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Deny Spell Casting

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Level 12
Nov 20, 2007
Hello guys, I'm making a arena like map and I need some help.
The problem is that I want heroes to be able to cast spells only across the arena. So when they cast a spell out of arena (let's say blink) I want to intrerupt them and show a message to the player ("Invalid Zone" or something :ogre_haosis:)


That's what I tried and it works good enough
  • Cast DeadZones
    • Events
      • Unit - A unit Begins casting an ability
    • Conditions
      • (Level of Dummy (Misc) for (Triggering unit)) Equal to 0
    • Actions
      • Set Game_LeakPoint = (Target point of ability being cast)
      • Unit - Create 1 Dummy (0) for Neutral Hostile at Game_LeakPoint facing Default building facing degrees
      • Unit - Add a 1.00 second Generic expiration timer to (Last created unit)
      • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
        • If - Conditions
          • (Arena Region <gen> contains (Last created unit)) Not equal to True
        • Then - Actions
          • Unit - Order (Triggering unit) to Stop
        • Else - Actions
But it bugs when you cast non-target spells (casting non-target spells creates my dummy in middle of arena :vw_sad:)

Can anyone help ?


  • Arena.jpg
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Level 12
Nov 20, 2007
  • Set Game_LeakPoint = (Position of triggering unit)
Then check again.

Catch the spell when the unit is ordered to cast it - you'll have to separate this into 3 phases - one for no target, one for unit target, and one for point target.

1.Tested -> Not working at all.
2.I have too many spells and checking if casting spell is non-target / non-point it's not a good option because it will dramatically increase fps.

Any other suggestions ?
Level 28
Jan 26, 2007
Instead of creating a dummy, there's a condition like this:
  • (ArenaRegion contains Game_LeakPoint) Equal to False
Also, ruleofiron99 is correct. (No target shouldn't be checked though, as it should always work).
Edit: So just creating an Or - Condition with all point-target spells won't do? I think it wouldn't increase FPS at all.
Level 28
Jan 26, 2007
Hmh, I just thought of something else.

  • Stop Casting
    • Events
      • Unit - A unit Begins channeling an ability
    • Conditions
    • Actions
      • Set tempLoc1 = (Target point of ability being cast)
      • Set tempLoc2 = (Center of (Entire Map))
      • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
        • If - Conditions
          • (Region 000 <gen> contains tempLoc1) Equal to False
          • (X of tempLoc1) Not equal to (X of tempLoc2)
          • (Y of tempLoc1) Not equal to (Y of tempLoc2)
        • Then - Actions
          • Unit - Order (Triggering unit) to Stop
        • Else - Actions
      • Custom script: call RemoveLocation( udg_tempLoc1 )
      • Custom script: call RemoveLocation( udg_tempLoc2 )
If the order is an order with no target, then "Target point of ability being cast" would be the same as "Center of (Playable Map Area)".
Thus, if tempLoc1 == tempLoc2, then the spell should always work (as it doesn't have a target and therefore cannot be cast outside the area).
But if they are not the same, that means the spell has a target (whether that is a unit or point doesn't matter). If that point is outside the area, stop the caster.

Tested it for all 3 types, it should work.
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Level 28
Jan 26, 2007
What if you cast an unwanted spell (point) in Center of Playable area ?
System won't stop it
That never happens. No matter how hard you may try.
The coordinates should be exactly 0.000. Even if you have 0.001 as 1 of the coordinates it will cancel the order (and trust me, to aim that well with even 1 coordinate is something I have yet to see - to do it with both is outright impossible).
If you want to prove me wrong, then go ahead. I would actually love that :p

Edit: I actually tested it. Since I couldn't get it right, I tried to do it with cheats.
As said before, unless you're more accurate than "0.001", the spell will get canceled (0.0009 and less will allow the spell to be cast).

I also noticed it should be "Center of (Entire Map)". Changed that in the original post as well.
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