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Disconnecting problem

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Level 2
May 27, 2006
I'm working on an AoS type map and while testing it I go 1v1 because there is only 1 hero in the tavern on each side. Everytime they choose a hero from the tavern(or it might be instantly when the game starts) they get "Disconnected." Is there a trigger that would cause this, is the map protection causing this, or is there a trigger I need to add to 'init' the map?
Level 5
Mar 12, 2005
thats something to do with your comp, to be disconnected is not a trigger fault (maybe a crack version of wc3 is being used) but if you mean disconnect as in losing then maybe you should look at your victory conditions and have tyou deleted the victory condions from the melle intialization. other than that i havn't a clue :)
Level 2
May 27, 2006
Eziekiel_Rage said:
thats something to do with your comp, to be disconnected is not a trigger fault (maybe a crack version of wc3 is being used)

I've hosted other maps and this doesn't happen.

Eziekiel_Rage said:
but if you mean disconnect as in losing then maybe you should look at your victory conditions and have tyou deleted the victory condions from the melle intialization. other than that i havn't a clue :)
I've already delete the melee initialization, but what do you mean by victory conditions, are those set somewhere?
Level 2
May 27, 2006
Well, nothing there seems to fit my maps current trigger situation...and keep in mind that this is an AoS type map.

1)too many pereodic events with timer less than 0.10 sec
-I have 2 periodic events, they occurs every 30 and 60 seconds

2)too many simultanious triggers are active(running) at the same time.
-The only triggers that occur at the same time are the
one for spawning, which both occur every 60 seconds and their movement which occurs when the created units reach a region.

3)Too slow host ^_^

4)my old "Battlefield " map have server split...i think that it's there because of a "custom Value" .
Because when a lot of units die,same trigger runs a lot of times at once and search each custom value of dead unit ....


5)Variables at Map Initialization with random point
(i mean Z = random (1;10) )

-I only have a trigger that makes treed indistructable and displays text on Init

6)local triggers (i know your anwser about it icon_wink.gif )
- ?
7) Non-standart Jass using (same)
i HOPE that anybody knows more than me about it.

- I'm pretty sure i'm not using non-standard JASS.
Level 2
May 27, 2006
Could the problem lie in the objects/terrain/map bounds/etc?

[edit]Not the terrain or w/e.
The problem exists within this trigger

Events -
Tavern1 Sells unit
Tavern2 Sells unit

Conditions -

Actions -

Player Group - Pick every player in (All players) and do (Player - Limit training of Heroes to 0 for (Picked player))

2)If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
((Sold unit) belongs to an ally of Player 1 (Red)) Equal to True
Then - Actions
Camera - Pan camera as necessary for (Owner of (Sold unit)) to (Center of EdenHeroSpawn <gen>) over 0.50 seconds
Unit - Move (Sold unit) instantly to (Center of EdenHeroSpawn <gen>)
Else - Actions
Camera - Pan camera as necessary for (Owner of (Sold unit)) to (Center of HellSpawn <gen>) over 0.50 seconds
Unit - Move (Sold unit) instantly to (Center of HellSpawn <gen>)

3)Selection - Select (Sold unit) for (Owner of (Sold unit))
Level 9
Nov 27, 2004
Strange.. i use a trigger with "sold unit" event (generic type) and that trigger at least have a double size that your one... and no disconnections...

P.S. i rememeber that people also talking about camera bounds..
mb you'll try to rise time from 0.50 till 1.00 ?
Level 6
Feb 18, 2005
if i were you i would try deactivating all triggers.

then test the map and after every test reactivate one trigger (or one line/section of a trigger)

that way you should be able to find where it kills the connection...

if you have found it - please tell us where it was/is so we know it (and might help you fixing it)

- Raszul
Level 9
Nov 27, 2004
For a better debug functions
1) Turn off all triggers
2)Create 1 trigger of type

Player chat message "-" substring

if substring (2.2) = 1
turn on trigger A
turn on trigger B
turn on trigger C
turn on trigger D
Message(all players)Item Mixing Activated

If substring(2.2) = 2
turn on trigger E
turn on trigger F
turn on trigger G
turn on trigger R
Message(all players)Hero Creating Activated

and etc.
Level 5
Aug 13, 2005
Check memory leaks and other stuff that might as well lag. Disconnections happen because of an enermous lag or it was the internet. Try LAN 1st, if its disconnects, mayb its the leaks or trigs. Otherwise, the host's internet(in Bnet) is lowsy, or the game joiners hav slow internet...
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