w40k story for a fanfiction site

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Level 3
Dec 15, 2005
This is the story. It isn´t finished yet, it will about tripple in size in the next few weeks. Well here it is (Warning: FREAKING long)

This has been made for "fanfiction.net". A great Site. You should look at it!
1: The Beginning (not only of bad word jokes)

„I finally have enough money to buy an Imperial guard army!“ Maximilian thought to himself. „Man that’s gonna be cool. I gotta ask my friend about what I should buy and what not.“ So the Protagonist of this story went to his bycicle, in his black jacket,which was holding his CD-player and his black leather-gloves (he was pretty proud of those) which he had bought at a supermarket for 11 Euro. „Man they are gonna look cool when i got my Harley.“he thought, putting on the gloves.
The time went away quick (thanks to his music) while he was riding his cycle. After a quarter-hour of hitting the pedals he arrived his friend´s house and knocked.
A normal-long young man with thick short blond hair and an Iron-Maiden T-shirt opened the door and stepped through it. „Hey Maxi so you wanna start your own army now?“
„No, I want to take over the world with my secret chip that will turn these small figures into lethal klling machines!“
„EEEHHH“ Daniel made a buzzerlike sound and said:„No!“
„Right! Ill use a Slaanesh demon to hypnotise the Us-president!“ said Maximilian, with a huge grin on his face.
The answer came fast:„That wasn’t funny!“
„I know.“ was the reply.
They got up into Daniels room and ordered some Imps army stuff over Internet.
Then they both got down, and our protagonist turned to leave, when his look fell on a mirror.
What he saw was a short (he was a head shorter than all the boys and some older girls at job-school) young man with dark and short blond-brown hair and glasses with black frame and colourless plastic (instead of glass).The young man was clothed in a black jacket, black gloves, black leather half-boots and (dunn dunn duuuunnnn, surprise) black jeans.
He didn´t look like eighteen, due to his small size and his shaved face.
And so our (anti)hero made his way home to wait for his 40k stuff to arrive at his friends home, which happened just two days later. So he went back to his friend to get his stuff and, together with a package and an evil smile, got home. But unfortunately it had started to rain and thunder. Both were things our (anti)hero really liked, so he didn’t bother. But, just when had been waiting for the trafficlantern to show green at a streetcrossing, a lightning struck the lantern, through the waterpile on the ground the cycle and its driver. But surprisingly he didn’t feel any pain. Everything was in matrixlike bullettime when he saw that his cycle began to melt at its lower parts and jumped off, the package under one arm, just to see his whole cycle melt like it was hit by (guess what?) a meltagun. And then he blanked out.

