Hi. I hope this question belongs here. Well, I essentially just wanted to know if the FX on the following trigger leaks or not.
It works nicely, the healing and all, and I think it's MUI which is needed, but I can only be sure that it eliminates the last effect created, not all of them.
It uses Bribe's Damage Engine and Heal Event.
Edit: I'm an idiot and forgot to mention what the trigger DOES. Smhm. It is supposed to trigger a 15 points healing to all living, non-structure allies in a 500 radius every third attack. The condition simply checks whether the attack is melee. The Run Heal Unit <gen> (ignoring conditions) is a trigger that comes with Heal Event that triggers a heal I can refer to if needed.
Hammer of The Lightbringer
Game - DamageModifierEvent becomes Less than or equal to 1.00
(Level of Hammer of The Lightbringer (Checker) (Uther) for DamageEventSource) Greater than 0
Custom script: local effect udg__Temp_FX_1
Set VariableSet _ID = (Custom value of DamageEventSource)
Set VariableSet _Temp_Number[_ID] = (_Temp_Number[_ID] + 1)
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
_Temp_Number[_ID] Greater than or equal to 3
Then - Actions
Set VariableSet _Temp_Number[_ID] = 0
Unit Group - Pick every unit in (Units within 500.00 of (Position of DamageEventSource).) and do (Actions)
Loop - Actions
Set VariableSet _Temp_Objective_1 = (Picked unit)
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
(_Temp_Objective_1 is alive) Equal to True
(_Temp_Objective_1 is A structure) Equal to False
(_Temp_Objective_1 belongs to an ally of (Owner of DamageEventSource).) Equal to True
Then - Actions
Set VariableSet NextHealTarget = _Temp_Objective_1
Set VariableSet NextHealSource = DamageEventSource
Set VariableSet NextHealAmount = 15.00
Trigger - Run Heal Unit <gen> (ignoring conditions)
Special Effect - Create a special effect attached to the origin of _Temp_Objective_1 using Abilities\Spells\Human\Heal\HealTarget.mdl
Set VariableSet _Temp_FX_1 = (Last created special effect)
Wait 1.00 seconds
Special Effect - Destroy _Temp_FX_1
Custom script: set udg__Temp_FX_1 = null
Else - Actions
Else - Actions
It works nicely, the healing and all, and I think it's MUI which is needed, but I can only be sure that it eliminates the last effect created, not all of them.
It uses Bribe's Damage Engine and Heal Event.
Edit: I'm an idiot and forgot to mention what the trigger DOES. Smhm. It is supposed to trigger a 15 points healing to all living, non-structure allies in a 500 radius every third attack. The condition simply checks whether the attack is melee. The Run Heal Unit <gen> (ignoring conditions) is a trigger that comes with Heal Event that triggers a heal I can refer to if needed.
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