Diablo II's most annoying badies.

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Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
It is known to all players that some badies are stronger than others and that some kill more players than others or even bosses. Especially on hell mode this is the case.

I would say the worst badies are.

Skelton knight mages (all difficulties)
These guys are found in A4 chaos sanctuary and in various places in A5 on NM and hell. They petty much suck damage was although on hell they deal decent elemental damage. The actual nasty thing is their iron maiden, which will OHKO any melee build and end up totalling your merc more times than you can count.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Lightning Wisp family (NM and especially Hell)
These things start of weak in normal, but undergo mega training for their return in NM and again for Hell. Their move art is invisable and they move at incrediable speeds, so attacking them without a lock is near impossiable. On top of that they love rendering casters usless with their insane mana burn. If your lightning resistances are not highish you will find them ripping you appart faster than you can press the pot hotkeys. On hell they get a whole lot worse and even with 75% res they can kill you in A5 wordstone in a flash. Even with best gear, you still see people remake baal runs after having a close relation ship with these guys. To top it, they like to be lightning and physical immune, so melee builds really grow to hate them. Also do not think you are safe surrounded by other people or friendly units, as their lightnig is penetrating (like the socress skill).

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Generally these are harmless. On nightmare they gain some magic attacks but still are harmless. Even in hell most of this family is no threat although their charge and bone spear can get you offgaurd. The problem is with the specific kind often found on the far botom floor of nithaks temple on NM and Hell. They use plague javlin which however deals a multiplyer of their physical damage every frame as damage to you. Their javlin can reach insane rates of well over 2000 DPS per viper per cast for the duration of the effect. Even the best equiped classes will watch their HP drop almost insantly to 0 and the only real way to sruvive it for elongated time periods is to use HS as a palidan with about 60 FHR and over 10000 defence but still you will burn through pots like they do nothing.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Throughout normal and NM you will see harmless skelton dolls which die easilly and you do not worry about. Suddenly in hell you will notice them completly mince your HP when you kill them, even with high resistances. These things can be a real pain, they are ultra fast and low endurance. They explode on death with an equivelent of corpse explosion (like fire enhanced badies) which deals both fire and physical damage making resisting all of it near impossiable. Luckilly they have low HP, normaly but hell likes to have unique ones which have increased HP. If these blow close to you, they will really break your HP, and if you used AoE agains them, expect more than one to explode on you. Can be a real pain in worldstone keep of hell as they can also be revived by unravilers.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Mostly harmless, but unexperienced spell casters will absolutly hate them. They like to cast a mana burning curse on you which makes all mana damage from casting spells directly deal health damage. Fortunatly they only do that on players with more mana than HP which most builds folow. However do not think you are safe, as some on NM and Hell A5 do have the dreaded iron maiden up their sleeve to kill you or your merc when you least expect it.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Any fire enhanced + stone skin unique.
On normal and even NM, this combination is of little concern, but in hell things are very different. Some common bady types can easilly have over 50000 HP, and their unique forms a lot more. Combine that with damage on death, and you will be in for some serious pain capable of killing you instantly and from max HP. Most notiable badies which can have this are the concil in travincial or durance of hate level 3 and the ancients. I have had the ancients kill me with this combination from over 2000 HP with max fire and decent physicial resistances. Luckilly this is harmless as you can always kill them from a range or use a merc which is immune to the explosion but they can get you offgaurd with it if you do not pay attention.

Although these all have weaknesses, they are all very annoying. Thus I created this discussion about them. Feel free to throw in new ones or ask for help even with other types of badies.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
They are in act 4 normal and acts 4-5 nightmare and hell.
The oblivion knights (who have ranged elemental attacks) can cast iron maiden starting at the chaos sanctuary.

In act 5 of nightmare and hell, all the oblivion knights that spawn can cast iron maiden and some of the witches can (one type).
Level 14
Dec 29, 2009
Gah, personally, I hate the Venom Lords, in Nightmare and Hell, inside the Chaos Sanctuary.

When you open the forth or fifth seal, they appear out of nowhere, and since they have increased speed, rush in on me and kill me before I get a chance to let off my warcries. Without my warcries, and Whirlwind, I'm screwed, and my bodyguard isn't near strong enough to take them out.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Just use a dwarfstar ring or 2.

I hate the knigs far more from the top right spawn. They are always fanatisim enhanced and OHKO my merc despite it being level 87 a and having 6000 damage per hit. Ofcourse you just kill the main guy and they are weak as weak can be.
Level 4
Dec 30, 2013
Isn't anyone remembering the Cow Level?

Those Cows Moove so fast, and they attack to deal Moosive damage. It's crazy, unless of course you want to risk your Moo-less lives for some moolicious phat lootz.
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