Defend Not Working

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Level 8
Jul 8, 2013
So I was testing one of my maps and I realized that a defend spell one of my heroes was supposed to have was not bouncing back enemy attacks as it should. I did a bunch of tests to try to figure out why and came across something truly bizarre:

Normal defend on normal footmen does not work on my map either. Just to make absolutely certain I ran a ladder map (bandit ridge) and used a footman vs some gnoll warden creeps. Defend worked, their projectiles bounced back and damaged them.

So I put some neutral hostile gnoll wardens on my map and tried it. Did not work.

I deleted my custom defend in case that was somehow interfering with the normal defend and tried it again. It did not work. Defend simply does not work on my map under the exact same circumstances it would work in a ladder map. Does anyone know what could cause this?
Level 25
May 11, 2007
Go to Advanced - Gameplay constants.
Find the line with "defend deflects" and set it to true.

It's probably false due to the map not set to use the latest patch in terms of health, damage, etc(?), you can do that in map->scenario options.
Level 24
Aug 1, 2013

Turn all triggers that have anything to do with abilities, damage and orders.
Then test it again and turn each trigger on one by one.

Post the trigger if you cannot find it yourself.

Go to Advanced - Gameplay constants.
Find the line with "defend deflects" and set it to true.
It is also off on normal maps... could it make difference?
Level 25
May 11, 2007

Turn all triggers that have anything to do with abilities, damage and orders.
Then test it again and turn each trigger on one by one.

Post the trigger if you cannot find it yourself.

It is also off on normal maps... could it make difference?
Why do you need triggers when the solution I posted works, try it. It works.

Bootybay is a melee map and it's on for me..


Level 8
Jul 8, 2013
Lord Dz is right, I just needed to change that gameplay constant. How peculiar that the default gameplay constants would not work for a melee map, but that changing the gameplay constants makes your map be declared non-melee.
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