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Diablo II - Classic 1.2

This map features:

o All Diablo II quests adapted to a Warcraft RPG
o Waypoints and town portals
o The 5 Diablo II (Classic) heros/classes
o Parody cinematics of the original Diablo II cinematics
o More than 100 custom items, including an Warcraft adaptation of several original Diablo unique items, normal items, rare items, quest items and potions
o Save/load game using the game cache interface
o Not protected, you can look at the triggers, models, images, etc using the standard World Editor, you can "watch and learn" how it was made
o Most unique monsters adapted to Warcraft
o Almost all types of normal monsters also adapted to Warcraft; only the base monster types
o Mercenaries
o Smart camera that follow hero actions
o NPCs that interact with the hero, and adapts based on quests state given by NPCs
o 99% of the original Diablo II speech text imported
o And much more...

1.2 Changes:
o Fixed a pathing problem that allowed going to Canyon of Magi from Far Oasis
o Fixed problem that could occur if saving the game cache just after killing Andariel, but before talking to Warriv and going to Lut Gholein, as when loading a new game, the Travel Dialogs would not have been correctly created. Other similiar problems may still exist; for safety only save a game just after a quest is marked as finished, or just after discovering a new quest.
o Fixed Alkor 'after' speech about Blackned Temple
o Don't allow discovering 7 tombs if not yet finished Radament when loading a game cache

Diablo II - Classic 1.2 (Map)

Level 7
Feb 18, 2007
Good map:) There's just a lot of bugs which should be fixed... And you should also add some dialog;) Some bugs: I killed Andarial at Blood Moor because she gone trought my town portal, Claw Vipers' "knockback" ability knocked me inside wall. You should also replace canyon of magi wendigos with something a "little" harder.
Level 3
Apr 4, 2007
Thanks for the feedback. I will update the map soon.
In the new version Town Portals aren't anymore based on normal Waygates, so creeps can't follow. It may seen natural that if you open a portal in "time and space", monsters can follow you, and it can be fun, but I fixed the problem.
I added a terrain check for Leap Attack used by Leapers and Charge used by Claw Vipers and Duriel, so it should not cause the problem with knockback.
I may add some buff for the Wendigos. But I am using only the base monster type, Diablo monsters have a base type and "5 upgrades" (example, Fallen can be Fallen, Carver, Devilkin, Dark One or Warped One), but in my map I am using only the "base" type, and the Wendigo is an act 1 monster (but there are some very strong monsters in late act1, because they are used mostly in act2 and act3).
The quests really need more dialogs, but I am leaving this as well as some eye candy like the lightning effects when opening Tristram portal, etc for a polishment state of the map.
Level 9
Sep 2, 2006
[Bug report]
I started with the Barbarian. The ability that adds both HP and Mana also raised the HP of one chicken that was next to my Hero when he cast the spell.

What ya think? :p

[I hate]
The way that the camera tends to spin round sometimes gives me a lot of headaches...

Anyway... looks nice enough. Never played Diablo, so I can't say anything about the story and anything else (concerning the way you implemented it in this W3 map).

Will rate it after throughly played it.

Level 3
Apr 4, 2007
Thanks for the feedback.
That is the expected behaviour. It affects non hostile units. Actually, it is possible to add mana to a mana less unit, but the ability triggers check for that case, so chickens don't suddenly gain a mana pool :)
In the "real" Diablo, sometimes that causes some interesting behaviour with Assassins using Mind Blast or Paladins using Conversion, as monsters become allies for sometime, and if a Barbarian in the party casts Battle Orders, the monsters will have the buffs when they become hostile again.

I am planning to write a complete new camera system, and maybe import this new code to the map. But I agree that sometimes it is irritating. The true cause is that the camera doesn't always do what you expect, and that causes some conflicts in the "player's" point of view.

