Defend the World Tree

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Level 5
Mar 6, 2007
I always enjoyed the final mission on reign of chaos, where you have to defend the world tree.
i noticed that the map actually could maybe have a multiplayer version based of it, with the players being Jaina/humans, Thrall/Orcs, Tyrande/Night Elves, Cairne/Tauren(with small numbers and in a joint base with the orc player)
also with a scourge player, demon player and archimondes elite guard
(so 3 or 4 players defending against an army of demons and undead, either ai controlled, or controlled by a group of players as archimondes various dreadlords/pitlords/demonic or undead captains)

it could be a great map, and yes i am aware that this is my third idea without finishing a map, im currently working on the island nations idea and waiting for feedback/availability of good models for my future of war map.
also i may not have the time to accuratly recreate the terrain of such a lengthy campaign map, on top of trying 2 do two other maps, aswell as church and TEE lol
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