Chapter two: The „journey“ begins

Our hero against will lay on the ground as he woke up. He looked around, only to see that he was in a different sort of town. „Oh my head“ he said while realising that everything was in ruins. Gunfire could be heard and sometimes screams. „Mhhmm, warzone.“ He thought to himself (to who else?) as he got up and noticed that his jacket was clean. „Well atleast im not fully outta luck, I could be dead, or even a cripple“ he kept on thinking. Then his eyes caught a man. A man on the ground. A dead man. I mean, what else can you be when your head is missing? Also he noticed with his sharp mind that two people in fututristic orange armour and helmets (with antennas of mobilephones from the 80’s at the right side) stood there with the back to him. They held yellow rifles and were talking in a language unknown to mankind.
Maximilian stood up slowly and began to walk, silently, away. But the two guys noticed him, not because he cracked some peace of wood like they always do in the movies, or lack of sneaking skills. No, certainly the reason was a small piece of metal flying around and looking at him. In this nanosecond our (anti)hero had already found out that these Tau were gonna kill him, that the gun drone radioed the two Tau and that he was what they were talking about and the dead guy was an Inquisitor who ,well, was dead. Our protagonist jumped over the border of a destroyed window and ran around a corner. There stood a barrel. On it lay a huge and cool two-handed sword. His mind clicked. Tau were suckers in close combat. „Allthough, they are trained soldiers and I’m just a civilian with a founded (that was something for a civilian!!) sword- and shooting experience. On the other hand, I always wanted to have a sword like this...“
His thinking was interrupted by a noise of a Tau stepping over a window frame.
So the main character of the story took the sword and ran, screaming like a maniac on ecstacy, around the corner. The Tau looked up from his boots while climbing and saw a strange young (and small) human in unkommon clothing swinging a sword almost as long as himself at the same time screaming like a shot sqirrel on Dark Eldar battledrugs before his head got sliced off.
The second Tau wasn’t exactly as dumb, but not much smarter. He came through the door and shot his rifle at the weirdo screaming like a Kroot shaper being bit in his arse by his hound. „OH SHIT HE’S SHOOTING!!!“ were the (maybe not anti?)heros thoughts before he jumped a step to the left side(„The guy back in school was furios wen I evaded 24 of his 25 thrown dodgeballs“)Did he think in that moment. A lethal looking blue shining ball thingy flew across a quarter meter to the right past his head and into the sunset. The Tau looked in surprise (the not-so-anti-for-a-minute hero could feel it even though the Taus head was completely covered by his helmet) when he got sliced into by a humie too small and too ,well lets say it, week for the army. „UFFFF that was hard“, Our (again anti)hero noticed as his adrenaline-rush ended and the sword became freakishly heavy and he put it into the earth.
Then he walked over to the dead shooter-tau (the other one was only named boot-tau in his mind) and took up the rifle. He led it to his shoulder and aimed at a bucket, surprised that it was so light that it didnt cause any problems with his little too short arms, the unbeleaveble smoothness of the trigger and pistol grip and the really cool ergonomic stylishness of „his“(yeah right he earned it!!) rifle. A feeling of proud and happiness overhelmed him as he thought: „I’m gonna only get full-hits with this at the sport shooter club!“ He looked at the dead Tau, took a gay pose and said with a wimpy voice: „Look at me I am a Firewarrior and have my pulserifle bla bla bla!!!“ He changed back to his normal stance and voice and said: „Thought you could take up on me, TOUGH GUY? Now how do you like that, butthole? Don’t mess with the Bridesword-Guy!“ But then, his heart filled with sorrow, when he thought about that he killed two feeling, human beings. Well not really human but comparable to human. They would never again laugh, cry, talk, run, or put their arms around their beloved families. „Killing is wrong“, he thought „And I just did it.“
Before he could continue with the moralic doubts about war, himself, the falseness of killing and coffein-free coke he got snapped back to reality by an annoyed voice: „THOU ART TO GIVE ME MY POWERSWORD BACK HERETIC!!!!“ Before he turned around he already knew that he would face a woman. And REALLY big trouble.

Chapter three: „Hey, don’t put that thing at me!!“

He saw a woman in black bodytight metal clothes and a really huge firearm.
„Oh dude I’m really on the wrong end of the barrel“, he said to the woman, trying to look harmless. „THOU GIVE ME MY-“ „Powersword?“ „YES!!!!“ she shouted, obviosly annoyed by his interruption. „Er mhkay“ he said, chuckling his shoulders and went over to the in-the-ground-sticking sword, and pulled it slowly out of the ground with two hands and turned the power of the weapon off. The Pulsecarbinewas dropped to the ground before that.. Then he slowly went over, and handed it to her, the muzzle of the hulky and stupidly oversized bolter following his every move. „AND NOW DIE HERETIC!!“ she shouted and leveled her boltgun-mega-deathray-super-ultra-thingy onehanded out of the hip (not even John Wayne would have maid that)And.... „I didn’t kill the Inquisitor! The Tau did! I warned him but he didn’t listen! He told me he could handle it and I should go to you and tell him where he is!“
She always enjoyed listening to heretics ecscuses.
You gotta know, dear reader, our (anti)hero is a GREAT Liar (no sarcasm!) and his ability to deceive people with words combined with his fast adaption to any new situation saved his life. „I was looking out for you but the two Tau found me and almost killed me. I just wanted to help the Inquisitor! But he was dead when I returned....“
He looked down and pretended to look sad. „I thought I could kill them and be promoted to a trooper.“ then he yelled at the woman, who had lowered the gun a bit: „ BUT I COULDN’T SAVE HIM!!!. I failed.“ He dropped his head again and went on: „Not even the imperial Army wanteed me”. He noticed that the woman had lowered the gun a bit more “Hehe it all works.Dumbasses” were his thoughts.
„That was my only chance. By saving an Inquisitors life he would have made a way to the army for me! But that’s the final proof for my weakness He leaned against the wall and looked at the woman and two others Sororitas who came to see what held her leader from killing a heretic SO long. The canonnes had dropped the energy sword and looked at him with understanding eyes.
Our (pretending-to-be-the-ULTRA-anti)hero looked away from them and said with a fake voice „That’s the final proof for my uselessness “
„What?“ was the answer from the woman with the bolter. The other two looked at their leader with a look of surprise and worry. Since they haven’t heard the first part of the conversation he was a heretic to them.
„Hey...“,she started, “Listen Kid we can work this out-“
„IM NOT A CHILD!!! I’M EIGHTTEEN!“, he interrupted the canoness, who was now coming close to him. She hovered her hands in a gesture to make him calm and stood before him now.
„Hey you killed these Tau-Soldiers, that would have been difficult for us“ she told him
„Im lying to him, but....“,she kept on thinking „he went through much and i almost killed him. Poor guy, he only wanted to help and got into something too big for him.“
So she sad in a nive voice: „You are not a failure. It is the inquisistors(man i hate writing this word) fault. He underestimated them. But you stood against enemies a holy man could not defeat.”
Meanwhile in our (anti)hero´s head was another evil plan taking shape.
„A Space Marine couldn´t have done better!“ Not only the two other sisters of battle where aware of the biggest lie in mankinds history next to „coke doesnt make fat!“.
He raised his head, and said in a normal voice: „Whatever.Just wanna shoot at something.That’s the only thing im good at“ He put on the face that expresses „dont turn me down i shoot myself then“ and said in a faked careful voice: „Umm, do you mind if i come with you people? I mean, i cant fight THAT well but i can support you and.. umm( Ork-gunfire could be heard in the background)
I dont have anywhere to go....“
The woman thought for a moment and said:
„Sure! We can allways need help! But dont stay in the fireline and always in cover!“
„Sure“ he reacted with cold voice, taking up his pulserifle. „But I will still shoot!“
„Fine with me.“ Said the Battlesisters leader.
Our wannabe-Hero(i didn´t say anti this time) sighed and followed the women to a rhino and took seat at the end near the exit-hatch.
„I guess i was a bit too convincing this time” did he think while sitting in the extremly uncomfortable seat of the rhino.
Then suddenly all the women shouted and ran out of the rhino, a loud „WAAAAGH!“-scream was heard. He got out too.
What he saw was, well, not nice. The battle sisters held their ground, but were short before beeing overrun and killed.So he shouldered his pulserifle and looked for some place to hide and snipe from.

