Dragon Castle- v.1.09

An evil darkness has risen around the empire of Baldurs gate. Its source is the dragon castle. Find out who is behind and eliminate it.
- Play as one of four classes; warrior, archer, mage, rogue
- Battle all different monsters
- Do some puzzel quests
- PvP against other players
- Improved terrain
- Added difficulty
- Added PVP-Arenas
- Lower filesize

Dragon Castle- v.1.09 (Map)

Earth-Fury: The terrain lacks tile variation, doodad variation, and is generally bad. Why are city walls building instead of doodads? and why do some of them face the wrogn way? It works as far as i can see, so approved.




Earth-Fury: The terrain lacks tile variation, doodad variation, and is generally bad. Why are city walls building instead of doodads? and why do some of them face the wrogn way? It works as far as i can see, so approved.
Level 28
Jan 26, 2007
The concept of the map is nice, but:

- Why is there a dialog needed to revive? (seems a little bit strange, nobody wishes to stay dead)
- I would add a little more colors to some of the text (e.g. NewQust in yellow/orange or something, entering town in another color)
it's a little thing that helps the map to look a little better and it's very easy to add.
- I see the terrain isn't that good, but I don't need to judge that, I usually don't do it myself, because it's so much work
- The "Lost Lady" quest is by the Optional Quests
- how did this map got 1.4MB file size? I didn't see anything that could explain the file size... (You can have the same file size if all heroes have custom models)
- If you (accidentally) enter the PVP-circle, there is no option not to PVP...
- Camera Lock isn't always a good option to put in an RPG, sometimes it was a little irritating (although it worked pretty good on this map)
- Blink seems a little bit bugged, you can just blink across those "No Way" obstacles...
- It's very hard to level when you are lvl 10+ it would be nice if it were an ORPG, but it isn't (you don't need to add Save/Load-code, just lower the required EXP :) )
- This may also take a little longer, but it would be nice if you add more spells and items
- If you buy the same spell 2 times, you lose lumber, but nothing happens

In general this is a nice map, but it is missing some (importat) details, so I would give it a 6/10... (I'll wait a little before giving my rate, so you have some time to improve those things a little :D)
If you work on these 11 items, it would probably be worth 8-9/10 (a special, new, original feature can make it 10/10)