Defence of Lich King

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
just try my map.. this is my first map release so there are many bugs report if persist.

making a trigger is so difficult, i want to change more in this map, but i know only is basic, i want is "2" ally and the rest is enemy, i cant create a permanent computer ally and permanent computer enemy.. triggering is always pissed me off..

lich king

Defence of Lich King (Map)

09:00, 29th Aug 2011 -Kobas-: Status: Rejected
Lacking description, please tell us about your map's features, some screenshots/videos, credits, changelog, is your map protected, ...?
You could use a template.

Oh and I'm very proud of you, you've managed to place millions of units on the map only for player red and there are no triggers whatsoever other than the default melee ones.
Check out the tutorials section to learn more about triggers and gameplay.