Chapter 4: „HEY! This is cool! He cant make armour saves!

And he found a spot. It was a housecorner with a ladder leading up to a smaller piece of concrete floor and a window beside it. It was just about 15 meters away from him, so he sprinted to it and got up the ladder.Then he sat down and took his rifle into his left elbow, crossed the arms, held the pistolgrip with his right hand and his the connection of his his right hand and arm with his left hand.Sounds stupid, but it worked. He put the Kimme-and-Korn at the ork nearest to him and blew his head of. „Man this gun is so cool. It compensates my physical lacks and only makes my shooting-skills count.“Which werent bad. „Not armystandart but on that short range...“ SMACK another orks head blew off.
„Im the rul0r!“
BAMM he shot off an orks leg.
But the onslaut of the brainless didnt stop.The green morons were even cheered up by the losses. „Hmm“ he thought „I read a book about a german sniper in ww2.It said, that he always shot at internal organs between the hips and the chest of his enemys which had caused inhuman pain and screams.And that was freaking demoralising for the rest.“ He tried it out on one stupid green munchhead, but only earned a yelling greenguy with a bit red on the stomach.
„Hmmm gotta try something else…. “
So he did something no one thought a human would ever do:

That made the orkz turn and look at him, fully ignoring the deadly fire from the bolterwomen.
“WHAAAAAAAT????” A very huge creature in some crude sort of armour-plating that made his clawfilled mouth look like it had the size of a halfed car stepped to the housecorner.
“He” was really pissed and shot into the region between the legs of a nob cause he thought he wanted to backstab him to becom the Waaghboss. The thing shouted very loud and long, Agony and eternate damnation in its voice, as he realised that he would die a slow death AND wont be able to mosh with this injury. Well, not really. The fact that he had lost his orcish manhood made him scream. All the other orcs looked at their waaghboss in shock.
Then at the black humie.
Boss, still shouting
Boss, no longer shouting
One of them said „hmmm i thinkz....“ but a battlesister shot his head off.
Boss, now confused lookin around
Then the boss found out that his moronic underlings werent able to actually THINK of such an outstandingly cruell and tactical plan so he looked at the humie on the roof.
The humie yelled at him:”I WILL MOSH YOU SO HARD WEAKLING!”
He was enraged.At least.”How can that humie in… in… ermmmm insult me this way!”
RRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!! Came a bonebreaking cry from his mouth.
“erm… boss?” he looked at one of his useloss grotz “that actually means “waagh”.
“Oh yeah” was the start of his surprisingly polite answer “Sorry I enraged. I wont do again”
The grot looked at him with a nice expression on his face and answered:”Apology accepted.
Everyone makes mistakes.” He jumped on the neck of the beheivos creature and padded its shoulder “Hey wanna visit the anonymos alcoholics on weekend with me? It really helps getting this lack of concentration out of your head. And theres this nice black templar dude.And the hormagaunt. Man hes still drunk every meeting”.
The grot would have continued, if he wouldn´t have been killed by a drop of blood flying to his chest and penetrating it immediately.