I stopped playing Diablo some month ago because it became a lag and hack fest. Did not check how it is going after the last patch.
In this map I tried to show more the history behind of the game. It is not all about rushing and skiping as much quests as possible... while trying to acquire the best items.
Level 6
Jan 7, 2007
That is ... really hard. For Sorcereress. Extremly hard. In diablo II fallens die with one hit and these fallens got 340 hp T_T
Level 3
Apr 4, 2007
I am aware of the problem of wc3 crashing when loading a game. I debugged it a lot but could not find the reason... The solution I made, was to use the game cache.
To use this interface you must talk to Deckard Cain; just right click on him and a menu will be displayed with the option of saving the game cache; you can save one game cache per character class.
Next time when reloading the map a menu will be show where you have the option of resuming from where you stoped in a previous game.
See the -help and -info commands for more information.
Level 3
Jul 27, 2007
Here's my comment:
1) more skills & lvls for heroes
2) new skins/models for certain npc or bosses would be cool, for example diablo or tyriel...
3) your map is awesome but where's the fun when u can't play it multiplayer?
Level 3
Apr 4, 2007
1) I have a prototype to allow having 4 active spells, but allowing any number of spells by using 'dummy spells' as a menu for spell selection. The current schema only allows hero attribute points as a 'customization'. I really dislike it...
2) Skins are't that hard to modify (unless one want to remap the UV by using a compeletely different texture), but modeling other than just moving vertices around can be very tricky as Blizzard Art Tools only work with 3D Studio Max 4.x (I hope for the Starcraft 2 editor Blizzard will make it easier to make custom models, at least some basic animation editor possibly builtin in the 'World Editor'...)
3) The map is like 80-90% ready for multiplayer; almost all data is already in place for multiplayer (i.e. almost everything is in a vector accessed by player number). But there are several synchronization, quest, etc issues that would need fixing. Other problems are the fact that it is not possible to save multiplayer state (even if 'rushing' it will take at least 2 hours to finish, unless cheating) and would require a better 'balancing script'; even the current one isn't very good, I tried to balance it to make fair to all classes, but still, casters have it easier at start and melee chars can become way too strong later. I somewhat balanced some late monsters by adding high armor, since spells ignore armor, it helps to balance the ''physical damage' chars, but I used 'few sample points' so it is a bit hard at start, too easy mid game for casters, and can become way too easy in act4 for 'physical damage' chars, where casters will have a lot of trouble.

Anyway, I don't know if I will make a 'better' map, should fix this one if I find 'breaking' bugs; but now I have a full time job, and lately I have been working with Blender and the Blender Game Engine as my 'hobby'...
Level 7
Feb 18, 2007
I finished that at last! Great map! I have some suggestions how you can improve the map:
- Some custom models (here's many Diablo models and I found also Mephisto and Tyrael)
- Fire doodads on River of Flame and blight on other fields of Hell;)
- I know you're using only base monster types but at least Tainteds in City of the Damned shoud be replaced with Damned (C'mon act 1 monsters in act 4)
- Diablos red lightning hose should be like inferno spell you've made, so it continously shoots lightnings
- Chaos Sanctuary should be in the shape of cross (but it doesn't matter)

There's some... Btw what perfect gems are used for? I also hope you're going to make act 5 on separate map:D
Level 3
Apr 4, 2007
Thanks for the feedback.
I was working to get a tool to edit models, but gave up on it for some time (I did not have enough knowledge of Blender and there were some annoying bugs in the python interface, but I may at least try to make it a usable tool at some time)... I am kind perfectionist, but I could work on "hackish" models... A sample of the work is http://img123.imageshack.us/my.php?image=blenderqi3.jpg

The terrain can really be made a lot better. One of the problems is that the map was very close to all "standard" World Editor limits. A lot of units/doodads are already being created at run time, and the editor is very slow to edit the map. Most things close to the end of the map I did using cut&paste, otherwise it would take like 2 minutes to do basic things, while cut&paste it would not do much checking, and at a "workable speed". An act5 must be a new map, but I may also remake one map per act also. Actually, it could even be a map per Diablo area, i.e. one for Blood Moor, another for Den of Evil, and so on.

Perfect gems can be sold for 500 gold, and used in the horadric cube, with any life and mana potion to create a rejuvenation potion. Also, if you click enough times on them, it will active the "Perfect Gem" message.
Level 18
Feb 9, 2008
Diablo and Tyrael models ARE available.

