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Dragon Age Origin

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Level 14
Jun 13, 2007
That trailer was corny as hell. Also I bet the game will suck because it's EA that's making it.
Level 15
Dec 12, 2006
That trailer was corny as hell. Also I bet the game will suck because it's EA that's making it.

Anything that has to do with EA is bad.

Except for possible Battlefield heroes.
Did you even play a BioWare game before? If you didn't, I suggest you stop running your mouth like that, because you don't have any IDEA what you're babbling on about. Just because BioWare is owned by EA doesn't mean ANYTHING.

Dragon Age: Origins looks to be the utmost best game coming out this year, except for maybe Mass Effect. The graphics aren't groundbreaking but still look great. The combat is classic Baldur's Gate, but with delicious blood and gore and fantastic looking animations. And the roleplaying? My god. I've never seen such deep character interaction in a video game.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
It looks realtivly cool.
Graphically it should pass as a current gen game and its been a longish time since there was a PC aimed singleplayer group RPG.

It might not be a final fantasy 7 or SSBB, but has the potential to alteast waste some time if there is enough to do in it.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
We do not know if there is 40-80 hours in it... The game is not even out yet.

I would not say it looks amazing, graphically I do not think it stands up to FF13 even though it can be run on superiour hardware. It however does not look unattractive.

Combat wise it looks interesting, especially the way you can change the AI your allies have as well as the level up system looks prety solid (unlike many bioware games like TES oblivion).

FF7 was good purly due to the number of hours people played it. It had so much to do and level up in it it was hard not to spend hours doing it. A good game is one which gives you the most for your money, and the most is difined by the most hours spent playing.
Level 15
Dec 24, 2007
Dragon Age: Origins looks to be the utmost best game coming out this year, except for maybe Mass Effect.

Mass Effect 2 comes out Q1 next year (January). :p

The game looks fun, it's Bioware, and looking back on their track record, they have NEVER gone wrong. Dragon Age is not meant to necessarily be revolutionary, but create a game that returns to the style of Baldur's Gate.
Level 5
Apr 27, 2008
I recently bought Bioshock. I had heard incredible things about bioshock and systemshock and mass effect and about bioware in genral.
Bioshock is probly the best game i have played in years and i honestly cant wait for sea of dreams, dragon age origins and mass effect 2.
Level 13
Mar 8, 2005
I recently bought Bioshock. I had heard incredible things about bioshock and systemshock and mass effect and about bioware in genral.
Bioshock is probly the best game i have played in years and i honestly cant wait for sea of dreams, dragon age origins and mass effect 2.

Bioshock wasn't made by Bioware, neither was System Shock.
Level 15
Dec 12, 2006
I have. Totally awesome game with A LOT of unexpected twists. By the way, I've encountered my first... well, let's just say it's an optional boss you can fight for Morrigan. And let's just say it's bloody difficult and I'm probably not going to fight it yet.

Deleted member 157129


Deleted member 157129

Relatively? It looks amazing!

Why does everyone think FF7 is the best RPG ever? I mean really...

And there is ALOT to do in Dragon Age: Origins. 40-80 hours, actually.

FF7 practically had everything when it was released, and looking back the only thing they'd need to improve, had it been released now, is the graphics (which is terrible if you ask me, Mario3D anyone?) and perhaps add voice acting as that is becoming rather standard now-a-days. I spent 200h playing FF7, and I'm not really done with it yet, I just don't have time to play it. 40h is generally a good length compared to a lot of todays RPGs .. Mass Effect? 20h, when I reached the end and killed Saren and Sovereign, I was really disappointed.. "wait, what.. that's it?" ..

If you can't finish the game in less than 40h doing all the main missions, no side-quests, no grinding etc, then that's an acceptable length of a storyline. I haven't bothered to read about this game, didn't even know it was BioWare.. they've got some nice concepts, but in my opinion, they've never quite pulled it off. KOTOR was great at first glance, but after you've played through once, the fun is gone for me.. it was those 20h. The beginning is too boring, and is 10% of the time. KOTOR2 was appealing to me until 2h into the game.. "no, this is KOTOR on repeat.. with even sillier graphics, look at this guy, he shit his pants or what?" .. then Mass Effect, which is in my opinion decent, but not good enough. I do not have the sensational feeling "I want to play through this once again!" that I do with some games.. like most of the Final Fantasy games.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
If you can't finish the game in less than 40h doing all the main missions, no side-quests, no grinding etc, then that's an acceptable length of a storyline.

Eithor your consol / PC has major clock rate issues, or you must be about the slowest person I know. FF7 was prety fast to advance, and you can easilly do it in like 9 hours of play if you know what you are doing. 40 hours for just the storyline is impossible. Yes I played it with 99:59 on the clock, but most of that time was spent doing trivial tasks for perfection reasons. You must be meaning to say that the game has a first unaided playthrough time of about 40 hours which would include some grinding and exploration for fun.

Most of the time in FF7 infact is unskipable repetitive graphics or dialogs. If you could skip them like most games nowdays, you could cut atleast 2+ hours off the playthrough time.

Most of FF7's play time (not the time discussed above) comes from repetitive or obscure tasks like TKotR materia or the umpteen dozen missable items of importance. Without them you could see the game done not much longer than most games.