That made the Waaghboss snap back tohis surroundings.
He looked at his fellow orkz and found out that they were not so fellow anymore.
Most of ´em were burned or shot to pieces. He looked at the humie and only saw a small blue thingy catch his eye.Literally.
In fact, orcs without a warboss were easy prey.At least at long range.And their chief was in a tight dialog with himself, a grot, and with the greater god of Ignorance. His Boyz didn’t have Orders, so they sat down, stood around, sat around, were killed, were playing rommy, were still killed, were pokin around in their noses, and two flama boyz were trying to enjoy a cup of Earl-grey-tea but couldn’t get it warm enough. But help was on the way, namely a nice “Tea-Humie-Womie” who came over and helped them out with her melta. Too bad about the expencive porcelan cups and dishes though.A few bikerz were ramling about their armour saves.Some things got to be flamed over! Well that were the seraphims thoughts too…..

In the end there were a few bon-fires (bikes), some overdimensioned piles of shit(hey orkz got to go the toilet too!) and some grot barbecue.They were not only the hosts, but the meal too.
Some battlesisters were chit-chatting about their armours:”Does this make me look fat?”,
“This power corsett doesn’t emphasize my hip enough!” “Im so heavy I need a diet. – No hunny its just the jetpack that weighs so much! – Your only saying that to cheer me up!”

The main character stood in front of the ladder he climbed down a minute ago and watched the disturbing scene.”They are picknacking!In the middle of a combat-zone. I mean don’t they know that they can die every second? Do they think war is just a funny adventure trip with expensive lightshow? They could have been killed just like that and don’t care!”

This made him remember scenes from his favourite anti-war movie:”Stalingrad”
A russian private who is slowly tucked under the chains of a “tiger”-tank, his screamsand the sound of his bones and flesh wretching from his body. A Wehrmacht-Soldier cut into and shouting like hell, “standing” on his torso with his legs beside him. Massrapes. Civilians beeing shot by both sides. A 26year old man sitting in a crater and whimping like a small child.People who cant take it anymore and commit suicide.
Bloodyoung kids who barely can be called soldiers left behind by their leaders to gain them time to run. Cannibalism.Commissars executing their own men for more “combat moral”.

Yes, this “war” he was in was no war. No, it was some sort of crude medieval turnament.Like paintball with harder bullets. These battles had filled him with thrill, adventure, adrenalin and joy.It was just a fake copy of war with no bad sideeffects.Sideeffects like death.
He realised that death was near. It was only a matter of time until it caught him.
And that altered his mind to a grown-up inside the body of an almost grownup teenager.

Chapter 5: New friends, please. The old ones are sold!

A Bunch of Guardsmen slowly arised from a few ruins around and walked to the battlesisters.
They talked with them about something and pointed towards the maincharacter of this story. Then the sororitas got into their rhino and drove off.
Our (maybe?)hero looked at the speeding rhino and felt a little bit disappointed from beiing left behind. Soon the guardsmen were near him and started to talk: „Hey young man we saw you fighting.“ Said one of them „we will take you with us to a starport nearby“ meant a second.
„We shall leave this stupid planet and will evacuate you with us.Hey is that food?“ asked another, pointing to the small package Maximilian still had with him „No just some personnel stuff. I paid 130 Euros for that!“ he exclaimed. „Euros? Man this planet gets weirder every second!“ was a Seargants reply. They left, and one of them handed the (anti)hero a Lasrifle:„We saw that you can use it.“

“Fine ill come along”
“Good I hope we wont run into another enemy.We had a fight with a group of necron just an hour ago.If we only had that artillery support we were promised to have….” The sargeants face darkened a bit while saying that. A slight sign of sadness and guilt, too hidden and small for his fellow soldiers to see, but a very special person noticed it and shaped a plan to restore the poor mans wounded ego.
“Hey its not your fault many of your men died today.”
“What?” The man wanted to hide his surprise, but failed miserably.
“Hmm I must be careful to not make him show to much of hisunsafety.” Not only the main character was aware that if a leader showed any sign of exaustion or of the difficulty to cope with stress it was pretty demoralising for his people.
And his people were way too much demoralised already.

