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Dragon Spear

Draw some spear down on paper and realized it with a model, it's my third model.
Feel free to post suggestions or tipps or anything you like =)

Removed that red bubble thingy at the end,
polycount and modelsize slightly reduced.

please give credits!

Dragon Spear, Spear, Attachment, Weapon, Medieval,

Dragon Spear (Model)

21:12, 13th May 2009 Pyritie: Recalculate normals. Also add some shading to the texture and get rid of that silly candy cane blob at the back. 28th May 2009 Pyritie: Changes made, resource approved.




21:12, 13th May 2009
Pyritie: Recalculate normals. Also add some shading to the texture and get rid of that silly candy cane blob at the back.

28th May 2009
Pyritie: Changes made, resource approved.
Level 18
Mar 7, 2005
Tr!KzZ you have your own style.
I like it. +rep

One question:
When you are creating weapon models you draw the edges of picture by vertexs, conect them and then extrude ?

just started to model, so dunno if I already found a style xD
but thanks anyways :)

Uhm nope, because if you extrude it, you'll get new vertices for it.. and if you duplicate and mirror it later, then there will be vertices between the sites.. so I just move them and add faces later to avoid this.. and to get lower polycounts, it's still hard though.. but it's enough for me if I can stay about the 100 mark :)
Level 18
Mar 7, 2005
102 pollies o_O

Hmm..... reduce ASAP x3

I'm happy that they aren't more, I left a lot of details, it looks a bit strange and shitty in my opinion without texture and smooth... Can't reduce it sry, Try if you can, and if it still looks good. But I'm not able to.. I'm new to modelling, so I'm quite happy, when I got the model finish and managed it to get low PolyCount
(for me.. I think 100 is ok.. You don't have to use the weapon like 100 times within the map, and for each player's hero or something like that it's ok.. most people got good pcs out there)
Level 18
Mar 7, 2005
I see the model are only 4 kb and thats very good, but the texture is very large.
You could lower the file size greatly by removing much of the blue background you are not using.:thumbs_down:

But the model looks very good.:thumbs_up:

I already saved it with only 50% quality, and there's no real background, just the normal white one, could make it transparent.. but don't think it will change a lot, unless I change quality to a lower value.. but I think it's still ok, with custom texture, of course it would be better with ingame textures, but I like it, and the style I have ^^ (if I have one xD)
Level 11
Aug 27, 2007
Like this.

I already saved it with only 50% quality, and there's no real background, just the normal white one, could make it transparent.. but don't think it will change a lot, unless I change quality to a lower value.. but I think it's still ok, with custom texture, of course it would be better with ingame textures, but I like it, and the style I have ^^ (if I have one xD)

I mean like this.


  • Texture.jpg
    29.1 KB · Views: 159