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Dialog Not working...

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Level 36
Mar 15, 2006
kk, so I spent an hour and a half making an amazing race choosing dialog system like the one in WH40k TD, I tried it out, it worked and then I added a cinematic. later on I decided that I didn't need the cinematic because I was having to many problems with it (i never finished it either, so i never tried the menu while i had the cinematic in the game). so i delete all of the cinematic triggers, and i go to test my map again and my dialog is no longer working. I have exactly the same triggers, but when the game starts just the title block appears, none of the menu buttons. anyone know why this would happen or how i can fix without redoing the whole dialog system?
Level 5
Nov 17, 2005
I assume that you initiated the dialog at map initialization in the first version. Then you added the cinematic and perhaps moded the dialog initialization to the end of it. Now all the cinematic triggers are deleted and gone is the dialog initialization too. Could that be it? If not, then may I ask you to show us the triggers and/or the whole map as it would make your problem easier to understand (and solve?).
Level 36
Mar 15, 2006
k...i did not have it set to open on map initialization, i had everything set at 0.01 seconds. i changed it to 15 seconds (after the cinematic) deleted the cinematic and then changed it back to 0.01 seconds...i'm just thinking its corrupted, sometimes stuff like this happens in modding tools, and if its happened to operator, then i figure i'l just redo them.
Level 36
Mar 15, 2006
hmmm...well, my main dialogue menu is working again, i dleted the cinematics triggers, set the menu to open when player 1 types -menu, tested it, it worked, set it back to open 0.01 seconds ingame and all is fine. PROBLEM: my sub menues aren't working. example: in WH40K TD, there are 3 different races of space marines, after you clic space marines on the main menu, a new menu opens up with the different races of space marines. i redid every trigger for these sub menues and redid them with no luck, gives te same thing that main menu did, shows title block, but no buttons. i'm currently redoing the entire dialogue system, and am wondering: would it be my variables that are screwing it up? i backed up my map before deleting, so if i open up the backup, delete all of the race variables, redo them and fix the triggers for the new variables it would solve my problem?


Level 77
Oct 6, 2004
(didnt read your last post)
I always make it like this:

event: map initialization
-create all the buttons in the dialog

event: 0.01 second in game
-show dialog (if thats what you want)

event: dialog button clicked
cond: button is for mydialog
-if (button is mybutton[1]) {do the fucking cha cha}
Level 36
Mar 15, 2006
things get narrower still: it appears my map hates events that display dialogue. the only way my menu will pop up is if you set it so that the player types -menu, otherwise the main menu wont come up now, but the sub menues now appear after you click on them from the main menu. so the only thing that remains is getting the main menu to popup at the start of the map. map initialization and time- 0.01 seconds don't work, as only the title block appears, none of the buttons.
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