• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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It's my first Model.

Based on Undead Airbarge model with some parts of DemonGate and InfernalCannon.
Has the Airbarge-animations (+ added attack animation and changed death-anim).

Has a portrait-camera.
Uses ingame textures

Also created Icon, will be uploaded soon :)

Demon, Space, Spaceship, Burning Legion

demonspaceship1.5.2 (Model)

13:24, 15th Mar 2008 Dan van Ohllus: [Approved] Works ingame. Simple? Yes. But still a kick-ass model.




13:24, 15th Mar 2008
Dan van Ohllus:
Works ingame. Simple? Yes. But still a kick-ass model.
Level 7
Feb 15, 2008
Spaceship is not the perfect name. It never was intended as a real spaceship, they don't really fit into Warcraft, but maybe it can fly in space with magic :cool:.

That's really cool, but I think you should make the horns' (or whatever they are) textures a bit darker, or mix the red color with a grey or something like that.
Those horns or spikes are from the Demongate Model and also use this Textures.
You can easily change the color of them yourself if you want.
Export the Demongate Textures, change the color of the spikes, import it in your map. (if you don't want to override the default demongate, change the name of the texture, and change the Texture-path in the model (with MdXPather or converting to .mdl and change with notepad)
Level 3
Jan 10, 2009
DUDE!!! im working on 2 maps(at same time might put one on hold prob the mideval one) this is perfect for my future map as 3rd race flying space thing that bring ships to battle for the reaver race =D ty m8
Level 3
Jun 10, 2009
When I look at this, I see a simple model that most likely takes little space and can be useful.
lol why not? nice idea . but it doesnt look like a space ship... if u were trying 2 make 1 , u faild :p . like The end says , it looks more like a siege barge
The name is space ship, but I think we all know demons dont have space ships as much as these flying things that are run by fel energy, like a demonic zeplin only with reinforced carapace and a cannon.:eekani:
Level 3
Jun 10, 2009
When I look at this, I see a simple model that most likely takes little space and can be useful.
lol why not? nice idea . but it doesnt look like a space ship... if u were trying 2 make 1 , u faild :p . like The end says , it looks more like a siege barge
The name is space ship, but I think we all know demons dont have space ships as much as these flying things that are run by fel energy, like a demonic zeplin only with reinforced carapace and a cannon.:eekani:
Level 2
Oct 21, 2009
amazing yet simple i think the spikes could be edited to go wit hthe model more but otherwise awesome model and animations
Level 2
Nov 17, 2008
Wtf am I doing wrong?

This would be great if I could use it? I'm assuming that I have the wrong path for the file in the Import Manager. Why the hell can't the model creators just tell you the path? Is everyone but me psychic :cry: