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Deputy Kyle Dinkheller

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Level 17
Nov 18, 2008
Deputy killed by Vietnam Vet during traffic stop


On January 12, 1998, Brannan was stopped for driving his truck at 98 miles per hour by Kyle Dinkheller, a Laurens County Deputy Sheriff. Dinkheller’s patrol cruiser was equipped with a video recorder, and Dinkheller was wearing a microphone. The recording shows that Brannan exited his truck and addressed Dinkheller with relative cordiality. However, Brannan became angry with Dinkheller when he ordered Brannan to take his hands out of his pockets. Brannan shouted, “Fuck you, goddamn it, here I am. Shoot my fucking ass.” Brannan then began dancing around in the street, yelling, “Here I am, here I am . . . hoot me.” When Dinkheller placed a call on his radio for assistance, Brannan yelled, “Who are you calling, motherfucker?” Brannan then charged at Dinkheller repeatedly as Dinkheller ordered him to get back and drew his baton. Brannan yelled, “Fuck you,” repeatedly, and he then yelled, “I am a goddamn Vietnam combat veteran.” Brannan then began rummaging behind the driver’s seat of his truck, ignoring Dinkheller’s orders for him to stop. Brannan yelled that he was in fear for his life, and Dinkheller replied that he was in fear for his own life. Brannan took a .30 caliber carbine rifle from his truck, crouched at the door of his truck, and pointed the rifle at Dinkheller. After Dinkheller repeatedly ordered Brannan to put the rifle down, shots were fired by both men. Dinkheller was hit, and he attempted to retreat and take cover behind the patrol cruiser. Brannan pursued Dinkheller, firing repeatedly and reloading. Brannan was shot once in the abdomen. Dinkheller had been shot nine times and had likely lost consciousness when Brannan took careful aim, said, “Die fucker,” and fired a final shot. Brannan then fled in his truck. He was discovered hiding in the woods outside his home and was arrested. He gave statements to GBI agents indicating that he regretted what had happened but that he believed Dinkheller had provoked him with an aggressive and disrespectful approach.

Kyle Dinkheller was 22 when he was killed. He left a wife and an 18 month-old daughter. The day he was killed, his wife learned she was pregnant with their second child. This was the first murder in the line of duty in Laurens County.
Andrew Brannan fled to property he owned in the area. Later he was found rolled in a tarp hidden in some underbrush. His hiding place was given away by the barking of his dog who refused to leave Brannan’s side. Brannan did not resist arrest. He has never shown any remorse. He knew he clearly had the advantage. Brannan is now on death row and is appealing.
This program was not produced to be critical of Deputy Dinkheller. It was designed to extract something positive from his death, and hopefully, to help prevent other law enforcement officers from meeting the same fate.
Brannan had pleaded not guilty by reason of insanity, but a jury agreed Friday that Brannan was neither insane nor mentally ill when he killed Laurens County Deputy Sheriff Lyle Dinkheller, 22. They found him guilty.
Deputy Dinkheller had been with the agency for nearly three years at the time of his death. He left behind a wife and an 18-month-old child.
Brannan shot Deputy Dinkheller 10 times after he was stopped on Interstate 16 for speeding.
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Level 13
Feb 18, 2009
I am not really aware what happended? That guy he stopped shot him, or what? Anyways, if that is so, this is just insane!
Level 17
Nov 18, 2008
He shot the deputy nine times in the arms and legs before shooting him through the right eye.
The man who shot the deputy plead insanity, but he has been sentenced to death.
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Level 13
Feb 18, 2009
This is freaking insane. Why the fuc* don't americans change that killing law. Everybody can go to the local mall and buy a gun when they are sixteen, but have to be 21 just to get close to alchohol? I don't get you people. 10 times? Fucking insane.
Level 35
Dec 10, 2007
This is freaking insane. Why the fuc* don't americans change that killing law. Everybody can go to the local mall and buy a gun when they are sixteen, but have to be 21 just to get close to alchohol? I don't get you people. 10 times? Fucking insane.

Business is stronger than any law and is worth more than any human life. Banning the guns would hurt the industry. The poor capitalists would loose their income and would come back at the government for that.

Then again, Фак Капитализм!
Level 8
Apr 20, 2008
American's are just plain stupid, well, maybe not all of them, but a LOT are. Especially the rednecks.


Level 9
Nov 4, 2007
Yes, sometimes I am ashamed of living in America, biased media, idiotic politicians, and retards like Glen Beck and folks at Fox runnin around, well we at least took a few steps in the right direction by signing a treaty to limit nuclear arms and passing a Healthcare Bill.
Level 6
Jul 22, 2008
This is what it happens to war veterans (not only usa ofc). Some people coming from war are just too much fucked up and only solution is to erase them. I feel safer having a retarded gypsy as a friend than some war veteran.
You make this point, but really, it was 30 years later. I dont think you could claim that in this case. I mean if the guy would have never yelled "Im a fucking Vietnam vet" You probably would never have mentioned this point, though I would usually agree that war vets are a little messed up in the head.
Anyway, I personally think he was feared that he was going to die or go to jail, which cause him to totally flip.
You make this point, but really, it was 30 years later. I dont think you could claim that in this case. I mean if the guy would have never yelled "Im a fucking Vietnam vet" You probably would never have mentioned this point, though I would usually agree that war vets are a little messed up in the head.
Anyway, I personally think he was feared that he was going to die or go to jail, which cause him to totally flip.

The brain damage they suffered in war can go on for years.
Level 25
Apr 27, 2008
bahhh that's nothing, 2 days ago two teams were playing football in my country (some random men) they had a disagreement over a penalty or something like that
the point is, 2 were killed, a Police man was badly injured and shot in the leg, and a couple were injured.
thanks god it was not a disagreement over a Goal.
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