“I want you to tell me about what happened.”
“We were ambushed by necron forces after we fought against chaos cultists. Maybe we woke them up.”
“You were planned to wake up the necron.”
“What do you mean?”
“It´s obvious that the chaos was only keeping you in that fight to make the alarm-sensors of the stasis-tomb tingle.”
“Noone could have seen that coming.”
The man was deep in thoughts.
“Hmmm….” His voice and his selfesteem got were a bit better.
“Well ill meet the medic and ask him if I may assist him with treating the wounded.
“That´ll be difficult.”
“He´s dead.”
“Oh that’s not good.”

“We will rest here for one hour. Michails, Derbolg and Gorn, stay guard.”
“Yes sir!”

Maximilian started totalk again: “Errr sargeant?”
“I could replace the medic.”
“Fine but get his stuff and Uniform. He was caught in the head by a shrapnel so the helmet is useless.
“Ok ill do that.”
After about 7 minutes he had changed into the poor mans uniform and dropped his old clothes. The uniform was the one of a cadian soldier, the vest, shoulderpads and wrists around the around the lower leg just above the boots were green. These were the “armour”. The rest was a shirt, trousers and a belt. Also there was a small belt which went up from the behinder part trouser-belt, splitts up before the shoulders, goes over them and down to the front belt into the trouser. (would suck to lose pants in combat).
Than the antihero returned to the sargeant.
But before he could ask the commander for something did the man start to shout.

Chapter 6:Whooooooah! You gotta teach me that!

“Leutenant Krueger” he looked around.”Where the hell is Krueger?”

“Here” said a strong voice, making the antihero of this story and the sarge turn around.
The voice belonged to a black-grey longcoat wearing figure.It was tall, overtowering all the other soldiers for a few centimeters.Its Uniform seemed to absorb all light around him, only letting viewable his dark figure.A two-halfed gasmask covered its face, a small firehose-like tube went from the mouthpiece to a piece of his chestcovering brown-black vest.Its helmet looked like the one the german army wore in ww2 and the backpack looked like from first ww. Maximilian knew about these people from the internet.They were called “Death Korps”.

The huge person crossed its arms before the chest, a clear sign of dislike to who had called him. “What do you want?” asked the man, without any sign of accent or emotion.
“Show the kid how to shoot and a bit of your bayonet skills But nothing about your oppinion of death and duty.Understood?”Sarge´s eyes sharpened a bit too emphasize his last sentence.
“Fine”Was the only reply.

Our hero thought a bit: “Its obvious these guys have a dispute. I bet Krueger doesn’t hink the sarges the right leader and sarg”
“Name?” his thoughts were interrupted by the strong and commanding voice of the black figure.This dude wouldn´t tolerate ANY backtalk.
“Well than lets start. This is a Las-rifle” spoke the figure, holding his rifle with a long and bloodtipped bayonett up.
“This is the safety, on”he clicked a button very near to the trigger “off” he put it back.
“Take the knife, we start with knifetraining now”
“I saw you shooting. Not really good, but your target choice was good. Your aiming must be faster.You must change your position more often.And you aiming at weak spots was nice.”
“Okay got it.”
“Lets begin with knife training.Attack me.”
Maximilian took the long dagger in his right hand and slowly walked towards his training enemy.He thought:”What is he capable of? How will he react? I need to see his reaction….”
The knife shot forward, but the man stepped back with one foot, dodging the fast attack.
Then the man took his knife to do pretended stab at his opponents arm.But before he could do that, the young man jumped two stepps behind, spoiling his plan.”Good.Hes not a total beginner at least. Lets see…” The bloodstaining bayonett made its way to its poor enemy.
It was a straight attack-no faked attacks, no blade crossing, no testing the enemy out.
But to Kruegers surprise, the smallgrown person made it to evade the blade in time. Barely.
“Hmm interesting.”did he muse to himself, while his target almost lost his balance, but still continued to endure the attacking. Which meant that he made to duck away on the horizontal strife of the knife and, to Kruegers surprise, even launched an attack. The young man now stood to the upper left of him, wich was a good position.The knife came towards his left shoulder, probably meant do make him incabable of using his rifle.”Hmm a tactician, he knows he cant defeat me and so wants to make his escaping chances better. And they arent good if your enemy can simply shoot you in the back.”
He decid to finish this lession. So Krueger took a quick step behind and then to the right, took the little fighters outstretched and bladeholding arm and pulled, which made the person lose its balance and fall to the ground. Then he dropped to one knee, noticing that his enemy was rolling from to his back, away from him.”He still doesn’t give up.Good.” But before Maximilian could finish his role AND bring up his knife he felt the cold steel and the tainted blood pressing against his main artery underneath his chin”OH SHIT”
He felt fear rising in his soul and body, sinister and showing the uselessness of his efforts.
But still he managed to keep it in the low “you-can-still-think”way, which was one of the things he could do good.Then he saw Kruegers face.It looked even more frightening without the mask on, his features were cold and emotionless.Except a small smile.”He kills me now.
And he will enjoy it.No wait he isnt allowed to do that! Sarge ordered training, not execution.
Or was that just a code-phrase for killing someone?”
Than Kruegers smile grew wider as he spoke: “Well done. I didn´t expect you to last that long. Your try to stab my shoulder to escape was a good idea. And you were trying to maintain your balance at all times.Im satisfied.” Then he took the young mans hand and helped him up.
“Was that instinct or training?”
“Errr… my father was a drill instructor in the army and told me a few things.I also watched pretty many war-movies and read a lot of books.And I was in some hand-to-hand club for two weeks. You could say that my instinct took the knowledge of my brain without panicking.”
“And without you knowing that you had it.”
“Yeah sort of.”
“Well you only need more trust in your skills.That you didn’t panic straight on proved that you can figh.t”
“Maybe but I couldn’t take on an Imperial Soldier and their skills are the worst in the universe.”
Krueger shot him a look that yould have melted stonewalls.
“Errrm I mean compared to nids, orkz and … erm Eldar!”
Krueger still was quiet.
“Man I hate having to think while talking I always sound like a retard then.”
This earned him a very loud and long laughing from the black clad man.
And very many curious looks from the other guardsmen. Even the sargeant forgot about his grudge against Krueger.Hearing him laugh made the sarge and everyone else believe that he was actually still a human and not just a killing machine.
In that moment Johnson came back and started to talk:

