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Destroyed buildings and dead units

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Level 11
Nov 23, 2013
Helle there!

I'm currently working on a map project in which there is some kind of ruined Orc camp. To do so, I need some doodads to make it as realistic and epic as possible, but I couldn't find what I was looking for.

I would like to use doodads such as:
  • Ruined Orc tower
  • Dead grunt corpse (like this awesome dead footman)
  • Ruined catapult
  • Other ruined Orc buildings
Does anyone know if and where I could find any of these? Or if there would be somebody kind enough to create them from scratch? I expect I wouldn't be the only one to have the use of those.
Also, if you have ideas of props I could use to make that ruined camp, that would be most welcome! So far I have been using palisades, destroyed wheelbarrows, fire, smoke, ablaze buildings, and stuff like that.

Thanks a lot!
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Level 11
Nov 23, 2013
Because it would work only for units. And dead units would always look the same, just regular corpses. I was looking for something with more variety, like the dead footman I mentioned, which has several different positions.
As for buildings, if I use triggers to kill them, they would disappear, not be ruined.
I find it quite easy to create a ruined human town, because there are many models from the original game for that: ruined farm, ruined tower, ruined houses, ruined windmill, etc. But for orc towns or camps, there's nothing close to that.
Well I unexpectedly had to go to the vet yesterday and it turns out one of my dogs has terminal cancer despite being rather young and there's basically nothing we can do for him. I was obviously rather depressed and it killed my motivation to do any sort of work that day, so I apologize for the somewhat delayed WiP. All I've got so far is a texture. I tried to impose the gutz texture over the grunt like in the Footman Corpse model, but frankly it looked terrible due to the way the grunt is wrapped. There were spots that were like solid red and weird striping effects on the smaller detail areas. It just didn't look good. So I decided to make my own dead grunt texture. This is just a grunt in the Decay Flesh animation but I wanted to get your opinion on the texture before I moved on: so what do you think?

Level 11
Nov 23, 2013
Don't apologize mate, you're doing this on your free time, I'm already grateful for that!
Also, I'm sorry about your dog. :(

Well I find this texture pretty nice, actually. It could definitely be useful, and probably not just for me. :)
Level 6
Jun 4, 2017
And dead units would always look the same, just regular corpses. I was looking for something with more variety, like the dead footman I mentioned, which has several different positions.
Using matrix model editor it is possible to transfer animations, so you could have grunts in various dead positions like the standard dead position of when a footman dies. This grunt, for example, uses the dead positions of grunts, footmen, archers and villagers.


  • grunt test2.mdl
    256.4 KB · Views: 50
Using matrix model editor it is possible to transfer animations, so you could have grunts in various dead positions like the standard dead position of when a footman dies. This grunt, for example, uses the dead positions of grunts, footmen, archers and villagers.

You beat me to it, my man! I was just about to play around with that idea, haha. I'll still be testing out on adding more poses later on, but here's RG00's version with my texture added that you can use for a placeholder, at least.

Don't apologize mate, you're doing this on your free time, I'm already grateful for that!
Also, I'm sorry about your dog. :(

Well I find this texture pretty nice, actually. It could definitely be useful, and probably not just for me. :)

Thanks for understanding, and for your sympathies. :) Btw, I added in an alternative texture without the bloodstains, in case you wanted a cleaner corpse option. Like I said, I'll work on expanding off of RG00's idea and adding more poses a little later, and then I'll get cracking on a ruined catapult for ya. Not sure if I'll be able to do the buildings, but I'll look into those as well, at least.


  • GruntCorpseWiP.zip
    192.6 KB · Views: 37
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