Why not use this in your next version?:

http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/showthread.php?t=39020 (Tyrael Model, REALLY GOOD, I used this in a couple of my own maps.)

http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/resource.php?t=47662&prev=status=g&s=Diablo&d=list&r=20 (Diablo model, Decent.)

http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/resource.php?t=82635&prev=status=g&s=Diablo&d=list&r=20 (Lightning Nova)

http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/s...ad.php?t=43844 (Tyrael .zip file)
Level 3
Jun 17, 2008
Just so you know there is also a Mephisto model on this site. Diablo 3 is scheduled to be released (i dont know wheb though) and the latest patched are helping cut down on hacks. I think you did a great job making a WC3 version of Diablo 2. i give this a 5/5 but when i go to the chaos sanctuary, i can never activate the seals, even when i have the quest to do so and a message told me to.
Level 2
Aug 3, 2008
Guess what?

I'm stuck :(.....

It's not that I don't know how, or what or with what, it's just that i don't know where to get the part for the staff i need to open sacrifice guy's tomb(sorry couldn't remember his name)I have the amulet from the snake temple, but i don't have the shaft, i think i missed it somewhere.If you can tell me where it is to continue this great RPG!

Also i need to point out some things :D.You should add info into your game, for example, i didn't know that strenght doesn't increase my hp, or if it does it does at amazingly low rate.So i winded up with a sorceress that is killed with one vampire inferno like spell, or summoner's ice bolt.Add some kind of message into the beginning like

type -help for help, type -info for info, strongly recommended for new players!

or something like that, since i missed the part where i might add attributes after i level up, so i winded up with a paladin that is pwned in sight by almost anything stronger than a fallen or a zombie.......

Also If i might add, i never felt owerpowering in this game, owerpowered?Yes!The whole time, like for example, the demoness boss that holds the monastery is amazingly strong, so strong in fact that it took about 20+ teleportations in-out and doing 30+ chain lightning-fireball combos to take her out, these abilities were used when i was 6-th level, both maxed out for that time, also i died 5-10 or more times because she pwned me with 3 of her blows which were infecting, so they required loads of healing=time=money.This may have to do with the low health I was at, but i'm pretty sure if i did it right next time, id fare similarly........

Some creep respawning may also be good, but away from road areas, because it would take out the lifelesness out of the area you cleaned, and provide you with some leveling to catch up if you died a lot.

The map itself is great, I mean i played and throughly enjoyed it for 3 or more hours, before i realised i didn't complete even 50% of it!A truly great map that i'd be glad to give rating of 5/5
Level 3
Apr 4, 2007
Guess what?

I'm stuck :(.....

It's not that I don't know how, or what or with what, it's just that i don't know where to get the part for the staff i need to open sacrifice guy's tomb(sorry couldn't remember his name)I have the amulet from the snake temple, but i don't have the shaft, i think i missed it somewhere.If you can tell me where it is to continue this great RPG!

It is in the Maggot Lair, the entrance is visible from the Far Oasis waypoint.
Close to Coldworm the Burrower there is a barrel labeled "Magic Chest", that once destroyed drops the staff.

Also i need to point out some things :D.You should add info into your game, for example, i didn't know that strenght doesn't increase my hp, or if it does it does at amazingly low rate.So i winded up with a sorceress that is killed with one vampire inferno like spell, or summoner's ice bolt.Add some kind of message into the beginning like

Yes, strength only increases physical damage, allows using heavier armor/weapons, and increases life regeneration rate.
The stats are basically the same as normal Warcraft, with the exception of strength that doesn't increase life, you need vitality for that, but there are also a few unique items that also increases life.

type -help for help, type -info for info, strongly recommended for new players!

or something like that, since i missed the part where i might add attributes after i level up, so i winded up with a paladin that is pwned in sight by almost anything stronger than a fallen or a zombie.......

Also If i might add, i never felt owerpowering in this game, owerpowered?Yes!The whole time, like for example, the demoness boss that holds the monastery is amazingly strong, so strong in fact that it took about 20+ teleportations in-out and doing 30+ chain lightning-fireball combos to take her out, these abilities were used when i was 6-th level, both maxed out for that time, also i died 5-10 or more times because she pwned me with 3 of her blows which were infecting, so they required loads of healing=time=money.This may have to do with the low health I was at, but i'm pretty sure if i did it right next time, id fare similarly........