His Tau-rifle has been left behind earlier, since it had been empty after the ork-encounter.He was beaming with pride. Everything was so cool in that moment:He had found real friends, wore clothing he had always wanted,could help injured peole and was a member of a military group that fought a war without bad sideeffects.

“Bad sideeffects….Hmmm”he thought .A bad feeling was spreading around his body.
“I should look for my dudes” he said, moving around the corner, a grenade ready in his hand.

And what he saw almost made his heart stop.


Off course, in the very most stories, the heros have ideas that always work.
They never have to wait, always say the right things, find a partner for life and a happy ending. Also do they always notice everything around them and can always have a way out of danger. Everything goes smooth, without any mistakes or misunderstandings. For example in my story the “hero” just killed the two tau with a powersword. Which lay coveniently around the corner. And normally only supersoldiers can wield that thing. But it didn´t matter.

But the main actor must face one of the biggest problems when you are teleported from the “real world” to fantasy-world. With his entry into that galaxy he brought a bit of his reality with him. But only enough for himself. And this will show now.


Chapter 7: “Reality takes its toll”

He saw gork (the groups ogryn) attacking a dark Eldar. His right arm swung the heavy bolter in a horizontal bow. But the tall evil creature just jumped over it and embedded its claw-glove deep into gurks face. Further right were Johnson and Bruga (the only left Kasrkin from a defeated platoon) defending against three eldar. Bruga put his las-salves into one of them. While Johnson was tackled down by another.

Maximilian didn´t think, nor did he remember that his was throwing sucked.
He pulled the pin and threw the grenade.
And that proved to be a true mistake.
It flew too short and landed in the small crater which “sheltered” the two slodiers instead of in front of it. Johnson, still in his fistfight on the ground with the eldar above him,couldn’t notice that. But the villian noticed it, just like Bruga. The other Kasrkin jumped away in time, while the eldar landed a stunning fiststrike into Johnsons face. Then he pulled the unmoving, but not unfeeling body in front of himself like a shield.
Then it happened. Before Bruga hit the ground, but after he was under the ancle of the scatter-radius, did the grenade detonat. The shower of scatters and the shockwave killed Johnson, but not without letting him feel an eternity-lasting thousand of a second of agonizing pain. Before a small piece of concrete entered his left brain-half did he have to endure what a lifetime of pain cant deliver. The Dark creature however was not harmed and was prepairing to strike at the poor Bruga who didn’t guess anything.

In that moment, Maximilians childhood and time as a teenager ended by the most brutal way.
By the knowledge of having murdered a feeling, breathing human beeing.

He noticed that Bruga had lost his left gauntlet and right shoulderplate.

Then came something else. In the first moment he thought it would have been the releasing of all the pain inside him that had stowed up over all the years of his life. But then he realised that it was a physical attack. Something sliced through his lower stomack while something else had his right hand in an undodgeable grip.