Deleted member 157129


Deleted member 157129

Aye, I meant to refer to the first play-through, as when you know it all, the game becomes much shorter. Though 9h of FF7? You'd reach the last boss at level, what, 20? Not that Sephiroth would be any trouble at that level.. damn he was the most disappointing part of the game for me. Here we are, very last battle.. Sephiroth. Then I did that Omnislash thing (can't really recall what it's name is, you hit him several times), and he was dead. Just like that. He didn't even hit me.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
You can beat sepheroth solo with cloud at the lowest level possible, when he is powered up to maximum by all other characters at level 99 (well near maximum).
Also dont forget to use TKotR on jenova so he has even more hitpoints.

Also I never got omnislash.

Deleted member 157129


Deleted member 157129

Sorry, what? *confused*
It's been about 10 years since I played this, so please be gentle on the details!
Level 9
Aug 23, 2007
I just got the 360 version for my birthday so I'm wondering if anyone has played it for 360. My computer is old and won't run games like this now. Anyways just wondering what people think of the 360 versions and if anything is better or worse between version, excluding graphics and camera as I don't mind much for either of these.
Level 9
Aug 23, 2007
Well no, course not. The Elder Scrolls Oblivion doesn't have the ability to have mods on the 360 so the story is true for Origins. It is a pain to not be part of the modding community but oh well, theres always the DLC and what not. Of course not like I'm going to need DLC for a while as the game will hold lots of my time anyways. Haha girlfriend got it for me. Either she wants me away or has no idea =p

Deleted member 157129


Deleted member 157129

Oh please. Bioware is barely any better than the average shooter dev. Just look at the romance and ridiculous blood effects.

''Look at us! Our game is dark and mature! We have sex and blood!''

At least it's something else, fresh.. though they already did it with Mass Effect.
Level 5
Nov 1, 2007
Oh please. Bioware is barely any better than the average shooter dev. Just look at the romance and ridiculous blood effects.

''Look at us! Our game is dark and mature! We have sex and blood!''

Theres a lot more to the game then that :p The amount of in game dialog, and the options your character has throughout the game is pretty amazing. Bioware definitely better than your average shooter dev. Not sure what your problem is, but this game is a must for people who like RPGs with a good story and challenging gameplay.
Level 9
Aug 23, 2007
I think the game is pretty fun, and if you look past the somewhat cliche story of Hero joining a powerful group to fight a more powerful group, the story is rather good on its own. The gameplay is fun as long as your into that type of play and the all around character development is well made. The voice acting is also good most of the time.

One thing I do think is somewhat pointless is when you choose the voice of your character. Only time you hear this voice is for little quotes that the game could be without. It would have been cool if the voices were actually heard through the dialog like on Mass Effect, however I suppose that would have required multiple people repeating the same lines over again.

Anyways, a great game, even so early into it.
Level 15
Dec 24, 2007
Theres a lot more to the game then that :p The amount of in game dialog, and the options your character has throughout the game is pretty amazing. Bioware definitely better than your average shooter dev. Not sure what your problem is, but this game is a must for people who like RPGs with a good story and challenging gameplay.

Please don't feed the trolls whilst visiting the zoo.

It's well known that WILL has never liked Bioware.
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
I can't wait for my two weeks off at Christmas. Gonna grab this game right away. I've been waiting all year for it.
Level 9
Aug 23, 2007
In my mind if you judge a game by the graphics and animations only you'll be very unhappy when it comes to most games. A good game is a good game graphics or not, as long as there at least passable. This is a good game. Not the BEST RPG out there but it is good non the less.
Level 15
Dec 12, 2006
I honestly think it is the best RPG to be released for the longest of time. It's definitely eons ahead of Oblivion and Fallout 3 (which are terrible), that's for sure. And the graphics are fine for me... I might not have gotten my KotOR-style choreographed fights, but I don't mind. The combat animations are awesome, as well. I think the graphics as a whole are quite appealing. Definitely the best looking RPG aside from Mass Effect. And don't tell me Oblivion looks better- it doesn't.

Deleted member 157129


Deleted member 157129

I honestly think it is the best RPG to be released for the longest of time. It's definitely eons ahead of Oblivion and Fallout 3 (which are terrible), that's for sure. And the graphics are fine for me... I might not have gotten my KotOR-style choreographed fights, but I don't mind. The combat animations are awesome, as well. I think the graphics as a whole are quite appealing. Definitely the best looking RPG aside from Mass Effect. And don't tell me Oblivion looks better- it doesn't.

Eh, you mean 'press Attack' and everything just works?
I certainly hope they're past that.
Level 13
Mar 8, 2005
I loved KOTOR combat. Even thought it was simple it still actually looked like fighting, rather than the people just randomly slashing at eachother and taking turns.
Level 24
Jan 19, 2008
I loved KOTOR combat. Even thought it was simple it still actually looked like fighting, rather than the people just randomly slashing at eachother and taking turns.

That's why I like the combat in DAO. Almost every battle is like 4 v 4-9 and the combat animations look pretty nice and there is shit exploding everywhere if mages are involved there.
Awful in what way? The graphical quality, or just the overall appearance of the game, when looking at gameplay, story, etc.?

I'll agree, it's not a very graphically appealing game. Facial animation could have been done MUCH better.

Oh the game isn't exactly beautiful, of course. I'm just saying the ad campaign makes the game look awful.

Also the combat is a lot more complex than KotOR, where you just spammed Flurry, Critical Strike and Force Storm.
Level 9
Feb 3, 2006
And who said that TES4:Oblivion was made by Bioware?! That's Bethesda :p
Bethesda release Bugged to hell games that are great..
Bioware release Very Long, Graphical, Sexxed up, bloodied games with massive Depth..

And i agree, this game is quite epic, i love how there is 6 different intro's for each race! so far im loving the Dwarf Male's Intro, its so cool..
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