Yes, there should be a message about -help and -info at the start of the game.
Balancing is also not really easy when there are different characters/skills. For example, I wanted to have all unique monsters have somewhat the same difficulty level as Corpsefire, but it is hard to get it right; Dark Elder in the Lost City has like 5 times more stats, and all characters, when arriving there kill him easily... Necromancer skeletons are almost useless late in the game, while the Valkyrie is still very useful (but if you sum dps/ehp of 5 skeletons, they are far superior to a Valkyrie...). In a map review, I should at least make them suffer very few damage from explosions.

Some creep respawning may also be good, but away from road areas, because it would take out the lifelesness out of the area you cleaned, and provide you with some leveling to catch up if you died a lot.

The map itself is great, I mean i played and throughly enjoyed it for 3 or more hours, before i realised i didn't complete even 50% of it!A truly great map that i'd be glad to give rating of 5/5

Thanks :)

The map was somewhat balanced to have the hero reaching level 20 a bit before fighting Diablo. But after saving Cain you can save and reload the map, and all creeps will respawn.

This was the first map I made, so there is a lot of things that could have been done better. I only learned jass very close to ending the map...
Level 2
Aug 3, 2008
Hehe, I found the shaft when i started with amazon, which is BTW extremely powerful class.Valkyrie is extremely useful, it distracts enemies from you, and let you use your crit to pwn your enemies, plus if anyone's after you, just use cold arrow and freeze them in their tracks.Barbarian lacks a stun or slow and it causes that he can pretty easily get killed(yeah I used vitality right).Maybe recoding of some abilities can help him somehow.

I found it pretty annoying for mages not to have a ranged attack when wielding a wand or a staff.Maybe you can give them a low cooldown ability that is triggered when a character capable of wielding a wand or a staff receives one.But make sure it's a easily available via keyboard, so that we don't have to go to the numpad or clicking on it then on an enemy to use it.And when talking of wands and staves what's the difference between them, it seems that staves are better because they give greater mana regen.
Level 2
Aug 3, 2008
Anyone else has problems with the 4th level.The one where there's Tyrael in the main encampment?I have experienced darkened terrain, all I can see are lights from Tyrael glow, orb glow, and some fires......

Can anyone tell me how to overcome these?
Level 1
Aug 26, 2008
I really enjoyed this map.

My suggestions:

1) I couldnt see much of ANYTHING in the 4th act. PLEASE get rid of the danged cloudy crap. I fumbled around forever, especially in the diablo sanctuary. Ugh. Adding options for removing the cloud cover would really enhance the map so you arent just fighting red blobs that ALT key tells you exist.

2) The casters need some kind of a basic attack. Melee is a bit ridiculous. The casters in D2 spam their spells, not just use them sparingly. Necromancer could use a magic attack which simulates the Teeth spell. Or make Bone Spirit a 5/10/15/20/25 mana spell that adds a large amount of damage to an attack. They should never melee.

3) More balance needed. The Amazon is a paragon of awesomeness. She has a summonable tank with incredible toughness. An uber lightning spell that is BETTER than the spellcaster's abilities. A so-so cold attack, and a passive that more than DOUBLES her effective damage with the first point! Subsequent points have minimal effect though. I was able to win with her.

Necromancer skellies are too weak and get owned by area effect spells. Maybe have some of them become skellie MAGES at higher levels to reduce clutter and increase firepower.

Sorceress just needs some better offense. Freezing sphere would be awesome if you could reproduce it. She needs some slow effects badly as she has NO tank. She definitely needs to not melee...

Pally and Barb seem underpowered to me, although I didnt give them a fair trial.

3) Add more stuff to the F9, like how to save your game by talking to Cain!!! I accidently figured this out.
How bout a few Hoadric cube recipes? Maybe the potion upgrade ones? And what about the perfect gems? Same as real D2? (i.e. useless)
Level 3
Apr 4, 2007
I really enjoyed this map.

My suggestions:

1) I couldnt see much of ANYTHING in the 4th act. PLEASE get rid of the danged cloudy crap. I fumbled around forever, especially in the diablo sanctuary. Ugh. Adding options for removing the cloud cover would really enhance the map so you arent just fighting red blobs that ALT key tells you exist.

There is an unintented problem that caused it around 9:30 pm and 2:30 am. It is because after writing the code to use variable fog, z-start, z-end, density, and color, I ended up changing default camera parameters to show more area. Most of these can be fixed by reworking the table of z-end values, so that light will reach the ground on that time interval (mostly visible in act4). I hope to work on this on an update. For now you can use the -cam1 and -cam2 options, or just use the mouse wheel to get the camera closer.

2) The casters need some kind of a basic attack. Melee is a bit ridiculous. The casters in D2 spam their spells, not just use them sparingly. Necromancer could use a magic attack which simulates the Teeth spell. Or make Bone Spirit a 5/10/15/20/25 mana spell that adds a large amount of damage to an attack. They should never melee.

This is because the spells were left mainly in a proof of concept state. I wrote initial code for more spells, so that different builds could be made. And I wanted to allow melee and ranged builds. Just that I gave up after some working on animations... I wrote a set of python scripts that allow editing Warcraft models in Blender, but never finished it in a truly usable state.
It shouldn't be hard to give them a ranged attack tough, just change staff and wand items to work like a bow, and possibly give it a different attack. The teeth idea could be done using Barrage as base ability (but probably it should be made as a hero passive ability and not an item ability).

3) More balance needed. The Amazon is a paragon of awesomeness. She has a summonable tank with incredible toughness. An uber lightning spell that is BETTER than the spellcaster's abilities. A so-so cold attack, and a passive that more than DOUBLES her effective damage with the first point! Subsequent points have minimal effect though. I was able to win with her.

Yes. The Amazon is the strongest character, but that is due to the Valkyrie, but Critical Strike needs a nerf. Skeletons are stronger then the Valk, but they need corpses, and in this map, they aren't as common in the places they are mostly needed because of monsters that don't leave a body. In an updated, I will probably give skeletons hero resistance, or most likely something like the Barbarian Natural Resistance spell, that is a buffed Elune's Grace ability.

Necromancer skellies are too weak and get owned by area effect spells. Maybe have some of them become skellie MAGES at higher levels to reduce clutter and increase firepower.

Sorceress just needs some better offense. Freezing sphere would be awesome if you could reproduce it. She needs some slow effects badly as she has NO tank. She definitely needs to not melee...

Frozen Orb probably could be done using Vorpal Blades as base ability, to give the piercing effect. Her slow effect is Shiver Armor (based on Frost Armor), but that means she needs to get hit by melee attacks to actually cause the slow effect, and some bosses (Duriel, Izual and Diablo) have a ranged attack (tagged as ranged, but of range 100, i.e. melee range, so that they can freeze opponents; I could not find a way to cause freezing using normal melee attacks).

Pally and Barb seem underpowered to me, although I didnt give them a fair trial.

3) Add more stuff to the F9, like how to save your game by talking to Cain!!! I accidently figured this out.
How bout a few Hoadric cube recipes? Maybe the potion upgrade ones? And what about the perfect gems? Same as real D2? (i.e. useless)

All classes can finish the map. Probably the weakest character is the Paladin, but still he got a good nuke with 2700 damage, just needs some hit and run on bosses (bosses don't regenerate life), because he is vulnerable to spells, but very strong agains't physical damage. The barbarian has no nukes, but he can tank Diablo for almost one minute as long as you put like 2 points in vitality per level.

A perfect gem, plus any life and potion mana can be transmuted into a rejuvenation potion.

I have been away from Warcraft for some time, but I played the map to ensure it is still working with the current patch, and finished it a few times.

In an update, I should also reduce mana cost for Paladin and Barbarian spells.
Level 1
Aug 26, 2008
Yay, you are still around! Thanks for the quick reply and I am really looking forward if you do a new version. Will rate it 5/5 as soon as my 10 day waiting period is over. :)

I still think Amazon summon beats Necro by a longshot. It does no damage, but a 6k HP tank on demand is unbelievable. I beat many bosses by having her tank then resummoning tank when she died.
A necro just can't do that. When their skellies bite it vs a boss, he is out of luck. I guess if a few skellies had some range, and/or the necro had a ranged attack it would make their summons feel stronger. Maybe give them some kind of ability to avoid area of effect attacks (magic resistance maybe?). Exploding dudes and the flame cone demons especially completely bend over the poor skellies due to the damage multiplier. (X damage times 7 skellies = lots)

The no-heal on bosses is a great tip though! In D2 Id whack em with a Wounding weapon then hit& run.