And than, even before he had hit the ground, everything went black.
But before his concuessness ended a few thoughts formed in his head:” Why? I never flew an airplane! And why the hell do I not feel any pain? I always thought dying would be bad and painfull…….Hey cool that with the plane and the pain was a ri

Chapter 8: Somethings missing!

Brother-captian Mathius stood up again. After the shockwave from the earthshaker-attack the cultists had made only three men from his squad got up again. He had to take care of the other ones geneseed later. He was about to regroup his men and counterattack, but still something was missing. He couldn´t put the finger at it. Since they had been in the droppods something was left behind. Like they had lost something precious. The Dreadnought?-There. Plas-weapons?-over there in the box. Then he got it! The Banner!- oh, brother Norn has it.”Hmmmmm” he looked around.”When you cant find something with the eyes, close them”his fathers voice gave him further advice:”What cant be found, does not want to be found”.

Just then did the droppod smash to the ground. And that was when he lost everything.
It was not like they were losing, no.
Neither were the casualties too big or unexpected.
They were winning to easily. Like their enemy wanted them to win.
“Hmmm better stop thinking to much. Or ill stand on the other side of that trench-line”
And so he decid to quit thinking and continue combat as always. At least he tried.
The last time he had that feeling was during a fight with the necron. They had been ambushed by eldar when…..
“no” he thought
“RETREAT!!!!” He yelled, and everyone moved back.
Some shot, while the other ones ran, and than the earlier runners shot covering the older shooters. He knew no one would put his command in question, as he saw the dead eldar on the ground. So that had been the missing thing. “Eldar” he muttered.
“What is it brother captian?” asked one of the newer marines, just a month seperated him from his time as a neophyte.
“Somethings not right. The last time I felt that something was not right the half company was killed.”
“Oh” was the rookie-marines answer. A rookie-marine was not as good as a marine with experience of course, but the years of training made him still better than any “normal” human.
Than something caught Mathius eye. It was a green shimmer.
“shit” The Gauss weapon shot its sickening green into the neophyte, almost destroying his armour. “Everyone, retreat to the evac-zone!” All the marines made their way to designated place. “Run! Don’t shoot just RUN!” This made even the last veteran return from his place and run for his life. Good. Maybe they could all make it out this time…..
The reports of necron almost destroying an entire regiment near a hive under orkish siege rang in his head. “Oh man we are toast” were Mathius words before he saw a Monolith arise from the earth and bash a group of Noise-marines with one shot. Than he saw what he had NOT wished to see: A lord. He had only seen one of these before, back in his scout days. He had shot the thing straight into the head from about 300 meters. It had looked at him and then it vanished. He was about to chear when the thing materialized out of darkness 3 feet before him. The sargeant had ordered them to run, if the thing would not have forseen it and killed him first by simply smashing him to the ground with one hit of his staff. Mathius did only survive that day because he “accidently” “slipped on a rock” and “fell” down into a river. They were on a bridge and he just jumped straight into the cold water.
He could feel the cold things ”eyes” burn through his armour, neck and mental barrier deep into his soul. And he could feel pleasure in thes cold look. No green water-steaming pile of bright dark-green energy came to toast him, no claw shot with inhuman speed through his neck. It had let him escape. Certainly was it not planned that way, because Scouts don’t run away from their enemy. Guardsmen did. Maybe he should have stayed with the guard instead of listening to his commissars oppinion after an “incident” that only left him behind after a massive attack of ´nids. He had told them all he that he fought till the last. But infact he only hid in the command bunker and activated the death-gas. He still heard the screams of his few comrades beeing killed by the acidous gas in their lungs, burning them from the inside instead dying fast by a ´gaunts or lictors claw. He had just felt this fear. This unhuman fear. These creatures were so horrifiying. Both the nids and the necron. “Why cant they kill each other instead of us?” did one of his scout friends ask him once and he answered: “Cause we have fear, they don’t have that”

