The concept of the map is nice, but:
- Why is there a dialog needed to revive? (seems a little bit strange, nobody wishes to stay dead)
- I would add a little more colors to some of the text (e.g. NewQust in yellow/orange or something, entering town in another color)
it's a little thing that helps the map to look a little better and it's very easy to add.
- I see the terrain isn't that good, but I don't need to judge that, I usually don't do it myself, because it's so much work
- The "Lost Lady" quest is by the Optional Quests
- how did this map got 1.4MB file size? I didn't see anything that could explain the file size... (You can have the same file size if all heroes have custom models)
- If you (accidentally) enter the PVP-circle, there is no option not to PVP...
- Camera Lock isn't always a good option to put in an RPG, sometimes it was a little irritating (although it worked pretty good on this map)
- Blink seems a little bit bugged, you can just blink across those "No Way" obstacles...
- It's very hard to level when you are lvl 10+ it would be nice if it were an ORPG, but it isn't (you don't need to add Save/Load-code, just lower the required EXP
- This may also take a little longer, but it would be nice if you add more spells and items
- If you buy the same spell 2 times, you lose lumber, but nothing happens
In general this is a nice map, but it is missing some (importat) details, so I would give it a 6/10... (I'll wait a little before giving my rate, so you have some time to improve those things a little
If you work on these 11 items, it would probably be worth 8-9/10 (a special, new, original feature can make it 10/10)