thus are quite often to referring to anime as a whole instead of specifics.

In general, the majority of anything is normally quite bad - you normally have to dig for the high quality work, there's plenty of quality anime with interesting story, execution or art style - the problem is that with the stereotypical anime fan-base you find on the internet is that they are quite often lulled into a point of claiming that all anime is great, which is far from the truth (as with anything else).

If anything I sometimes find myself connecting my dislike of the more abrasive fanbases (narutards anyone?) with anime in general, I'm hoping I didn't come off like that earlier.
Level 15
Sep 3, 2006
Wherewolf, you realize there are millions of people who watch anime and read manga that don't actually socialize on the internet, right? I'm sorry you've had some bad experiences in the past with narutards, but don't group everyone into the same boat.

edit: Also, I find it ironic that you say you want to watch FMA, which is easily the most over-rated anime of all time.
If they're not socializing on the internet, then they couldn't possibly be a part of the problem that I outlined (13 year old Asian wannabes that pose as experts on Japanese culture). Anyways yes I'm familiar with the group you're talking about (along with the general people who don't use the internet much in general), I forget the name for them.

If anything it's a sub-group of the culture that's developed around it on the internet and I'm pretty sure it pisses off people who legitimately like different Animes for quality just as much as those who don't watch much of it.
Level 17
Nov 11, 2010
i've always had an idea of there being super saiyans...

but after super saiyan there was ultra saiyans.... than mega saiyans!!!

haha idk if ne1 else thought of it.. but its a cool idea :p IMO, ultra and mega saiyans have different hair color and body details than its predecessor.. just an idea though ^^

There are Ultra SSJ's, you see it when Goku and Gohan train in the hyperbolic time chamber. Goku turns into one but he says he can't use it because he lacks in speed.
Level 22
Jan 10, 2005
In general, the majority of anything is normally quite bad - you normally have to dig for the high quality work, there's plenty of quality anime with interesting story, execution or art style - the problem is that with the stereotypical anime fan-base you find on the internet is that they are quite often lulled into a point of claiming that all anime is great, which is far from the truth (as with anything else).

Ok, but know that there are people like this for any genre (or anything, really).

Visit any forum, and you'll see people defending movies or music or whatever like their life depends on it.
Level 17
Nov 11, 2010
This thread is about the Dragon Ball series. If you want to argue/debate about anime then please go elsewhere.
Level 7
May 13, 2011
Hehe, I remember watching DBZ when I was 5 years old... all the best things happened when I was that young, that's also when I started my Warcraft obsession with Warcraft 2...
I used to watch odd episodes with my big bro, and I can remember the gist of the plot (Saiyans, Namek, Frieza, Androids, Cell, Buu, and the odd tournaments in between), but most specifics, like what the Ginyu Force had to do with anything, have been forgotten by me. Also, I never even saw the original Dragon Ball. So currently I'm reading the Dragon Ball manga, and I'm planning to read the DBZ manga after that. Just so that I can get the full story.

And since we're talking about ponies... well, no comment.
Level 5
Mar 26, 2008
Mario was made in Japan. It was animated in Japan. Therefore it is Japanese Animation. Therefore it is Anime. WIN.
Level 17
Nov 11, 2010
Like I said before, THIS THREAD IS ABOUT DRAGONBALL. If you don't want to talk about it then piss off somewhere else.
Level 7
May 13, 2011
It makes me laugh, because the OP was about some crappy, over-rated song that has little-to-nothing to do with what makes Dragonball GOOD.

Yeah, but the thread is still called "Dragonball", so I think it should be about Dragonball (Z/GT), not only the song.

And "what makes Dragonball good" is a matter of opinion, just as much as if Dragonball is good at all. In my opinion, it's the mixture of super-fast martial arts, energy blasts, unique characters, storyline and the humour. That includes Master Roshi, Krillin, the Ginyu Force and heaps of others.
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