“What is the matter Mathius?” Did the neophyte ask.
“Nothing, just…ermm “ great Mathius you are really getting the people motivated.
“Im in fear too, you cant control it. You cant banish it but you can..”
Mathius was surprised. He looked in the “Kid´s” eyes. Neophytes and young marines were always named kids in his company. “My company? That rookie has more confidence than I have!” He was just about to say something when .. STOMP___PROCK_KZFROMMMMM
(He lost his balance due to a corpse and fell over it___impacted the ground_a green Heavy-destroyer´s bolt flew just a millimeter above where before his chest and now his head was.)
“WHOOOAH Lucky BASTARD!” Did the “Kid” yell at his shocked, stunned, and confused captain as he took him up with his hands. But he didn’t notice that the cap was reliving his life infront of himself just in a millisecond before the green bolt supposedly should killed him.
He looked at the young one, his helmet covering his emotions, but the young one had lost his.
“ERRRM sorry sir I wont course or insul-
The young man, obviously shocked from his commanders tone of voice just began to run like he never ran before. Now only he noticed the captian standing there like nailed to the ground.
A dark figure advancing him slowly but still in a speed to fast tu outrun. Then the captains voice spoke: “nooooo don’t please!” the tone had changed from fear and rage to a voice near like begging and crying.
ZOT ZOT ZOT a Las-rifle beside him shot three times before the captain took and broke it with his oversized strength.
“WHAT ARE YOU DOING!”shouted the kasrkin, sitting infront of the corpse before them and blocking sights upon it. Except for the boots.

The terrible steel-monster stood before them and raised its staff. Mathius recognised both. The same stance, the same creature….”You! The scouts-bridge-river!”was all Mathius could
stammer. The thing lowered the staff and fell into a hidios laugh.

Mathius saw the chance and turned, not remembering that the person in a Kasrkin-uniform had got his bolter to use it himself. So Mathius almost entered a Thunderhawk that was originally there to evacuate civilians, but since there were no more civil people alive on the planet, was it reordered as trooptransport.
Before the hatch closed Mathius realised that he lost his bolter, showed his cowardness to everyone and would (at least) die here without escaping.
But the most terrific sight was a necron warrior carrying the corpse he had stumbled over on its shoulder. Beside him lay the now dead guardsman still with the bolter in his hands.
And the lord. It looked him deep into his eyes. As he ran away faster and faster from the (for him)no longer possibility of escape, as he turned aroun. A faint amusement in the Eyes as it realised, that the engines of the thunderhawk would never start. Well, they did but they slowly died down when the creature held its staff towards the spaceship. Mathius knew what this meant. And since he didnt want to witness the experiments they (according to rumors) did with captives his feet started to run. Again.

Chapter 9: One of those days

Darkness. Just blank black darkness.
Like when you are sleeping very deep. Just a whole bit deeper. His father told him once: “Deep sleep is when your soul gets into your heart to sort things out.”
“Well then ive got to sort way too many things”
“Hmm?” a voice, different from the one of his own thoughts spoke in this darkness.
“Wait im not shizophrenic!”
“Hmm” the voice sounded clear, but far away.
“Stop saying hmm all the time!”
“Mon-krey” It sounded strange, but still familiar.
“Oh fuck you eldar! Oh wait does this mean im still alive?”
“Obvously” Still, the voice did not have any sign of gender.
“Oh. Hm.”
“There is no need for violence. But very much for a fast decision.”
“And what?”
“I can heal your body. Mine is too far away to recover with my powers.”
“And you want to transfer your soul on my body cause yours dying. And if I don’t comply we´re both done for.”
“Oh man this sucks. Beeing posessed by an eldar wasn´t what that comercial promised me.
Travel around the galaxy! Meet great people! And kill’em! AND:get paid and laid for it!
The first two million insigns get their crimerecord erased! JOIN NOW! That’s what he said!”

He was suddenly interrupted by a strange feeling. Someth- one “entered” him.His eyes were closed, but he could “sense” it. It felt like he would make space on a bench and someone sat down right beside him. During a campfire. On a bench that was made for one person, but easily fitted for two.

A memory came into his mind. Then he could see this memory just like he would sit in a cinematria to watch a vid-pic. He saw his only time with a woman. It had been so good.
“Man those were the days.”
“Where? And when?” The voice sounded familiar now, but still foreign.And it was much closer.
“Well, you know, when a guy and a chick…” He was obviously embarrased. Explaining sexual habits to aliens inside his head, oh dude. The commissar will LOVE to hear this.
Then the floor lit up. And before him stood the most spectacular female person he ever saw.
Her Body was of unbelievable beauty. Long legs, wonderfull curves, everything well fitting, a marvelous face, the whole body covered only by a white tight cloth that showd much, ( but to his dismay) not all of the pale and perfect skin. And these hypnotic ocean-blue eyes....
“Are my physical features attracting you so much, trooper garret?”
He was caught off guard: “Errm aeh oemmmm i shit ermmm.”
Level 3
Dec 15, 2005
Hey its just 30 % yet!
It isnt finished!
And im gonna keep writing, but it could take a while...
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