*Defending Heroes* - looking for member(s) !

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Level 5
Feb 1, 2009
I know that maps are "a dime a dozen" in the wc3 universe and for that very reason I have set out to make an online map with these 3 goals at the forefront:

1 - fun
2 - unique
3 - addicting

Defending Heroes is a defense map with combined elements of rpg and pvp as well. The idea is that enemies invade from 4 corners of the city while players defend it, with a battle arena introduced every x waves as well.

The unique aspects that are implemented already include:
- 9 slot hero equipment system (a weapon slot, ring slot, etc...)
- unlimited inventory slots system
- very, very deep equipment upgrade system where players must find scrolls to upgrade the grade of their gear (over 600 gear items already)
- dynamic creep and boss systems: monster difficulty scales with hero level and items !!!
- auction system: players can place their hard-earned items for auction to other players
- ALL SCRIPTED HERO SPELLS AND BOSSES (no generic wc3 overplayed spells)
- Scripted item abilities
- Damage count system where every physical and magical damage a player does to the enemy is stored as BATTLE POINTS and players are rewarded accordingly.
- Spell power system that gives magic-dealers as much presedence as physical attackers

* 90% of my time has been spent balancing the game dynamics from items to hero spells to creeps *

I have easily spent over 150 hours on this map and I am looking for members!!:
-> scripting hero spells/putting together heroes
-> terrain help
-> item creation

This map was released for early-play testing and there was insane cries for "rmk" each time. It is now not in a "testable state " whch is why i dont have a version for people to try out at this time.

If you have any interest at all in what I described and have knowledge with map-making, especially Hero Spell Creation (4 spells per hero), give me a shout.

Note: I can work with GUI or Jass but lean towards GUI more.
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