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[Trigger] Dont see what i did wrong

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Level 3
Feb 18, 2007
Working on my map 'riddle' which i started to yesterday i allready have my first sensless WE bug i cant see how to fix.

For now all i want a trigger to do (WardenA1 Down) is to make the warden in the upper left circle move to the one in the middle left. The warden in the middle left circle to move to the lower left one and the one in the lower left circle to blnik to the first. Trigger is activated then u click on the arrow over the upper left circle wich is pointing downwoards. Everything works fine the first time, but after that the second time they move/blink about 2 sec after the one in the lower left circle moves to the upper left one. I didnt add such a trigger and checked 100 times ... If u find anything wronk plz let me know

write -warden after game begins to get to the zone


  • Riddle Basemap.w3x
    49.5 KB · Views: 51
Level 3
Feb 18, 2007
  • WardenA1 Down
    • Events
      • Player - Player 1 (Red) Selects a unit
      • Player - Player 2 (Blue) Selects a unit
      • Player - Player 3 (Teal) Selects a unit
      • Player - Player 4 (Purple) Selects a unit
      • Player - Player 5 (Yellow) Selects a unit
      • Player - Player 6 (Orange) Selects a unit
      • Player - Player 7 (Green) Selects a unit
      • Player - Player 8 (Pink) Selects a unit
      • Player - Player 9 (Gray) Selects a unit
      • Player - Player 10 (Light Blue) Selects a unit
      • Player - Player 11 (Dark Green) Selects a unit
      • Player - Player 12 (Brown) Selects a unit
    • Conditions
      • (Triggering unit) Equal to Chicken 0041 <gen>
      • WardenMoving Not equal to True
    • Actions
      • Set WardenMoving = True
      • Unit - Order (Random unit from (Units in WardenA1 <gen> matching ((Unit-type of (Matching unit)) Equal to Warden))) to Move To (Center of WardenB1 <gen>)
      • Unit - Order (Random unit from (Units in WardenB1 <gen> matching ((Unit-type of (Matching unit)) Equal to Warden))) to Move To (Center of WardenC1 <gen>)
      • Wait 0.30 seconds
      • Unit - Order (Random unit from (Units in WardenC1 <gen> matching ((Unit-type of (Matching unit)) Equal to Warden))) to Night Elf Warden - Blink (Center of WardenA1 <gen>)
      • Wait 1.00 seconds
      • Unit - Move (Random unit from (Units in WardenA1 <gen> matching ((Unit-type of (Matching unit)) Equal to Circle of Power (large)))) instantly to (Center of SpawnPoint <gen>)
      • Unit - Move (Random unit from (Units in WardenC1 <gen> matching ((Unit-type of (Matching unit)) Equal to Circle of Power (large)))) instantly to (Center of WardenA1 <gen>)
      • Unit - Move (Random unit from (Units in WardenB1 <gen> matching ((Unit-type of (Matching unit)) Equal to Circle of Power (large)))) instantly to (Center of WardenC1 <gen>)
      • Unit - Move (Random unit from (Units in SpawnPoint <gen> matching ((Unit-type of (Matching unit)) Equal to Circle of Power (large)))) instantly to (Center of WardenB1 <gen>)
      • Set WardenMoving = False
yeah the problem is it might not be in the trigger
Level 3
Feb 18, 2007
ive been re checking map a few times didnt find anything either. Can u plz chekc it for urself ? Just type -warden when it begins, click once on the arrow pointing downwoards above the upper left circle once, wait for the circles to change color, clic it again and wait 3 secs see what happens. Tried everything event unit issued order unit issue order stop etc etc didnt work its still doing it :( could it have anything to do with the fact that its neutral passive ?
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