I will work more with the fog thing. I tried zooming in but it didnt seem to help for some reason. Ill use the camera control options and see how it goes. I also messed with the time of day using the daylightsavings cheat. It helps a lot for earlier acts, but not as much for act 4.

Amazon critical hit probably needs like a 10/20/30/40% progression. I think its ok at the end, but just way too powerful at its first level.

Any way you can turn the cold spell into a Frost Arrow autocast? That would be a lot more in character I think and make it unique from the lightning spell.

Thanks for all your hard work. Most game-conversions are crap and I was extremely impressed.
Level 1
Oct 19, 2008
Why is the map so dark? I know you want to go for a dark ambience, but this is ridiculous. I mean, I can hardly see the enemy and in dungeons I am just clicking randomly at a near black screen. I am not some old geezer with bottlecap glasses here either.

Is there anyway to brighten things up a bit?
Level 2
Dec 26, 2008
Yeah the spinning camera made the map unplayable for me :( The lighting sometimes was also really funky, got really dark randomly, didn't work well as a mood setter. The models picked to portray some of the characters I don't think were really appropriate, why was Charci a sorceress? Really, couldn't Wariv be anything else, a Paladin, really? Kudos for effort, but it still needs a lot of tweeks. I'd like to see a new update it would suck for this map to go t waste.

Level 2
Mar 6, 2009
Are you still working on an update? I've already edited the map and added in the new models so I'm wondering if I should post it up or just wait for your update.
Level 13
Mar 23, 2008
I played act 1 and i dint have any diablo feeling. The game is simply too short. Why dint you make a campaign instead? It would have been so cool. So you could have made Act 1 one big map and then Act 2 another big map and so on. There would then come more diablo feeling and the game would also just overall be more fun.

and btw, you need some custom models and dont make camera rotate, just make it follow the person, thats enough
Level 4
Aug 1, 2008
Its good but... somethings...

- The Camera is a headache
- The darkness can make it a bit hard to see
- From what I played from the Necromancer, fights drag on for a long time due to low damage (I waited 3 minutes for a fight between me, 3 skeles (mines), 4 fallen, and a fallen chieftain to finish). You might want to increase the damage.
Level 4
May 20, 2009
Fucking annoying and ruined it for me

The camera 3rd view thing is fucking great i love having complete eye on my character but it always shifts like its an earthquake all the fucking time
/ you cant give weps and armors to ur mercs
-its waaayyy to dark specially when its night time that ruins it completely i cant even see whats going on, and you hav to degrade some of the monsters the fallens are ridiculous i died alot


Map Reviewer
Level 74
Jun 4, 2009
This would be far more fun in two players.
It's a quick recap.

-hints or text in the quest log about how to choose stats and things like that are needed; ypu can't exactly see your stats, the exact number for each one; I've no idea how they work either since: Agility, Strength & Intelligence
-fallen shaman does not revive
-fighting doesn't feel too close to Diablo
-better replace some cinematic scenes with transmissions as to not have the hero be attacked without any kind of control
-loot doesn't feel like Diablo
-high elves and villigers in the jail!? What is this the Harrogath quest? They should be all be dead, undead or corrupted by now
-Andariel is invulnerable if the quest is not taken yet
-the hero can get to Tristram before the portal being fully opened
-that camera sometimes is annoying
-bosses are invulnerable if there is no quest about them taken...
-how do you carry the cube again if set in another place than the town?
-vultures don't come down (in the first part of the desert); leapers don't leap
-the hero has no torch for the Lost City night; it's too dark to see any enemy without activating the health bars
-the guard kicks you out but the prince wants to talk...
-there's not much of a portal puzzle in the arcane sanctum and neither space

I appreciate the effort. 3/5.
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