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Download without registering?

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Level 24
Jun 14, 2005
well my votes gos for having 2 register 2 dl. Well to put it simply if people can't be bothered regeristing to dl maps I don't care. But this site has got one of the largest map databases on the internet. So if they would rather download maps from a site with hardly any maps why should I care?




how about an actual system? like say they have to make an aka and log in but they cant just DL? they have to be a certain rank to DL? i know it might be a bit unfair but at the same time its fair....
Level 7
Mar 19, 2005
Having a Join to DL policy would just scare some people away.
Having a Post To DL policy would scare almost everyone who wnated to Dl away...

As far as i know this site is here as a helpfull resource, not an annoyance of forcing people to post. Forcing people to post isnt going to raise the amount of posters its simply guna make people join and never come back or jsut not bother coming back period...
Level 13
Jun 22, 2004
I think this is a good option to import, if people need want to download maps and they need to register, they will most likely or either not register and leave the site, or register and download a few maps and never be seen again.

If you open the option for guest to download, you would
1 have more downloads and a more popular download area
2 probably get more active ussers over time. the guest that download might come back again, and again, and then they might as well think; why not register cause they like the community, (if people like something they will most likely hang around a bit more)

sorry for the bad language you might or might not encounter (was in a hurry)
Level 18
Jan 24, 2006
Well, making people register to DL wouldn't "scare" people away, although making them post to DL might. And if you have hundreds of accounts that haven't posted ever then just delete them when they're like 6 months old and still haven't posted.
Level 10
Mar 8, 2006
Okay here's my speel:

I think you shouldn't not have to sign up first to dl. The fact that I didn't have to is one of the reasons why I joined this site. I downloaded a few maps, they piqued (sp?) my interest and so I decided to join the Hive.

The fact that I didn't have to sign up, was the reason that I even bothered to try this site out. I can be quite picky about things. . .(As you probably all know by now). . .but I liked this site and was impressed by some of the things you have going for it.

To also adress the idea that then we'd get more members who would then have to post, seems stupid to me. (No offense meant by that.) Granted we would end up with head-on, hard-core fans of this site, but we would also end up with many members who wouldn't even participate, (Participate meaning "Contributing vital and helpful things to this site") their only real role being, posing four random comments on any boards they choose, so they can download the maps that they want, etc. . . These people would contribute nothing helpful to the site except the number of downloads which we probably would have more of if non-members could dl.

I vote against it. . .my vote probably doesn't count much (being a newb to this site and all) but I wanted to just state my opinion. . .

I also want to point out that I'm very glad that you guys are considering things like this, it shows you genuinely want to improve this site, and take it to the next level.

Keep up the good work!!
Level 5
Jan 4, 2006
I personally joined this site after playing the Warhammer 40k TD in france :p But in terms of joining to download, I would say there are pros and cons and in the end would cause a fierce debate :)
Pros of joining to download:
:arrow: People make users, and because your mainpage (www.hiveworkshop.com) is linked to a vote system, people will vote (at least the first time around). This in the end means more popularity=> more paid ads (ie google etc, but PLEASE no banner flashy ads :!: )=>more money=>more hive-workshop ads on other wc3 sites=>more downloads=>more members. It makes a cycle.
:arrow: People who bother to post means more ideas comming through the site therefore = better maps for the site :)

:arrow: Non-signup downloading also makes popularity too. For a personal example, i found www.wc3sear.ch (traitor I know :) )to be an excelent database for skins/programs. I will keep comming back there for further mapping projects (I porbably won't post though :))
:arrow: The signup idea could backfire meaning less people who join to post and => less popularity.

My small compromise is that people who have never posted (ie only join for map downloading) should get upto 1 month of downloads and if they don't post after the month expires, delete their account.

Hope I helped :)
Level 12
Jan 13, 2005
www.wc3sear.ch is a perfectly allowable thing, it is how we get many members.

The main reserve I have, as I have always said, about requiring people to post is the definate case of spam that will ensure. Best case scenario is that they post good and meaningful threads, which would most likely be a very small percentage of people. Hopefully most of the rest of them will post at least in the spam threads, which gets deleted monthly now anyways. Worst case, which I fear the most would happen, is that a large amount of them spam on our real threads cuasing us to go through and delete most of the posts anyways.

It can be done, just would consume a lot of time and resources.
Level 12
Jan 13, 2005
ragingspeedhorn said:
Being at search is in no way a traitor thing as VGSatomi helped the Hive alot by advertising for the mapping contest in the wc3search news.

Like I said, it is not traitorous at all since they help us quite a bit.
Level 12
Jan 13, 2005
Ah, my mistake then.
I thought someone had misread my post yet again (or not even bothering to read other peoples posts like some do) and so I tried to clarify my statement. I am often accused of being rather oblique so I wanted to rectify the situation.
Level 5
Jan 4, 2006
Malufa said:
or not even bothering to read other peoples posts like some do

Are you hinting at something :? ?

I was just joking about the traitor thingo for wc3sear.ch hehe, no need to seriously debate it (that's a joke too, don't try to defend yourselves :) )
Level 12
Jan 13, 2005
No no no, not you, just some people. Luckily we got rid of the worst of them awhile back, but I know some people do that and you can tell because they say almost the exact same thing that has already been said.
Level 5
Jan 4, 2006
Sometimes when you have 7 pages of (thinking of right word) "information" on 1 thread then it is a little annoying to read that to see if your idea has or hasn't been posted. I try though :)
Level 12
Jan 13, 2005
Yes well I am refering mostly to when people do that on 1 page threads, or someone says pretty much the same thing as the person right before them. Also why was this thread necroed?
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